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Kwame Nkrumah Neither God, Nor Redeemer Nor Father Of Ghana

Tue, 29 Jun 2010 Source: Agbozo, Enoch Immanuel Amanor

Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo

Blessed be Ghana, the nation sought out, delivered, set free, redeemed, married and made holy unto God. Ghana has been established as nation and people of God for God’s praise and kingdom glory in Africa and the world.

God the Creator is the God, Father and Redeemer of Ghana. There is and there can be no other God for Ghana beside Jehovah, the Creator, Father of Jesus Christ, Head of the Church.

In this regard, the Lord God Jehovah would like His servant to inform Church, Government, nation and People of Ghana and hence Africa and the world that Kwame Nkrumah the first President of the Republic of Ghana is NOT GOD. He is neither God nor father nor redeemer of the nation.

In that wise any attempt to deify Kwame Nkrumah, install and honour him as God, father and redeemer of the nation will fail. He, the Most High God cannot allow His chosen and redeemed nation and people to be subjected to the domination and worship of Nkrumah.

As the Bible has clearly declared, there is only one God. All others are but idols. And blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah (and) the people He has chosen for His own inheritance.

It is and will be an abomination therefore to deify Nkrumah and make the nation, people and the rest of creation in Ghana the possession and inheritance of Kwame Nkrumah.

In that vein, it will be most unfortunate indeed an abomination to represent Ghana as the possession and inheritance of Kwame Nkrumah unto Africa and the world. Kwame Nkrumah is not god. He is not and cannot be the God and father of Ghana.

As the Spirit of the Lord has caused us to declare on a few occasions before, it took special divine intervention to deliver the country from the Nkrumah spirit and power system, the atheistic-humanistic philosophy, ideology and idolatrous political power system and social order dominated and controlled by Nkrumah as God, father and redeemer, owner and possessor of the country.

First, the Church of God in the land had to undertake special mission of reconciliation to bring peace between the nation and God. Second, the Church had had to engage in battles to dismantle the Nkrumah spirit-power system controlling the country. Third, there were battles – deep spiritual warfare of national redemption. The Kingdom battles as we call them involved deep spiritual warfare to neutralize principalities and powers to deliver and redeem the country from the political, religious and cultural forces of evil, darkness and death, wickedness and oppression, as well as unrighteousness and unjust social forces accountable for the poverty, backwardness and non-progress that have held African countries in captivity for centuries before the mercantile-capitalists-imperialists expeditions, exploitation and domination.

The overthrow and fall of Nkrumah was therefore not the entire story. The pre-and post-independence political party rivalry and the civilian versus military political tango that held the country’s development and progress at bay needed to be contained also in the Divine intervention and redemption. It is the Divine redemption that set the nation free and set the stage for a new and fresh start at development, social engineering and nation building as a whole in the knowledge of God, peace, righteousness and justice, freedom and liberty. The Spirit of peace and goodwill, life and liberty in the knowledge of God is of a higher pedestal than democracy can offer.

A new Ghana has since been born. A new system of spiritual and social order, politics, governance and nation building and national heritage must of need be established.

In this regard, it is very unfortunate that politics in Ghana is TURNING BACK TO THE OLD ERSTWHILE NEGATIVE POLITICAL PARTY RIVALRY, the threats of military take-over, regimentary rule and governance by the gun and now also by the mob. There has also arisen the return and upsurge of traditional bloodletting, wickedness and violence, idolatory, ritual murders, sorcery, witchcraft and murders.

The Mills Administration has seen the re-emergence and upsurge of wickedness, irresponsible and negative exercise of state, government and political party power symptomatic of the Nkrumah-CPP and military eras. There has thus arisen the inevitable consequence of political disquiet, economic uncertainties and social malaise. The abuse of office and power, corruption and bad governance cannot but rise in such circumstances.

