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I Told You So!

Wed, 5 Dec 2007 Source: Lens

When uncle JB does his analysis, he does them based on the facts and serious observation and not based on the figment of his imagination.

Oh yes, uncle JB does not indulge in speculation; I make sure that I apply a fair measure of hypothesis testing before going public.

Last week, when the Daily Graphic hid the picture of the poorly attended NPP fund raising rally in Cape Coast in the inside pages, did uncle JB not tell you that the Daily Graphic did what it did to make it less obvious that Cape Coast no longer belongs to the failed NPP?

Well, if you thought uncle JB was lying, yesterday’s Graphic certainly tells a vivid story to the effect that uncle JB was not fibbing at all with my observation last week.

You certainly could not have missed the picture on the front page of yesterday’s Graphic.

I am sure you saw the way the Graphic used the picture boldly on its front page to create the impression that the NPP still has a massive following. After the failed rally in Cape Coast, the NPP desperately bused people to Kasoa and so the Graphic seized the opportunity to take a shot and splash it on its front page to deceive the unsuspecting reading public.

What the Graphic and the NPP don’t seem to know is that no matter how much you try to contrive matters, the truth has a way of forcing itself out. As KSM is wont to put it “truth crushed to earth shall surely rise again”. How true the statement is.

In 2000, under the machinations of Obed Yao Asamoah, the NDC used similar strategies but they did not work.

Obed, in those days, used his Varanda Boys and Girls to always contrive defection stories and crowds at rallies deceiving the NDC that it still was very popular on the ground.

At the end of the day, it was obvious that whiles Obed was deceiving himself and the NDC in the papers, the NPP was digging its feet into the earth and working on the ground.

The December 2000 elections came and the NDC found out rather too late that you can fool some of the people all of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

The NPP seems to have fallen into the NDC’s 2000 trap and is using the Graphic and some of private papers that are its allies to deceive itself that it still has a massive support base.

Uncle JB happened to be in parts of Accra on Sunday and I saw “fiili fiili”, Metro Mass Transport buses running around looking for people to cart to Kasoa. Yes, the buses were moving around ‘hunting’ for human beings to transport to Kasao.

Indeed, a few young men I know who are not members of the NPP joined the buses because there was money and free T-shirt available.

Immediately they got to Kasoa and collected their cash and T-shirts, they returned to their favourite drinking spot and had a good time drinking their heads off with some young female friends of theirs.

In these hard times, uncle JB, if the opportunity comes my way, will never refuse to collect any free cash from the cash-sharing elephants and so I don’t blame those young men for collecting the cash and chopping it waa waa waa.

So anybody who may have been deceived vy the picture on the front page of the Graphic yesterday should rest assured that the picture is nothing but “hanya” on the part of the NPP and its media collaborators to throw dust into our eyes.

The NPP can try as hard as it wants, but it won’t take away from the fact that the Central Region is no longer the stronghold of the NPP.

At least, Boakye Agyarko has made it emphatically clear to all of us that what he saw in Cape Coast two weekends ago is a clear indication that the NPP has lost its grip on the Central Region as a result of a combination of the hard work Atta Mills is doing in the region as well as the fact that there is too much suffering in the land.

Atta Mills is marching on to victory and nothing will stop his onward march. I told you that the Graphic does not shy away from doing propaganda for the dying NPP and uncle JB has been vindicated.

Ei Joseph Boahen Aidoo!!!!

So when Amoako Tufuor says that the NPP is an Ashanti party that to all intents and purposes does not have any regard for people from the north, can anybody blame him for speaking the truth?

When Amaoko Tufuor spoke the truth at Mankesim, the likes of Ohene Ntow decided to wet their pants trying to go after Amoako Tufuor but the man stood his ground and refused to recant.

Well, if there is anything that vindicates Amoako Tufuor, it is none other than a very irresponsible statement that Joseph Boahen Aidoo, NPP MP for Amenfi East, made on the floor of parliament.

Joseph Boahen Aidoo, for reasons best known to him, when he was making a submission, decided to describe the North in very derogatory terms and went ahead to say that the North is inhabited by “witches and wizards”. Yehowa!!!! How on earth can a responsible Member of Parliament, open his mouth and say that a section of the country is inhabited by witches and wizards?

If for some reason, there is a witch’s camp up North, does that mean that the whole of the three Northern regions, is full of witches and wizards? Why would an MP want to make such an irresponsible statement? Lord have mercy!!!

Why, has Joseph Boahen Aidoo forgotten that the vice president of the NPP, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, is a Northerner?

Or Joseph Boahen Aidoo, can not be bothered about the presence of Aliu Mahama in the NPP hence his very loose statement.

Recently when the witches and wizards were said to be coming to Ghana to hold their international conference, did the reports indicate that they planned to hold their conference in the North?

Did the reports not indicate that witches and wizards chose a place in the middle belt of the country to hold their conference?

So what is Boahen Aidoo talking about?

Uncle JB is really hurting at the way the NPP is making it emphatically clear that they have no respect for Northerners.

It is becoming very clear that the NPP is very good at behaving like sheep when indeed, they are nothing but ravenous wolves.

Considered against the backdrop of what the NPP did to Aliu Mahama ala the way he was disrespected and disgraced before he was vetted, Joseph Boahen Aidoo’s unacceptable statement goes to confirm the way lots of non-Northerners in the NPP regard the North and Northerners.

It is very sad that in this day and age, people who are learned, can stoop so low so as to look down on their fellow human beings.

