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Ghana’s External Intelligence weak

Mon, 2 Jun 2008 Source: National democrat

..J.K. Mensah, Ghana’s Head of Research to blame

..Millions of Dollars Wasted, Can’t be Traced

Intelligence information available to the New National Democrat has it that Ghana’s External Intelligence Wing, otherwise known as the Research Department under National Security is pathetically weak and ineffective. The cause of the weakening structures of the one time respected and solid intelligence unit of Ghana has been traced to the inefficient leadership style of its current Director, J.K. Mensah.

It has been established by our intelligence that hard intelligence data, which is normally collected, collated and analysed by intelligence operatives are now being doctored, seriously massaged and sometimes concealed from the President. Speaking on condition of anonymity, some senior staff at the refurbished Research Department told our intelligence sources that, the morale of the true professionals in the field has ebbed. They blamed it on J.K. Mensah’s incompetence and politicization of the Research Department.

Further checks by our intelligence revealed that some NPP supporters without the requisite training have been posted to foreign Missions as operatives. The reports they send are those he rely on while massaging the hard intelligence data before sending it directly to the President, which should not even be the case. When asked to identify some of these misfits, the sources said some of them have been posted to the Central African region, some to Eastern Europe and others to the Far East.

The inefficiency of some our external operatives, particularly those personally handpicked and posted abroad by J.K. Mensah have resulted in the high incidence of prospective investors being duped by unscrupulously characters. This unfortunate situation is necessitated by the incompetence, inadequate training, and above all lack professional finesse of the operatives to provide detailed background to the investor, the sources explained.

What also emerged is the exploitation of the pliable operatives for personal gain. They are instructed to report on some of the senior officers believed not be in the good books of the authorities for onward transmission to the Castle. Once the report is sent to the Castle, the Director of Research then works around the clock to get D.K. Osei and the President’s brother, George Kufuor to ensure that it is taken seriously.

With dodgy intelligence dossier being fed the President day-in-day-out, the President, unaware of the situation gives the green light for more foreign money to be released to the Department. The Ghanaian tax-payer’s money is then released for undefined operations. Intelligence sources indicated that their personal investigations have uncovered the non-payment of staff of most of our operatives attached to Foreign Missions, for months. While they struggle to make ends meet, the intelligence bosses sit in Accra, do little or no work and pocket millions of dollars.

What is even more dangerous is the reduction in operational funds to the true professionals in our missions abroad. Documents sighted by New National intelligence confirmed that more funds were released by the Ministry of Finance for operations of the Research Department. However, most of these funds do not reach their targets. They were either diverted into personal secret accounts or surreptitiously expended on other diabolical projects such as the Alan ‘Cash’ presidential project, which ended in disaster.

Democrat intelligence also confirmed that they have seen and perused documents at the Ministry of Finance, where millions of dollars were released to the Research Department a few months to the NPP National congress at the University of Ghana. Further checks indicate that the funds were not utilized by the Research Department on its core operations. We are still tracing the leads and hope to feed our readers and the Ghanaian tax-payer as to how their hard-earned foreign exchange has been applied.

Meanwhile, the New National Democrat is discreetly following leads to establish how the two daughters of J.K. Mensah entered the United States. So far it has been established that they are not working. Who picks their bills? Who are the owners of the properties in which they lodge? Preliminary investigations showed that they were bought by a Ghanaian, whose identity our intelligence is still trying to unravel. Democrat intelligence in the United States is also meticulously scrutinizing the lavish expenditure of the daughters of J.K. Mensah to ensure that it falls within the pay structure of their Dad.

Our intelligence have been assembling other related details on the plot to please the President and get some shady characters appointed into his Cabinet to satisfy the whims and caprices of some the intelligence officials. Some lobbyists, who are meant to serve the personal interest of the hawks around the President, are seriously being lobbied for, while attempts are being made to smear others and get them out. All is not well with our external intelligence, and the earlier the President keeps his ear to the ground other than rely on dodgy intelligence dossier from the Director, the better it will be for our international interests, the sources added. Stay tuned!

Source: National democrat