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Rumor Mill


Wed, 24 Nov 2004 Source: NATIONAL DEMOCRAT

"... he paid us to kill the women between 1999-2001"
a member of the women serial killing gang reveals and exposes how it was carried out

In a confession that will shock Ghanaians to the marrow of their bones, one of the members of the gang who serially murdered Ghanaian women between 1999-2001 has spoken; he has named those who were behind the serial killings and how it was carried out to avoid all the security apparatus that were unleashed at that time.

The man who masterminded the killings, according to the gang member was the then candidate J.A. Kufuor of the NPP. He was assisted by one of his key Ministers of State. One Wiafe Ababio was the one who led the operations itself.

The member of the serial killing gang who is making these shocking revelations, is hiding in Europe. He explained that mallams were brought in from Mali and housed at Mr. Kufuor's residence where they performed the rituals for the success of the serial killing of women .

" As part of the rituals, our tongue was cut and a powdery substance put in it. Then we were asked to swear an oath which meant that anybody who revealed the secret would die."

Explaining how the women were killed, he said they usually picked their victim in a taxi, a Hyundai Excel driven by Wiafe Ababio. The woman is made to sniff a white substance supplied by the Minister of State which puts her in a daze for at least 24 hrs.

"When she is in a daze, her eyes are opened but she can't talk. When we reach a police barrier, the police who come to the car find everybody alive. No dead bodies.As soon as we leave the barriers, we drive to a deserted area where we inject the victim and she dies.

"You see, because we inject her, usually at the back of her neck, no blood is spilled after we have killed her. No bone is broken.

"We leave condoms scattered around to make Ghanaians believe it is a gang committing the act after raping the women. But, remember that there were no sperms in the condoms that the police found near the bodies.

"The motive for killing the women was to create panic among Ghanaians and turn them against the NDC. And, we succeeded in doing that. We succeeded in making people believe it was the NDC rather doing it".

He said on one occasion, they took a woman from the Action Chapel area near the airport, got her to sniff the powder and then carried her through town in the taxi to Dansoman where they murdered her .

The serial killing gang member cannot be named because he believes he'll be killed the moment his identity is revealed.

He says the network of Kufuor's killer is wide spread. "They have men in London, the USA and Italy. They'll kill me if they find out it was me. They are vicious".

Explaining why he deserted the gang, he said he realized that one by one, certain members of the gang were being killed to stop them from talking. Unsure of his fate, he decided to run.

He said he got to know that some of their own members were being killed through lethal injection.

"They're told the injection will strengthen them to do the job but once they are injected, they die".

He said even though he is scared, he'll be prepared to face Kufuor and his gang in court in a different country or when the government changes hands in Ghana.

A recording of this serial killer's confession is currently in safe keeping in London.

What role did Gladys Asmah play in all this? We will soon bring readers more on certain facts that the man spoke of which the police, if they will be objective, can use in their investigations in prosecuting Kufuor and co.


...attempt to bury Rawlings spiritually

By Kwesi Von Dee

The gang member of the gang which on the orders of the then candidate J.A. Kufuor has in another development shed light on Kufuor's voodoo rituals in 2000.

According to the gang member, two mallams were flown down from Mali to purposely neutralise the charisma of the then President Jerry John Rawlings.

He said the rituals were performed in Kufuor's Airport residence in the full glare of a Minister of state, Wiafe Ababio and himself.

According to him, the Malian mallams came along with miniature coffins into which Rawlings pictures were put and after some rituals buried.

Then the Mallams performed some rituals and an apparition of Rawlings appeared and spoke about what he wants for his country. The moment Kufuor and the mallams scream out, Rawlings voice will not be heard which means that when he talks on political platforms, his message will not be heard.

He said another aim of the rituals in Kufuor's home was aimed at causing discenity among the NDC people.

In a starting revelations, the gang member revealed that Prof. Ameyaw Akumfi, then the Director-General of the Ghana Education Service supplied recorded voices of Rawlings to Kufuor which was used in the rituals.


...He also releases govt. cars to friends, colleagues and relatives at the cost of the state.

Perhaps, it is about time, the law was made to work and deviant people made to face the music for illegally enriching themselves at the expense of the state.

One of such characters is Prince Oppong, a 65-year-old fitter mechanic now metamorphosed into a transport officer at the Castle.

It is on record that at any given time one can count at least between 10 to 15 4-wheel drives belonging to the state parked at the residence of Prince Oppong, Transport officer, Office of the President, Flagstaff House, at Amasaman (Israel).

The vehicles include the latest Landcruisers, Pick Ups, Passats, Nissans, Toyotas etc from which Mr. Oppong siphons fuel daily and sells them to the public and thereby depriving the state of its scarce resources.

According to reliable sources the Democrat interacted with, this trend has persisted from day one when the NPP took over power with the Transport officer enriching himself at the expense of the state.

But the most serious aspect of the scenario is how state vehicles are used recklessly by people related to him.

Indeed, Democrat Investigation Team saw one of the Pick Up vehicles being driven by one of Mr. Oppong's children or relative going home from a leisure trip in town.

According to reliable sources, there were instances when some of his friends came and picked a vehicle and used it for at least two weeks or more and brought it back only to take another one.

The sources further hinted that very often those who come in for the vehicles don't even have a driver's license (just like his children) and when the cars are smashed, they are sent back to the Castle for repairs.

By putting square pegs into round holes, Prez. Kufuor has set the pace for the likes of Prince Oppong to dissipate public resources and thereby corrupt the system.