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The Truth of Genesis

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 Source: Cummings, Herman

I get tired of reading where people are talking about teaching Creationism. They don't know what Biblical Creation is. Yet they speak in ignorance, mostly saying that they don't think that Creationism should be taught in public (science class) schools. At least with that I partly agree. Because there is no one, anywhere, in any school system, that is qualified to teach Biblical Creation. Those that think that they are teaching Creationism are teaching foolishness, false doctrine, and not teaching the truth of Genesis. Genesis does not have any "creation accounts", while many think that it has "two", one in chapter one, and a "more detailed' one in chapter two. This just shows the ignorance of those that don't understand the Genesis text, and most refuse to learn the truth.

The biggest laugh comes from the "young Earth" teachers, who try to convince others that the Earth is only 6 000 to 10,000 years old. This is in direct conflict with scientific reality, and the true reading of Genesis. It's embarrassing to see them try to add up the years from Adam (who they think only lived 930 years), on down to Jesus, who was born in 7 BC. They deny the existence of humanity before Adam and Eve, which were formed from the dust of the Earth. So where do they put Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthals? They claim that there was "no death before Adam", but that is not found in scripture.

Adam's disobedience brought death into this advent of mankind.

Adam was formed in about 7200 BC. The modern animals, along with the birds, were made in about 7100 BC, and Eve came along in about 7000 BC. I'm guessing that the animals lived in and out of the Garden, and Adam probably took Eve out on sight-seeing trips to lands surrounding the Garden. They did this for 2,733 years., until Eve ate of the evil tree in 4267 BC. It is then that the years of Adam's age begins to be counted, because that is when he "began to die". So from 7200 BC, till 3337 BC, when Adam died, Adam had lived for 3,863 years.

The reason the sequence of events in Genesis chapter one, do not agree with those in Genesis chapter two, is because Moses was writing about two different time periods. So actually, Genesis is declaring the existence of pre-historic man, which lived more than 60 million years before God made Adam and Eve. The world of science won't admit to mankind being on Earth any earlier than 10 million years ago., which shows how misinformed they are. Or is it that they are in denial?

"Old Earth" Creationism commits infidelity, by calling God a liar, saying that the days of Creation Week were long periods of time (millions of years each). This is another example of ignorance. God told Israel in Exodus 20:11, "For in six days, the Lord made heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day:". The world of science has proven the Moon to be the same age as that of the Earth. Therefore, those two factors alone prove that "old Earth" Creationism is false.

Just as I have written elsewhere, those that think they believe the Bible don't understand the Genesis text. Again, Genesis does not have "two creation accounts". People insist on claiming that Genesis conveys Creation Week, and it does not. Even Bible college professors and "Doctors of Divinity" don't understand the text. They try to explain chapter one, but they come across as being in denial of reality, misrepresenting God's Word.

Many try to explain Genesis as giving allegorical messages, in a weak attempt to give accreditation to what Moses wrote. God knows that "the first day", starting in Genesis 1:2, was not the First Day of Creation Week!! So is God the dummy, or is it those that have refused to do their homework, and discover what God was revealing to mankind?

Genesis is a much more scientific book than mankind is generally aware of, and it takes specific training to learn what it is revealing to modern mankind. Repeating, the correct reading of Genesis chapter one declares that mankind has been on this Earth, in his present likeness, for over 60 million years. When people hear that, they want to laugh, and crack jokes. The truth is, Moses was writing about an earlier advent of pre-historic mankind, and not just that of Adam and Eve.

All of this would be common knowledge, but for 19 years, over 9000 churches, 3600 colleges, 350 school boards, and Gov. Jindal, have refused to view the presentation called the "Observations of Moses". It seems like much of the Clergy would rather support evolution, such as the "Clergy Letter Project". Louisiana could have lead the nation in teaching the truth, but they all chose to remain in, and teach, ignorance, from the Governor on down to every local school board, and high school., I wrote them all; they which had a website.

Now, let us talk about the world of science. They are insane, because they would rather lie to the public, than to admit that there is a Creator. Yes, they lie, and they know it, because they have been withholding evidence from the public in order to not have to explain certain 'phenomena".

Science refuses to come clean about comets, especially Shoemaker-Levy 9. They know good and well that comet was never "captured" by Jupiter. Captures of comets and satellites never occur, because their paths (orbits) obey the command of God. That is why the moon Metis, of Jupiter, does not crash into the planet, even though it is only 79,800 miles from Jupiter. Science calls it a "gravitational lock". There is no such thing.

Also, science tells the public that the nine planets of our solar system revolve around our Sun, because of the Sun's "gravitational pull" and centrifugal force on the planets (the same excuse for why our Moon doesn't "fall"). But that too is not the truth. If they came clean, their theory of stellar evolution, namely the origin of our solar system, would become suspect. Our planets are not really just orbiting the Sun. The Sun is actually following the planets, as they spiral around the Sun, as they all orbit the center point of our galaxy, the Milky Way, as the galaxy spirals around the center point of our "local group" of about ten galaxies. All of the stars (suns) that you see in our galaxy are moving with the rotation of our galaxy.

So when Halley's Comet orbits around the Sun, how does the comet know where our Sun will be 75 years later, since the comet leaves the solar system in the opposite direction of the Sun's orbital path (around the galaxy)? Where does it go? What causes it to come back? Certainly not gravity. How did comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 know where Jupiter would be two years later, when Jupiter had moved over 500 million miles since the comet's previous orbit of the planet? Its apojove was 32,313,600 miles, so again, gravity was not a factor. For more than 4 billion years, it obeyed the command of God, until its (Divinely) staged crash into Jupiter.

I highly recommend that you view the PowerPoint presentation called the "Observations of Moses". It proves that the world of science has (half the time) been lying to us, and that there is indeed a Creator. The truth has no agenda. What is the agenda of secular science?

Herman Cummings

[email protected]

Source: Cummings, Herman