But who can blame Joseph Boahen Aidoo; when you have leading Northerners like, Aliu Mahama, Malik Alhassan Yakubu, General Joshua Hamidu, Major Sulemana, Mustapha Ali Idriss and co walking the powers of government and being in a government under whose watch the Overlord of Dagbon was gruesomely beheaded alongside 40 of his sub chiefs, what would others think of the North? When leading Northerners give the impression that they can supervise the killing of their chiefs, why would Joseph Boahen Aidoo not stand on the floor of parliament and call the people of the north names?

I just hope Northerners are taking serious note of the mindset of a section of the NPP as regards Northerners and will take a very wise decision on December 07, 2008, and give the mandate to Atta Mills to take over as Leader of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana and lead a united country that would make all of us equal and not create a vampire elite who disdainfully look down on the rest of us. The NPP considers Northerners to be nothing more than hewers of wood and drawers of water and Joseph Boahen Aidoo has reinforced that position with his extremely unguarded statement.

Uncle JB Supports Ohene Agyekum.

I heard Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NDC, Daniel Ohene Agyekum, on air last week and my heart was filled with so much joy. I was very excited to hear a leading member of the NDC speak the way the man spoke.

You see, until the NDC makes it succinctly clear to the NPP that the party will no longer countenance any rigged elections, or will no longer countenance the NPP declaring itself winners, the message would not sink deep that the NDC is ready for “war”.

I have used the word war in quotation marks lest anybody says that uncle JB is preaching war.

When I hear the likes of Ohene Ntow yelping about what Ohene Agyekum said, I just laugh.

Why, did Ohene Agyekum not make the statement based on a certain premise? He said that “if” the NPP rigs the election, then Ghana will burn. The logical corollary to that, is, if the NPP does not rig the elections, Ghana will not burn.

So what is Ohene Ntow’s beef?

If he knows that his NPP will not rig the elections, why is he having nightmares?

Ohene Ntow has nothing to be afraid of if the NPP has no plans to rig the elections.

If you are not a thief, why should you take to your heels when you hear people shouting, thief, thief?

Ohene Ntow seems to be aware of plans by his party to rig the elections that is why he is so worried about the words of Ohene Agyekum. Daniel Ohene Agyekum has spoken like a general ready to lead his troops to battle and uncle JB is very happy the battle cry has been sounded loud and clear. The NDC is very ready for “war” and Ohene Ntow and his NPP better get ready for battle if they have it in their evil plans to rig next year’s election. The people of Ghana are ready for a change and Ohene Ntow and his party cannot stop the people of Ghana from giving themselves a selfless and development oriented government led by Atta Mills. Daniel Ohene Agyekum, more grease to your lips and tongue and please keep the battle cry sounding.

Akuffo Addo Shouldn’t Make Me Laugh!

Politics can be very interesting isn’t it?

Yesterday, I read in the Ghanaian Observer, a story about Akufo-Addo saying that because he is a “schemer cum striker”, he would be able to beat Atta Mills, who is a “stopper”.

According to Akufo-Addo, Ghanaians are more interested in a schemer/striker than a stopper. How wrong!

Ghanaians want Atta Mills because he will stop the rot in the system. Atta Mills will stop the cocaine menace, Atta Mills will stop the contract killings, Atta Mills will stop witches and wizards from holding their international conferences in Ghana, Atta Mills will stop homosexuals and lesbians from holding their international meetings in Ghana.

Atta Mills will stop the castle from being a place where kickbacks will be kept, Atta Mills will stop the practice of a health minister traveling abroad for an AIDS conference and having raw sex, Atta Mills will stop the practice of a son of the president setting up an overnight consortium to purchase an $8 million hotel.

Atta Mills will stop the practice of a daughter of the president building a huge shopping mall at the Spanner Junction and causing massive traffic on the spintex road, Atta Mills will stop the unnecessary wastage of money on the celebration of national holidays when innocent babies are being held hostage in our public hospitals.

Atta Mills will stop the practice of government officials snatching people’s wives, Atta Mills will stop the practice of government officials dogging their wives and sleeping around and impregnating teenagers, Atta Mills will stop the country from being disgraced by a president who gets drunk and misses scheduled radio interviews.

Ghanaians don’t want anybody who would be a schemer or who would strike gold for himself, his family, and friends so uncle JB is quite convinced that my good friend Nana Akufo Addo has got it all wrong.

Nana Akufo-Addo was surely a good schemer cum striker during his football days but Ghanaians are certainly not ready for a scheming president; they want a president who would stop the country from sinking deeper into the throes of death, and that is what Atta Mills shall give the people of Ghana. Nana, better luck next time.

The Blood Is Flowing Waa Waa Waa In The NPP.

Our friends the elephants are really drawing blood from their ribs. Swa!!! The selection of delegates is becoming a serious headache and the blows are flowing waa waa waa.

Yesterday, I listened to the Wenchi East Women’s Organiser on radio and I felt sorry for her.

The poor woman narrated her ordeal at the hands of NPP members and I could not help picturing the image of a battered woman.

The woman described how hefty slaps were landed on her face, how she was kicked several times in the abdomen, how her breast was punched and how at a point in time she felt like she would be raped by the thugs.

If this had happened in the NDC, only God knows the way the media would have been eating it up.

It is happening in the NPP so we hear of it once, and never hear of it again. Of course, discerning Ghanaians are certainly following with keen interest the violence that is taking place in the NPP and are deciding for themselves the most violent party in Ghana.
Source: Lens