










Pastor urges Christians to avoid electoral violence

CODEO  Election On the 7th December, 2020 Ghana will go to the polls to elect a new President

Sun, 15 Nov 2020 Source: GNA

Reverend Thomas Henry Quamson, Senior Pastor of Assemblies of God, Holy Ghost Worship Centre, on Sunday advised Christians to avoid all forms of violence before, during and after the elections.

He said Christians should portray the discipline of their saviour Jesus Christ and allow His teachings to guide them in all endeavours, adding that they must comport themselves in critical times such as the electioneering to avoid violence.

Speaking during the church service, Rev. Quamson said Jesus is the Prince of Peace and followers should be agents of peace in their communities.

He advised the congregants to obey the rules and regulations guiding the elections and report all concerns to the appropriate authorities for redress instead of taking the law into their own hands.

“My advice to you is that after casting your ballot on December 7, go home and follow the results on radio or television,” he said.

Rev. Quamson said that would protect them from falling victim to or getting involved in any form of violence.

"Don't allow yourselves to be used by politicians to perpetrate violence because when you get hurt in the process no political party will support you," he said.

He said they should also watch their interactions on social media platforms to keep safe.

Touching on the need to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols, he advised Christians and the public as a whole to observe the safety measures to avoid a second wave as the figures kept rising.

“The mask is meant to cover the nose and mouth and not the chin. Leaving the mask hanging under your chin does not serve any purpose,” he said.

He said wearing the mask properly, avoiding handshaking and frequent washing of hands with soap under running water, among other protective measures, would save the nation a second wave.

Source: GNA
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