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Guess Who?s Coming To Dinner!

Fri, 12 May 2006 Source: Palaver

Kufuor at the White House ?

?? It?s a ?family affair? ?? Kufuor?s sons, his sons? wives and a granddaughter were all there! ??And Kufuor?s female legal advisor was there too!!

DID you ever see the 1970s hit movie, ?Guess who?s coming to Dinner? starring Sydney Poitier? Well, Ghana Palaver has secured the Guest List of the persons who accompanied President Kufuor to the White House Dinner hosted by President and Mrs Bush during the President?s recent visit to the White House and the list readily prompts the question: ?Guess who?s Coming to Dinner?? Did you know that President J.A. Kufuor has a female legal adviser? Well, he does. Her name is Ms. Victoria Bright, described on the Guest List as ?Legal Advisor to the President, Republic of Ghana?. We wonder how many Ghanaians knew this.

The question that rightly comes to mind is: If President Kufuor has a private legal advisor, why is it that in all his private legal encounters whilst he has been President, he has been utilising the services of the Attorney General?s Department, as happened when he had to answer before the CHRAJ for his use of state resources for the rehabilitation of his private residence, and has happened when the CHRAJ has been investigating his alleged acquisition of ?Hotel Kufuor??

What does Ms. Victoria Bright do, and why should the Ghanaian taxpayer pay for the private legal expenses of the President through his use of the Attorney General?s Department in his private legal affairs? Another interesting aspect of the ?Guess Who?s Coming to Dinner? list is that it is specific that the sons at the dinner are the ?sons of President and Mrs. Kufuor?. So for example, the list lists as guests at the dinner ?Mr. Edmund Agyekum Kufuor, son to the President of the Republic of Ghana and Mrs. Kufuor?; and ?Mr. Victor Kofi Kufuor, son to the President of the Republic of Ghana and Mrs. Kufuor, Student at Harvard University?. Interesting questions arise. Does that mean that there are other sons or children of President Kufuor who are not sons or children of Mrs. Kufuor?

Are the Americans hinting at the Kufuor twins with Giselle Yazji whose existence has been acknowledged by Giselle but about whom the President has never made any comment?

Is Victor Kofi Kufuor, the President?s son at Harvard University, the son who was awarded a Ghana Government scholarship and was mistaken by the Ghanaian media for ?Chief? John Addo Kufuor, the 41-year old accountant son of the President who put a consortium together to buy ?Hotel Kufuor??

Whose daughter is ?Hanah Nana Aba Kufuor, Granddaughter of the President of the Republic of Ghana, also listed on the Guest List, and how old is she? Another interesting name on the Guest list is ?Mr. George Ntim, Director of Guest Relations and Community Services at the NY Marriott Marquis and Founder/President of the African Development Foundation?. Is it true that Mr. Ntim is the son of Mr. Kwamena Bartels, Minister of Information and National Orientation? If it is true, how come the son does not bear the father?s name? ?The Honourable Rosa Whitaker, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Whitaker Group?, is also on the list. Do you remember her? You should, if you are a regular reader of your authoritative Ghana Palaver. She is the one who has been engaged by the Kufuor Government and is paid US$300,000 per annum to advise the NPP Government on the American Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Published below is the full ?contingent? of the Ghanaian delegation that went to eat dinner at the White House.

Guess who?s coming to dinner indeed!

Do you realise that in the order of ranking, Kwabena Agyepong came before Foreign Minister Nana Akufo-Addo? And poor Joseph Hubster Yorke alias Dr. Paa Nduom ? look how far down the list he has been shunted to. Guest List for the Luncheon in Honour of the Visit of President Kufuor of Ghana

His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor, President of the Republic of Ghana

Mrs. Theresa Kufuor, Spouse of the President of the Republic of Ghana

Mr. Isaac Aggrey, Minister (Deputy Chief of Mission), Embassy of Ghana

Mr. Kwabena A. Agyepong, Press Secretary, Republic of Ghana

The Honourable Nana Akufo-Addo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Ghana

His Excellency Nana Effah Apenteng, Permanent Representative of Ghana to the United Nations.

Professor Kwame A. Appiah, Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy and the University Centre for Human Values

Professor George Ayittey, Professor of Economics, American University

Mrs. Maggie Ayittey, Spouse of Professor George Ayitttey

Ms. Victoria Bright, Legal Advisor to the President, Republic of Ghana

Dr. William K. Dadson, Professor of Economics and Finance, Lincoln University, PA

Mrs. Gladys L. Dadson, Investment Analyst, J.P. Morgan Chase

Dr. Adama Conteh, Director of International Programs, Chicago State University (Guest)

Mr. Rasheed Inusah, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Ghana

Mr. Edward Agyekum Kufuor, son to the President of the Republic of Ghana and Mrs. Kufuor Mrs. Renee J. Kufuor, Spouse of Mr. Edward A. Kufuor

Ms. Hanah Nana Aba Kufuor, son to the President of the Republic of Ghana and

Mrs. Kufuor Mr. Victor Kofi Kufuor, son of the President of the Republic of Ghana and Mrs. Kufuor, Student at Harvard University Ms. Edith A. Owusu, Spouse of Mr. Victor K. Kufuor Dr. Charles Mensa, Advisor to the President, Republic of Ghana The Honourable Paa Kwesi Nduom, Minister for Public Sector Reform, Republic of Ghana Mr. George Ntim, Director of Guest Relations & Community Services at the NY Marriott

Marquis and Founder/President of the African Development Foundation

Mr. Joshua Ofedie, Chief Executive, Volta River Authority, Republic of Ghana

Professor David Owusu-Ansah, Professor of History, James Madison University

His Excellency Fritz K. Poku, Ambassador of Ghana to the U.S.

The Honourable Rosa Whitaker, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Whitaker Group The Honourable Kobina Wudu, Director of State Protocol, Republic of Ghana

Source: Palaver