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Mills Fools TB Joshua

Wed, 22 Sep 2010 Source: DAYBREAK

*Magic Ring Missing

The relationship between Ghana’s President Atta Mills and his spiritual-father Prophet TB Joshua of Nigeria has hit the rocks and reports say the man of God has retrieved a miracle ring he once gave to the Ghanaian President for protection.

A source at the Ghanaian branch of the Synagogue Church of All Nations told DAYBREAK that TB Joshua has not visited the President since June 2009 although he has been to Ghana a couple of times within that same period.

Before June last year TB Joshua flew from Lagos to Ghana on a weekly basis to visit Atta Mills at the Castle. During such visits, he was given a police motorcade so he could avoid the heavy vehicular traffic in town.

The source disclosed further that TB Joshua expressed shock when he heard that a Ghanaian government official appointed by President Mills has stated that all Christians who speak in tongues are insane and that President Mills had silently endorsed the declaration.

He had reportedly described as unbiblical when Atta Mills publicly endorsed the practice where Ministers on official trips travel with their girl friends and concubines and now there is a government directive to close down ninety percent of Christian charges in Accra.

“Now he cannot go to the Man of God because he feels ashamed, he has been found out that he was not truthful; he sends people to go for anointing water but cannot go there himself because he is ashamed and does not know how to rebuild the trust the Man of God first had in him. He is saying he wants a second term but cannot tell the Man of God to pray for him.

“You ask him where the ring is and he cannot tell you, if your journalists in Ghana are observant they would realize that the President was wearing a certain miracle ring during the elections and even after that but the ring is not with him anymore…ha haaaa…. a man cannot serve two masters at the same time and that is what is creating the problem,” the source explained that Atta Mills started consulting other sources for his health problems and watch unconcerned as his appointees behaved in ungodly ways.

He disclosed further that President Mills had failed to follow a directive from TB Joshua that he should not be a vindictive President and also not allow his appointees to misbehave.

“The President was doing this until he started to feel his health was getting better so he changed his style and started doing what he was told not to do, soon after winning the elections stopped following the counsel of TB Joshua. “He was using the anointing water and at the same time doing other things the Bible speaks against. Mills had promised to honor TB Joshua in Ghana and help establish the Synagogue but that never happened, as I speak now the church has been sacked form their old place and they are now struggling to get a proper settlement but the President has pretended not to hear,” he noted.