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We Must Prepare - God Cannot Lie!

Tue, 28 Aug 2012 Source: Ampong, Charles Horace

For many years there have been lot of doubts and misconceptions about not only the existence of God but if He is true to His Word. Two groups of people constitute the spectrum here. Those who doubt His existence whom the world calls “Atheist” and those who know He is there but cannot understand His workings. Which ever group you belong to, the record is clear - God is real and His ways cannot be discerned with the natural. The bible says in Psalm 14:1 that “Only a fool will say in his heart that there is no God”. It again says in Isaiah 40:28 and Psalm 147:5 that there is no searching of His understanding. In other words His understanding is infinite. Infinite understanding and personality of God transcends the understanding and personality of man.

Human understanding and personality is finite. Ultimately, no advance science, and technology can decipher the ways and the trajectory God operates on. Such limitation places man on a position of struggling and trying to digest a certain question with no definite answer at hand. That question is: Whether God’s prophetic declarations through His Word about the end of the world, the rapture or the Second Coming of Christ are authentic and certain to happen. There are two schools of thought here: the Evolutionary school of thought that says the Universe invented itself and continues to reinvent itself so there will be no end. The other school being bible-oriented school of thought which I subscribe to. It predicts the creator of this World is sending His Son Jesus again not to save the world but to judge the World in future. Which ever school of thought you subscribe to, one thing is clear - God cannot lie. Some people ridicule this statement but we know the bible describes such people as scoffers in the last days. It says in 2 Peter 3:3-4- “Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying where is the promise of His (Jesus) coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation”. This scripture suggest scoffers’ idiosyncrasy of the Earth reinventing itself with no end. Strangely, the syndrome of scoffing is even becoming popular in Christian circles after prophetic declarations in 2011 about the end of the world failed. Recall the prophetic declaration by Rev. Camping (in the U.S) that the world was going to end on May 21, 2011 and when it did not happen he changed the end date to October 21, 2011. Rev. Camping changed the date because he said there was a miscalculation. Next in line was Prophet Anamoah who prophesied in Ghana that the world was going to come to an end on November 11, 2011. So far this year there has not been a major declaration of that sort except for the rumor circulating the world will end on December 21, 2012. In spite of all these developments, one thing which is clear and indubitable is - God cannot lie. Now, let me give you five (5) primary reasons why God cannot lie.

1. God is not a man

Man changes with time and is deceitful and can be very wicked but God and His Word are not affected by time. In other words God is time independent but is all eternity whilst man is fleeting. The bible says in Numbers 23:19 that “God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Has He spoken, and will He not make it good”. The bible again says in Titus 1:2 that “In hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie promised before time began”. Our world system made up of the economy, families, marriages, jobs, positions, education, relationships (friends), Church and even our beauty is affected by time degrading exponentially with it. Know that anything subject to time dependency will fail, is unreliable and hence a lie. To tell you the truth man and all he is involved in is a lie. The bible says in Romans 3:4 that “….Let God be true but every man a liar….”

2. God is the same yesterday, today and forever

God is the only one who has said He changes not. The bible says in Malachi 3:6 that “For I am the LORD, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob”. Also it says in Hebrews 13:8 that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”. If God is saying, He changes not He is referring to His covenant with man. He is referring to His covenant with you and me, the nation Ghana and the world at large. You see God may have changed His mind concerning king Hezekiah but not His will and covenant. Adding 15 years to Hezekiah’s life did not change His will and covenant concerning him. If Christ has not come it does not mean God is lying. God has a covenant with His creation and He wants to redeem man whom He created in His own image. Understand that God does not want anyone to go to Hell but all to come to repentance so as to have a place in Heaven. The bible says in 2 Peter 3:9 that “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance”. That is why as Ghanaians much as we pray for the will of God to be done concerning the country’s direction we should also pray for more souls to be won for Christ. It is only the supernatural that can straighten up the way forward for Ghana besides winning souls.

3. God is merciful and His compassions never fails

The bible describes the mercies and compassions of God this way: they are new every morning. In fact the bible says in Lamentations 3:22-23 that “Through the LORD’S mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”. Something that is new every morning is reliable and sustainable. The reason why you and I are alive today in spite of all the socio-economic stress and evils around is because of the fresh mercies of God received everyday. That is why it is good to put our hope in His mercies everyday and not in our capabilities or credentials. Truly, the day the mercy of God is taken away from you and I trouble will be insurmountable. Why? It is His mercy that is keeping you and me from evil. So far as Jesus has not come, the mercies of God on this world will not fail. Children of God are walking in the new mercies of God every day for old mercies cannot keep you away from the evil all around.

4. God is a covenant keeping God

God will always keep His part of the covenant with His people. However, man has a dismal record of breaking his covenant with God. The people of Israel in the Old Testament can identify with this better. On several occasions God assured them that He will never break His covenant with them because He is true to His Word. The bible says in Judges 2:1 that "Then the Angel of the LORD came from Gilgal to Boachim and said: I led you up from Egypt and brought you to the land of which I swore to your fathers; and I said, I will never break My covenant with you”. This confirms God will always keep His part of the covenant with His people and creation. He says in Jeremiah 33:19-21 that “If you can break my covenant with day and night so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time then my covenant with David my servant-and my covenant with the Levites who are priests ministering before me-can be broken and David will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne”.

5. God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all

The bible says in John 1:5 “This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all”. Man can have light but is not light originally. The light of man is Jesus Christ. When we walk with Him we can have light. Every presumed light (apart from that of Jesus) in the world is of the devil. The devil has been transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinth. 11:14) and is deceiving people with religion that profess to have light that leads them to God. That is why the bible admonishes us to test all spirits whether they are of God or not (1 John 4:1). There is only one Light in the world that shines and causes men and women to shine out as lights in a dark world. That Light is Jesus. Jesus is the only One who has declared that I am the Light of the World. He is the Light of the world because He is ALIVE and not dead.

After all the preceding deliberations, I would like you to know that God’s prophetic declaration of this world passing away someday is inevitable because God cannot lie. What you and I need to do is to prepare and not be complacent with the deceptive doctrine that disputes the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ. It will surely happen and will not tarry so be prepared to meet Jesus Christ the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the KING OF KINGS to give an account. The best of preparation you can make is to Accept Christ today and be determined to live for Him. What you need is not religion or Church affiliation but true relationship with God through Christ alone. God bless you.

Charles Horace Ampong / /

Source: Ampong, Charles Horace