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Re: Prophet TB Joshua's spiritual prowess is not from God

TB Joshua Owusu Bempa

Mon, 13 May 2013 Source: TB Joshua Fans/UK

What does Owusu Bempah hope to achieve by discrediting T.B. Joshua? If he says T.B. Joshua’s anointing is not from God, his own ministry has been questioned by Rev. Agyin Asare and Arch Bishop Duncan Williams.
I only hope he will try and rebuild his ministry after so many scandals that has rocked it and rendered it weak and powerless. Does he want to rebuild his ministry on the back of T.B. Joshua? Owusu Bempah indeed has a tarnished reputation in Ghana and abroad. In London, the police had to intervene when one David Myles organised a crusade for him, but only a handful of people turned up, he got so much annoyed that he had not been paid his share of money and he threatened to fight the organiser of the crusade, David Myles. The police had to be called in to bring sanity to the situation.
Owusu Bempah has been embroiled in so many problems bothering on integrity and honesty. He bought a stolen car from a fraudster which became the news of the day and also an affair with his maid servant which also became a national issue. It is this same Owusu Bempah who had a massive stroke and was flown to London for medical help and admission. He didn’t take a cue from this but rather turned against Agyin Asare, and the rest saying they were not from God.
What is Owusu Bempah’ s achievement apart from siphoning monies from unsuspecting Ghanaians for his lavish lifestyle? Can he tell us why his lawfully wedded wife divorced him? Owusu Bempah should give us a break from his demonic posturing. Yes, we know God can use any medium to bring healing and deliverance to his people but what has his giving of salt and honey done to people who attend his crusades?
At least, we can testify of T.B. Joshua's anointing water and stickers. I advice Owusu Bempah to mend his chequered ways and concentrate on his ministry and stop attacking pastors. Today is Agyin Asare, tomorrow is T.B. Joshua. If it is a personality conflict, he should see his doctors again in England. Ghanaians are getting fed up with his sickening effusions
Let me say this, there is no one in Ghana with the anointing T.B. Joshua has been endowed with. Owusu Bempah is becoming irrelevant in Christendom. He wants to be noticed and recognised at all cost. I will rather urge him to further his education and start learning English.

What does Owusu Bempah hope to achieve by discrediting T.B. Joshua? If he says T.B. Joshua’s anointing is not from God, his own ministry has been questioned by Rev. Agyin Asare and Arch Bishop Duncan Williams.
I only hope he will try and rebuild his ministry after so many scandals that has rocked it and rendered it weak and powerless. Does he want to rebuild his ministry on the back of T.B. Joshua? Owusu Bempah indeed has a tarnished reputation in Ghana and abroad. In London, the police had to intervene when one David Myles organised a crusade for him, but only a handful of people turned up, he got so much annoyed that he had not been paid his share of money and he threatened to fight the organiser of the crusade, David Myles. The police had to be called in to bring sanity to the situation.
Owusu Bempah has been embroiled in so many problems bothering on integrity and honesty. He bought a stolen car from a fraudster which became the news of the day and also an affair with his maid servant which also became a national issue. It is this same Owusu Bempah who had a massive stroke and was flown to London for medical help and admission. He didn’t take a cue from this but rather turned against Agyin Asare, and the rest saying they were not from God.
What is Owusu Bempah’ s achievement apart from siphoning monies from unsuspecting Ghanaians for his lavish lifestyle? Can he tell us why his lawfully wedded wife divorced him? Owusu Bempah should give us a break from his demonic posturing. Yes, we know God can use any medium to bring healing and deliverance to his people but what has his giving of salt and honey done to people who attend his crusades?
At least, we can testify of T.B. Joshua's anointing water and stickers. I advice Owusu Bempah to mend his chequered ways and concentrate on his ministry and stop attacking pastors. Today is Agyin Asare, tomorrow is T.B. Joshua. If it is a personality conflict, he should see his doctors again in England. Ghanaians are getting fed up with his sickening effusions
Let me say this, there is no one in Ghana with the anointing T.B. Joshua has been endowed with. Owusu Bempah is becoming irrelevant in Christendom. He wants to be noticed and recognised at all cost. I will rather urge him to further his education and start learning English.

Source: TB Joshua Fans/UK