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Church resumes June 14 – Methodist Church Ghana

Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo Most Rev Dr Paul K Boafo is the Presiding Bishop Methodist Church Ghana

Wed, 3 Jun 2020 Source:

The Methodist Church Ghana has announced that all Methodist Societies shall hold their first church service on Sunday, 14 June 2020 following the lifting of the ban on religious gatherings in the country.

The church says all Methodist societies should use the week preceding the Sunday, June 14 to prepare for disinfecting chapels, training ushers/stewards to receive and record data, providing all the necessary logistics for observing the protocols of hygiene.

President Akufo-Addo on Sunday eased the restrictions on religious gatherings under strict guidelines for churches and mosques that wish to open.

He limited the number of worshippers to 100 among others.

In light of this, the Methodist Church noted that “where the congregation size is large multiple church services should be organised and that weekday and weekend services could be considered. For example, Wednesday to Saturday evening divine services could be held. If Saturday and Sunday are targeted for services, societies could have 6am, 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm, 4pm etc services. Our Wednesday evening services should not be revival meetings.”

Alternatively, the church suggested that the above available services that the society is prepared to hold could be posted for members to register per each service of choice on first-come to register basis for each 100 members.

“Once your preferred service is full, you’re given the opportunity to choose another available service (just like booking for a service with all the protocols attached to booking – first-come-first-serve basis),” the church stated in a statement.

The church added that there will be no children’s service.

Find below government’s guidelines on the opening of churches:

Churches are to ensure a No-handshake, No-hugging and no-spitting policy at all time.

No crowded dancing and waving of handkerchiefs during church services.

Microphones are to be sanitised immediately after each use.

All persons who speak or sing in churches must wear facemask during service.

Churches are to discourage singing in groups and instead use pre-recorded songs.

Pre-packaged communion bread and wine should be picked up by members at the point of entry.

Place offering bowls at the entrance and exit points for members to give offerings and tithes when entering or on their way out of church premises. Encourage cash transfers via mobile money or mobile banking as forms of giving offerings.

In observance of social-distancing protocols, laying-on of hands should not be allowed.

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