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Attempts To ?Kidnap? Giselle (1)

Tue, 16 Aug 2005 Source: Ghana Palaver

?The Ghana Palaver? sources within the security and intelligence agencies have reported that under the orders of the NPP Government, the agencies are hell-bent on preventing Ms. Giselle Yazji from either appearing before the CHRAJ or meeting with the Ghanaian press.

According to our sources, the National Security and Intelligence agencies are convinced that Ms. Yazji?s evidence will spell the beginning of the end of the Kufuor Presidency. ?Our worst nightmare is coming true? one of them was overheard moaning.

Snippets of information gathered by our sources indicate that the first efforts to stop Ms. Yazji from coming were to try to get CHRAJ to indicate that her presence was not required, that CHRAJ would not purchase a ticket for her, and neither would CHRAJ be responsible for her security in Ghana.

Her clear and articulate legal reasons on the need for her presence in Ghana, her public announcement of her decision to purchase her own ticket, and the spontaneous emergence of the ?Friends of the Truth? (FOT) to provide for her security completely put paid to these efforts.

Next followed the decision to cancel her Ghanaian visa, which was put to the test through a phone call to her office in Miami, Florida, to inform her that her visa had been cancelled when it was not true.

Her quick reaction in putting that information in the public domain, and the public furore and backlash that it created, forced Foreign Minister Nana Akufo Addo to announce that the visa cancellation story was not true.

Once the intelligence agencies had confirmation of her imminent arrival on Thursday, the whole of the security/intelligence apparatus went into overdrive, and intelligence capo Francis Poku and his team have seen very little sleep since then.

Ghana Palaver?s own intelligences sources have learnt that the intelligence agencies have considered all the following scenarios at one time or another.

? An official car will be sent to the gangway of the British Airways flight on which she will be arriving with the twins on the tarmac, and she will be whisked away and kept at an undisclosed destination until Saturday, which she will be whisked back out of the country.

? Immigration and Customs officers will intercept her at the Arrival Hall of the Kotoka International Airport, ask her to step aside for interrogation, keep her for as long as it will take for the ?Friends of the Truth? (FOT) welcoming party and their supporters to disperse, and then spirit her and stash her away in one of the official ?safe houses? or a private hotel.

? Customs officials will be instructed to thoroughly search her luggage and confiscate any/or all tapes and documents she will have on her.

? They are also to confiscate her laptop computer if she should be carrying one.

Source: Ghana Palaver
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