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Rumor Mill

Is it true that....


? The NPP conspiracy to rig the December elections continue unabated, as does their conspiracy to refuse to hand over power peacefully in the very likely event of a Professor John Evans Atta-Mills victory, and that in furtherance of the latter conspiracy, the Party continues to engage in unconstitutional and illegal activities right under the noses of the security and intelligence agencies who either turn a blind eye to them or are active "participis criminis" in those unconstitutional and illegal acts, and that the latest in the series of these unconstitutional and illegal acts is the stashing away of arms, ammunition and sophisticated weapons at secret locations in the Kpando, Hohoe and Sogakope townships, which locations are known to NDC surveillance teams who are only bidding their time to raid the locations, an act which is likely to trigger off a bloody confrontation and could lead to consequences that cannot be easily predicted?

? The Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon. Sampson Kwaku Boafo, called a secret meeting of an NPP "Regional Rigging Committee" in Kumasi which unknown to him was infiltrated by an NDC undercover agent, that he announced at the meeting that the Party had arranged for extra ballot papers to be printed by the security printing press that is printing the ballot papers for the Electoral Commission and that is owned by the son of an exiled, anti-PNDC/NDC former intelligence capo of one of the erstwhile military juntas in Ghana and requested for dyed-in-the-wool, trustworthy, NPP activist loyalists who could be trusted to thumbprint the extra ballot papers in secret and would be able to switch those ballot papers for the actual ballot papers at the close of voting on election day in an operation the details of which he promised to reveal directly to the activist loyalists once they have been recruited?

? As part of the preparations for refusing to hand over power in the likely event of a Professor John Evans Atta-Mills victory in the December elections, the NPP imported another very large consignment of arms, ammunition and weaponry which arrived at the Kotoka International Airport on Thursday, 11th November 2004 at about 7.30 p.m, that the consignment was cleared by members of the Peace Seekers International (PSI), the anti-Rawlings, anti-NDC band of former exiled desperadoes who are committed to the physical elimination of the ex-President and the demise of the NDC as a political party, on the authorisation of the National Security Council, Office of the President, but without the knowledge or involvement of the military or the police?

? President Kufuor's programme to subvert the Constitution by dragging chiefs and traditional authorities into partisan politics on the side of the NPP was on brazen display during his recent campaign tour of the Central Region where he donated ?50 million to each of targeted paramount chiefs whose support in the December elections he sought, and that so offended were some of the chiefs that they immediately sent word to the Mills camp as soon as the President had left, but that in a rare remarkable display of maturity and statesmanship, the Mills camp has decided to neither deny nor confirm to newsmen who have picked up the story and have sought the reaction of the camp?