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At last,the tithing book is out !

Mon, 9 Dec 2013 Source: Brother Amartey

At last the print version of the book has rolled off the presses and are being distributed to all those who have requested for copies. The books are being distributed in batches, from the USA, on a "first come, first served" basis, and this week some in Ghana, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Qatar, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United States and other places would receive their copies. Indeed, as I write, some have started to report that they received their copies last week. First class mail from the USA may take 1-2 weeks for delivery, so please be patient and be assured that everyone will receive their copy in due season and nobody would be left out.

Well, the Bible has all the answers to your questions about tithing and my book is just a little guide to show you the truth in your own Bible, and now you'd know the truth and the truth shall set you free indeed. The Bible reveals all the secrets that have been hidden from the masses for generations and this book takes you from Genesis through the New Testament and shows you that tithing as practiced today in the church is a BIG LIE, a religious SCAM that has been imposed on Christians out of ignorance or greed or both. Yes, Christians are to give to support God's work, but they are to do so willingly, cheerfully, freely and according to their ability and without the lies, manipulation, coercion, intimidation and curses imposed on them by preachers who misapply Scriptures to rob and steal from God's people.

The Bible requires us to "prove all things." 1 Thessalonians 5:21. And this book will help you to prove from your Bible the relevance or irrelevance of tithing today. It would help you to understand the blessings, power, authority and privileges we have through the accomplished work of Jesus Christ and to support God's work in love and not out of fear of being cursed or robbing God, or bringing ourselves under condemnation or guilt because we could not afford that mandatory 10% tithe.

Fellow believers, the time has come for each and everyone of us to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:10-11. We are to search the Scriptures to see whether what we have been taught, read, or heard is in accordance with the Bible, which is the word of God and is the truth. The Bereans received Paul's teaching gladly, but they searched the Scriptures to see " whether those things were so." They did not just accept Paul's teaching because he was an apostle, or because he had an encounter with the Lord, or because he was a great theologian who studied under the feet of Gamaliel, but they searched the Scriptures to see whether Paul's teaching aligned with the word of God. This is what the Lord requires us to do, and then we can become "noble" Christians like the Bereans. I was brainwashed about tithing for many years until these verses challenged me to search the Scriptures and now " I have more understanding than all my teachers who taught me tithing, for Your word is my meditation." Psalm 119:99.

Any Christian who has come under condemnation, intimidation, manipulation, coercion, harassment, guilt, fear or curses would now know the truth which is right inside your Bible and you would be set free forever. The Lord Jesus has redeemed us with His blood; He has made us priests, kings and queens and we're now joint-heirs with Him in all things, so how can we rob God when we have joint-ownership with Him?

Get your copy, read the book and search the Scriptures to see whether you are the one robbing God, or whether it is the preachers who are robbing you in the name of the Lord. Now you would know whether you're cursed if you don't tithe or whether the preachers have been lying to you, twisting Scriptures out of ignorance or greed to rob and steal your money. Now you would understand and appreciate the blessings, the power and the authority we have through the redemptive work of Jesus the Messiah. Now you could walk in confidence and in the knowledge of the truth that you are not a thief, but a joint-heir with Jesus the Messiah.

You would know the truth and the truth shall set you free indeed! John 8:32.

Brother Amartey

[email protected] @Revival4Now on Twitter

Source: Brother Amartey