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American Marines, Special Forces to train in Ghana''''

Helicopter Army Ghana army

Fri, 1 Apr 2016 Source: Frank Obimpeh || New York foreign press center

Unclassified report intercepted by Freelance Journalist Network and prepared by SPMAGTF-CR-AF. 15.2, under Operations Officer LT COL; Bradford R. Carr has revealed that, as the U.S Marines bolster their presence in Africa, they are sparking a close relationship with their Ghanaian Army Infantry who have long-time experience in crisis response in Africa and the Middle East.

Members of Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force–Crisis Response–Africa are expected to hold joint training with Ghana's infantry Army from October 11-23 2016. The training is to enable infantry Ghanaian soldiers to develop better interoperability with special operations forces.

During the training, tagged "Ghana intro to the intel support to maritime ops" instructors will ran the Ghanaian troops through close-quarters combat drills, reflexive marksmanship ranges, and urban maneuverability courses.

Freelance journalist Network can confirm that, the exercise will in a long way assist both countries working with Army Special Forces to become more efficient in all the mission sets.

The numerous benefits — everything from conducting tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel to reinforcing an embassy or evacuating American personnel, will also allow Ghanaian infantry soldiers to become familiar with how the Special Forces teams operate, so as to give them an advantage during 'operations'.

At the end of the course the exercises is expected to help Ghanaian soldiers build personal relationships that can be advantageous during future battles.

Source: Frank Obimpeh || New York foreign press center