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JJ Seeks Assylum In Europe (1)

Thu, 29 Jan 2004 Source: JOKONO LOHUEKU, TEMA-GHANA

All along, I had thought the ex-President Jerry John Rawlings was a brave and courageous man who not only took bold decisions but would also not run away from the consequences of his action but alas, recent events have proved my former views about ex-President J. J Rawlings to the contrary as the ex-President is now proved to be a coward who cannot stand the heat of opposition. Ex-President Rawlings governed Ghanaians with iron hands, taking bold and drastic measures that would enable him, not only to keep Ghanaians under his grip, but also sustain his party in power for as long as he wished, thinking not an inch of the effect his policies were having on Ghanaians.

After his retirement and his party also losing power in 2000, I thought the ex-President would bravely stay in the country as the Ghanaian that he all along claimed he was, to defend his actions but my latest information is that after his initial persistency and show of bravado to defend his actions, the ex-President has run out of gas and like the ex-Peruvian President Alberto Fujumuri, who claimed to be a Peruvian as far as he had the opportunity to be the president of that country but run away to Japan when the day of reckoning came, the ex-President has run away from the country to seek asylum in either the Americas, Africa or Europe preferably Britain, the land of his supposed irresponsible white father.

The ex-President has decided to seek asylum elsewhere purposely to escape appearing before the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC). This has become necessary after his many subtle and futile attempts to ditch the Kufuor government before it started probing and unearthing the open and secret deeds of his nineteen - year rule.

To create the basis for his asylum - seeking bid, the ex-President had to feign assassination threat on his life and the hatchman he is using in this phoney game is his own pal, Mr. Riad Hozaifeh.

This is the reason why he accused the NRC recently of trying to assassinate him and his boss, ex-President Rawlings.

That accusation was also a ploy by the Rawlings camp to prevent Mr. Riad Hozaifeh from being cross-examined by Mr. Kweku Baako and others, which the ex-President thought would expose him the more.

Now, ex-President Rawlings’ decision to escape to his father’s land when he found the going tough in his mother’s land, brings back the question of who is qualified to rule a country.

Is it the half or full-blooded national? For now, I learnt, it is Mr. Victor Smith who is taking care of the Ridge residence of the Rawlingses.

0h, what a shameful and cowardly behaviour of someone who portrayed himself as a saviour and brave man of Ghanaians for years!

Before I end this, I would advise the security agents to protect ex-Captain Kojo Tsikata 24 hours a day till he appears before the NRC and even after appearing, otherwise the ex-President and his former PNDC operatives would eliminate him since his destiny is tied to their destiny.

This is because all the evil deeds they did, were done collectively and any adverse fall-out from his appearance at the NRC would affect them all.

A word to the wise is enough!