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Congratulations To G.C.B.C.

Sun, 15 Sep 2013 Source: leo r. sam

Congratulations To G.C.B.C. ( Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference )

By Leo R. Sam

SPECIAL congratulations to Most Rev .Joseph Osei-Bonsu, president of G.C.B.C. All truly patriotic and peace-loving Ghanaians should show appreciation to all the bishops in the conference for the thought-provoking statement issued after the Supreme Court verdict on the Election Petition.

The statement entitled:


published on Ghanaweb General news of Tuesday, 3 September 2013, is a perfect BLUE PRINT for :

1. Social Justice

2. Lasting Peace

3. Real Development

for our motherland, Ghana.


The fact that there were only 12 comments on the article suggests that readers MISSED reading an important article.

May I suggest to Ghanaweb to publish that article at least FOUR TIMES during the next month to draw the attention of TRULY PATRIOTIC GHANAIANS.

The Church has a role to play in politics as far as social justice is concerned. The document issued by the G.C.B.C. is an excellent example of what true pastors should be doing in Africa in general and Ghana in particular.

May I suggest to the SECRETARIATE of the G.C.B.C. to send an official copy of the statement to:

1. Every Member of Parliament

2. The President of every major political party in the country.

3. The Secretary General of every major political party in the country

4. The top Civil Servant in every major department.

Individual Ghanaians have a very important part to play in the development of the country. At the moment about 75% of Ghanaians ( at home and abroad ) accept corrupt activities as NORMAL. Many Ghanaians overseas still conduct dubious deals at the ports in Tema and Takoradi. As long as this attitude remains, progress in Ghana will be at a standstill. A few people will selfishly steal the resources of the country and hide the loot in foreign banks. Honest workers, who refuse to participate in the corrupt activities are considered as FOOLS by friends and relatives. They become the laughing stalk of society

For real progress to take place to promote the COMMON GOOD, at least 51% of Ghanaians must decide to abandon KALABULE, GYINABU, GALAMSAY and 419 deals. The lame excuse that everybody is doing it and so I must join, is NOT acceptable.

Disgraceful headlines like the following will continue to appear in our newspapers:

1. Over 80% Of Ghanaians Lack Access To Sanitation

2. Over 1000 Schools Under Trees In Ghana ?

3. Ghana Ranked 3rd Haven For Illegal Fiscal Deals

4. Two Students Jailed 70 Years & Elite Robbers Set Free

5. Bloody Pen-Armed Robbers : Postcolonial Vultures

6. Tons Of Gold Imports From Ghana Turn To Dust In Dubai

7. Admit It, Your Nice Home Is a Prison !!!

8. A.M.A. To Prosecute Homes And Offices Without Toilet

9. Party Executives Are Busily Amassing Wealth - M.P.

10. Do Ghana Presidents Pay Taxes ? United States Presidents Do !!!

One noteworthy paragraph in the G.C.B.C. statement emphasized ".called for a critical and dispassionate review of the electoral process to bring relevant reforms to ensure that problems and difficulties associated with elections will be completely eliminated or reduced to the barest minimum in the future".

Once more CONGRATULATIONS to the G.C.B.C. and the President Most Rev. Joseph Osei-Bonsu.

The Church has a legitimate role to play in politics. The G.C.B.C. has demonstrated good Christian Leadership.


Leo R. Sam

Edmonton, Alberta


[email protected]

Source: leo r. sam