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Pastors must uproot evil in society - Rev. Pobee

Sat, 9 Feb 2013 Source: GABRIEL OWUSU

A call has been made to pastors to uproot, destroy and transform society. Rev. Enoch Adjei Pobee, District Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG), Immanuel Congregation, Madina, said this in a sermon to induct Rev. Mark Mensah Boye as the resident minister of the PCG, Faith Congregation, Madina Estate.

Rev. Pobee said the holy ministry which some people have been called to serve is from God and the servants must be receptive and obedient to the biblical message to transform and bring hope to the people. He advised pastors to be spirit-filled to proclaim exactly what God says to them. He deplored the situation where by pastors and prophets gave false prophesies for financial gains.

Rev. Pobee also expressed disgust about some pastors who twist the Word of God for their selfish gains. He disclosed that the Word of God is truth and therefore exhorted Pastors to preach truth and not man-centered gospel. “God is a God those who follow him must also be truthful. He warned pastors not to flatter and please the wealthy but expose their evil ways to be transformed. Don’t slacken in prayer. Be spirit-filled to overcome temptations and trials. Visit the poor, the sick and the needy. Rely on God and not human beings for strength, wisdom and knowledge. Remember that you can do everything through Him who gives you strength. Be an agent of change – spiritually and morally. Be cheerful, humble and friendly to all and teach them to pray without ceasing.”

In his address the Rev. Boye said he was aware of societal challenges ad would always rely on God for wisdom, direction, strength and guidance. He condemned evil practices in the society that some pastors have kept mute. The resident minister therefore urged “men and women of God” to speak the truth and expose all kinds of evil in the society without fear and favour. “By exposing evil you will face threats and abuses but don’t be afraid, stand firm be courageous and remember what the Lord told Prophet Jeremiah “to go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you.”

Turning on the resident minister, Rev. Pobee urged Rev. Boye to serve and not to be served. “Feed your congregants with the Word of God. Don’t be afraid to rebuke any congregant who commits sin; you must also strive to lead an exemplary life to avoid criticisms. Arm yourself with prayer to be able to drive the snares of the devil. Seek wisdom and knowledge from God and be obedient, faithful and humble.”

In his address Rev. Boye condemned the practice of homosexuality by some people and warned them to change quoting from the Bible (Corinthians 9:6b) that “neither the sexually immoral nor idolatrous not adulteresses nor male prostitutes nor thieve nor greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God.”

Rev. Boye exhorted parents to train their children on Christian’s principles so that they would grow to become useful and responsible citizens.

Born in 1949, Rev. Boye had his secondary school education at the Wesley Grammar School. He worked as Personnel Manager at the State Housing Corporation and entered the University of Ghana to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree. He also holds M Div. from the Knox College, Canada, LLB from the University of London and a certificate from the London School of Journalism.

Rev. Boye was ordained in 1997 and is married to Regina. They are blessed with four children.