Further, the Mills Administration is witnessing the resurrection and upsurge of negative political party rivalry of old and the putrefying wounds thereof. It is very sad from the Almighty God’s view point and that of the history of the country that the Mills Administration is also championing the re-visitation of the Dark and Evil Days of Nkrumah-God, Nkrumah-Father, Nkrumah-Redeemer, Nkrumah-Ghana which provoked Divine wrath and judgment in the first place and got the nation through much a travail and pain in foreign intrusion and civilian-military power tango, national reproach, dire economic and social consequences. The brain drain, the scattering of nationals on political and economic grounds all started in the Nkrumah-God, Nkrumah-Father, Nkrumah-Redeemer, Nkrumah-One Party State era. The negative effects and loss to the country is without doubt very enormous. Ghana cannot and must NOT TURN THE CLOCK BACK!!!

It is imperative therefore as a prophet of God we declare the Lord’s word that Nkrumah is not God, nor the father and or redeemer of Ghana at the time of Independence and even more so as she now stands as Beulah, a nation redeemed, married and made holy unto God. (Is. 62: 3-5, 12; Ps. 33: 12) It is crucial in this connection that the nation is in no way bewitched and made to return to the dark days of old. The fact is that Nkrumah is not the author, the spirit and power, the sole engineer and player in the colonial emancipation movement in the country.

The agitation for emancipation and self-rule started in the Gold Coast long before the World War II which set ablaze the global colonial emancipation movement.

The Gold Coast colonial emancipation machine was SET IN PLACE and WAS IN MOTION BEFORE NKRUMAH was invited on board to serve on it. Now, quite apart from the fact that Nkrumah’s resignation from the UGCC and formation of the CPP was not a new and fresh start at colonial emancipation in the country, the rise of multi-party politics, electioneering campaigns and the negotiations with the colonial powers and all were an integral part of the emancipation movement. It served as a learning process and maturity in party politics, constitutional governance, public administration and self-rule dynamics.

It goes without saying that the dominance of Nkrumah’s CPP was but part of the process of maturity in party politics, democratic governance and self-rule. The activities of the BIG SIX, the contribution of the UGCC-UP in party politics and the personal contributions of Paa Grant, Dr. J. B. Danquah and Obetsebi-Lamptey and others of the UGCC-UP fold and those of K. A. Gbedemah and Kojo Botsio of the CPP, and some of the chiefs of the country were all important factors in paving the way for Ghana’s lead in the race for independence in Africa south of the Sahara. We must observe here that Dr. Danquah’s “death” in Nkrumah’s prison is a great sacrifice and part of the process towards the nation’s independence. It served as a table, a meal in the fight for freedom, justice and liberty. Danquah deserves as much honour as Nkrumah.

It is noteworthy that the REST of the BIG SIX and the UGCC did not abandon the original emancipation machine, nor did they quit the battle. That made their contribution an Important Integral Part of the nation’s march towards independence.

It may be appreciated in this connection, the wisdom in presenting the BIG SIX for honour as kind of founding fathers of the nation. The attempt to sideline the BIG SIX and raise and enthrone Kwame Nkrumah as God, Father and Redeemer of the nation is first not true to the fact and second and most important still an ABOMINATION TO GOD who intervened to deliver the country from the Nkrumah spirit-power and political party machine, as well as his atheistic-humanist-idolatorous captive system.

Ghana is free forever from the Kwame Nkrumah spirit-power and captive machine. Nkrumah is dead. There is no resurrection for him. In any case, HE IS NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN, nor ever WILL BE GOD. Like all the other players, Kwame Nkrumah played his part, quite well at that, at both the positive and negative ends. We can draw lessons as a nation from it for the future and for the nations of Africa. Nevertheless, let us tell the entire story, get the records straight and draw due lessons from all. But for all spiritual, political and social purposes, Kwame Nkrumah is neither God nor father nor redeemer of Ghana. Let us celebrate God the Creator, not Kwame Nkrumah. May 19, 2010 [email protected]

Source: Agbozo, Enoch Immanuel Amanor