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End of the times?

Mon, 18 Aug 2008 Source: THE SUN


After years of research into theology and biblical prophetic history, Apostle Kadmiel Agbalenyoh, President of World Theocratic Religious Organization and also the leader of the Seventh Day Church of Theocracy, would tomorrow release his years of research about the mystery surrounding the end of the world. According to Apostle Agbalenyoh, the biblical prophecy and research indicate that United Nations is the SEVENTH and LAST Kingdom to run the world before the much-awaited day of the Lord.

“Any serious student of the Bible is aware of the Seven Kingdoms that should control the world before the end-time, and as far as we are concerned the world has already passed through the hands of the six prophetic kingdoms described by the scriptures,” he said.

“The Old Testament prophecy were fulfilled in the New Testament, the End of the world would not come until the last prophecy is fulfilled, and to alert the world about that last prophecy which is the seventh Kingdom we want to prove at the forum that indeed the UN is the last and seventh Kingdom being referred to in the Bible,” he told THE SUN in an exclusive interview last Thursday in Accra.

He said the first prophetic Kingdom to rule the world was Babylonia Empire, followed by Medopersia, Gracia, and the Romans Empire.

The rest he said were Papacy, with America taking the sixth position while the Seventh and the last Kingdom before the end time is the United Nations.

He said, as the servants of the Lord and also students of the Bible it was incumbent on the part of Christians to propagate the hidden mystery in the scriptures about the end of the world. ‘I want the believers to realize that we are on the verge of the end of the world and this is the sealing time for the Lord to pick his own, both physical and spiritual Israel and as such there is no time to joke around. We must teach our children to live a righteous life and avoid sin in every shape or form”, Apostle Agbalenyoh told THE SUN. He said the UN declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are all part of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and should not be underrated. Apostle Agbalenyoh said, all that the forum which is expected to attract thousands of people would seek to do is to examine and explain scripture position of the NU.

Source: THE SUN