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From Palaver Intelligence

Mon, 15 Nov 2004 Source: Palaver

Is it true that......

? Stung by the backlash of the fabricated coup scare story which has been exposed as nothing other than an intelligence "psy-ops" operation inspired by the CIA-manufactured "Osama bin Laden tape" which surfaced at the very last minute in the run-up to the USA elections and is reputed to have swung the elections in President George Bush's favour and vanished as suddenly as it appeared on the scene after the elections, and determined to regain the upper hand in the intelligence battle between the NPP and the NDC, CID Director David Asante-Apeatu, teleguided by intelligence capo Francis Poku has decided to muddy the intelligence waters by inviting as many NDC-connected big shots as possible allegedly to be questioned in connection with the fabricated coup plot story, but in reality to provide the excuse for their names to be mentioned as persons who have been questioned in connection with the coup plot and therefore give some semblance of truth to the allegation of a coup plot, and in this connection last Wednesday invited Brigadier Wallace-Gbedemah (Retired), a member of Professor Atta-Mills' intelligence and Security Committee for questioning at the CID Headquarters, and has also lined up other prominent NDC personalities to take them through the same interrogation fa?ade, including former Navy Commander and NDC Minister of Health and Food and Agriculture and Campaign Coordinator of the Mills Campaign Team Commodore Steve Obimpeh, former NDC Minister of National Security Kofi Totobi-Quakyi, former Minister of Local Government and Rural Development and Planning, Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration Kwamena Ahwoi, Minority Spokesperson on Employment and Social Welfare and NDC MP for Gomoa West Ms. Ama Benyiwa-Doe, former NDC Minister of Trade and Tourism and NDC MP for Keta Dan Abodakpi and former NDC strongman Colonel Mensah-Gbedemah?

? The host of TV 3's "Hot Issues" Programme was spotted in Accra last week in the company of the Spokesman of the erstwhile AFRC Major Boakye-Djan, photocopying the entire five volumes of the Report of the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) and in deep discussion over Boakye-Djan's programmed appearance on the "Hot Issues" Programme very soon to discuss the contents of the Report, with the host assuring Major Boakye-Djan that all the questions to be asked on the Programme would be sent to him in advance and that the two of them would meet to rehearse in a Question and Answer Session before the scheduled date for the Programme, throwing the credibility not only of the impending Programme into doubt but also of the entire "Hot Issues" Programme into jeopardy and disrepute, as it has now been exposed that it is a rehearsed Programme that is shown and not a genuine, live, unadulterated Programme that is fed to the audience?

? The IMF and the World Bank last month confirmed in a Press Release that the NDC did better in poverty reduction than the NPP and that the NDC when in power managed to reduce poverty substantially although it did not opt for the HIPC Initiative whilst under the NPP, there has been a rise in child and infant mortality rates, that Ghana's average GDP per capita over the past decade was approximately US$300 with the proportion of the population living in poverty falling from 51 per cent in 1992 to 39 per cent in 2000 under the NDC and human development indicators showing a general improvement over the same period in the NDC era, whilst a recent survey under the NPP shows a rise in child and infant mortality rates, and that the Press Release was went further to confirm that Ghana still has significant disparities in the poverty distribution, especially in the Northern Region, and that even though poverty related expenditures in Ghana have increased from 4.5 per cent in 2001 to 6.5 per cent in 2003 under the NPP, there is no gainsaying the fact that excruciating poverty is making the lives of many Ghanaians dreadful, and is it true that because of its damning nature, the NPP Government blacked out this particular IMF/World Bank Press Release from publication in any of the state-owned media, especially as it also exposed as a lie President Kufuor's recent assertion that the country's GDP per capita is now US$450?

? There is a lady, not too beautiful but averagely passable, who lives in Cape Coast, who is popularly called "Baby", who is behaving like the "Gizelle Yajzi" of Fanteland and is claiming all sorts of associations and relationships with President John Agyekum Kufuor, including claims of doing things with him in the nights when he is in Cape Coast that only Mrs. Theresa Kufuor is legally and legitimately entitled to do with the President in the night, that this lady of questionable morals, character and integrity has exploited the name of the President and her alleged association and relationship with him and gotten registered and set up as a supplies contractor, and has further put the fear of the Lord into the Heads of educational institutions in the municipality and cajoled them into appointing her as the sole supplier of rice to the institutions, such that even though her rice is among the most expensive on the market, the Heads have no choice but to buy from her as they are aware that any opposition to her demands will result in their instant transfer or order to "proceed on leave", she having demonstrated her capacity to achieve this outcome in one or two cases involving their colleagues previously?

? The novel political party has commissioned a video advertisement, showing a man being shaved, as part of its campaign against the PNDC and whether the operatives are unaware that the target party has been quick enough to counter it, with a more devastating campaign advertisement?

Source: Palaver