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God is our father,

Sun, 15 Jun 2014 Source: Joe Kingsley Eyiah,

God is our father, let God be God, let fathers be fathers!

By Joe Kingsley Eyiah, OCT, Brookview Middle School, Toronto

“When you pray, say our FATHER in Heaven…….” Luke 11:2

On Sunday, June 15, 2014, the world celebrates Father’s Day.

I have been inspired to write this short discourse to honor our FATHER in Heaven and to congratulate fathers around the world after reflecting on a topic in a revival series run recently in Toronto by my church pastor. The topic was: Run to Your Father! God, our Father, is our refuge and as His children, we can always run to Him for security, protection and provisions. He is a father indeed!

Do you know your role as a father? Are you fulfilling such role? What is your biggest challenge as a father? As we celebrate Father’s Day we need to allow ‘fathers to be fathers.’

Fathers and Families:

Unfortunately, families nowadays are so busy and burdened that each person (father, mother and child) ends up going his/her own way. When do families spend quality time together? Father hooked to the TV or the computer; mother on the phone and child left with video games!

Fathers, undoubtedly, are the heads of the families, (my apologies to single mothers whose roles are equal to that of fathers and even beyond). This does not mean that fathers have the right to boss everyone around! As rightly pointed out, ‘being the head of a family is about being a leader not a dictator. Self-discipline is the key to good ‘fatherhood’! For, ‘if a father is a good and just person and treats everyone with respect, then his children will learn more when he says you must show respect to each person you meet.

As a teacher, it is sad to note that some students hate talking about their fathers because there is NO RELATIONSHIP between them and their biological fathers. Some student will simply tell you, ‘I have no father’ or ‘forget about my father!’

Do we as fathers know our role in parenting?

Fathers’ Role in Parenting:

So much have been said and written about the role of the father in parenting. Prominent among the discussion include;

a) The father as a role model-fathers are the first role models to their children whether they realize it or not. For example, a girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by boys. Sons also learn their first important lessons in life from their fathers.

b) Fathers must spend quality time their children. Children feel neglected when their fathers appear always too busy to have time for them. Spending time with your kids at sporting activities and on tours bring fathers more close to their children.

c) Fathers must respect their children’s mother. That is one of the best things a father can do for his children. Even if you are no longer married to your children’s mother, it is still important to respect and support the mother of your children. By so doing your children are more likely to feel that they are also accepted and respected.

d) Last but not the least; fathers must discipline their children with love!

Have you ever heard of the saying, LET GOD BE GOD! Well, if you ignore God in your life then you are denying your creator His rightful place in your life! Think about that and also give your father his rightful place in your life. Fathers need the unflinching support of their wives or mothers of their children in their role in parenting. Let the fathers be fathers! HAPP

Source: Joe Kingsley Eyiah,