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Mills Smoked "Ganja" With Rawlings During PNDC Days

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 Source:

President Mills Smoked "Ganja" With Rawlings During PNDC Days --- Website WWW.KwameforPresident.Com Reports.

[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] --- Kwame Mayor [Still] Threatens to Quit Ghana's Politics Unless Ghana embraces "American Style of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty in 2012".

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, GOOD MORNING GHANA NEWSPAPER --- WWW.GoodMorningGhana.Com & WWW.KwameforPresident.Com .

Ghana's President, His Excellency, John Evans Atta Mills allegedly smoked "Ganja" with former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings during PNDC days --- a Politician's Campaign and News Website WWW.KwameforPresident.Com reports.

Former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, dubbed "America's Mandela", who has publicly threatened to abandon his Peaceful (Non-Violent) Resistance and resort to the Legendary Nelson Mandela's philosophy of "Armed Struggle" --- after all pursuasions have failed to include him in the Nation's Power-Sharing, announced that he is willing to present "Expert Witnesses" to testify in an International Court that President Mills and former Military Leader used substance in their bodies and allegedly smoked and / or sniffed cocaine in office --- in the same way their supporters are falsely accusing NPP Flagbearer, Nana Akuffo-Addo.

The Politician accused his "Democratic Allies" within the NPP as a "bunch of un-grateful and hypocritical Pigs" who did not condemn former President John Agyekum Kufuor --- the "Great Satan" when he (Kufuor) abused his office to persecute him and denied him of opportunities to serve the Nation after the former President had stolen many of his ideas.

" Folks, I am not fighting for Nana Akufo-Addo who was part and parcel of Kufuor's Mean-Spirited administration --- but I am fighting against injustice in Ghana, whether it is NDC's injustice or NPP's injustice", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor.

The fearless "America's Mandela" repeated his earlier demands that the Nation's Security apparatus should deal "appropriately and decisively" against His Excellency, President John ("Agyekum") Evans Atta Mills for spreading fear across Ghana and outside Ghana's borders and for his involvement in the politically-motivated arrest of Ms. Amina Mohammed.

The controversial Politician pledged to "convert" to the peaceful side of Islam which is strongly opposed to terrorism --- [if] tens of thousands of "Our Hausa Brothers and Sisters" would join him to demonstrate on all the streets of Ghana if Ms. Amina Mohammed is imprisoned by the oppressive, dictatorial and terrorist Rawlings-controlled government of President John Evans Atta Mills.

The Pro-American Democracy Activist and Celebrated African Freedom Fighter who once fought a long battle against Anti-American Political Terrorists opposed to the noble Ideals and Ideas of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty and Equality and who used every Tool of a Super-Power to savagery persecute, and torture him in a "Political Show Trial" on American Soil, (until the "Hi-Tech Savage Political Terrorists" were Morally and Ethically defeated --- sincere thanks to the Civilized Democratic Government of former President Bill Clinton and the White House which ordered the U.S. Justice Department to investigate allegations of persecution and torture against the first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles, and the first indigenous African to run for a higher Political office in USA since America gained its independence from Great Britain in 1776,) ---- pleaded with Ghana's Parliament not only to impeach President John "Agyekum" Mills, but to order the President and fomer Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and former President John Agyekum Kufuor to undergo Psychological and Psychiatric evaluation --- and in terms of the President Atta Mills, the Scholarly Politician said a "President who makes un-subtantiated wild, wild allegations, yet had the audacity to arrest Amina Mohammed, and a President who makes conspiracy theories against the opposition is not fit to govern any Nation on Earth "

United States of America would intervene Militarily Against Koku Anyidoho's Evil Agenda of potential Ethnic Cleansing Against Ashantis --- the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" again, assured the Nation.

"America's Mandela" again, appealed to Parliament to impeach President Mills for igniting hate crime against Political opponents in Amina's case and comments by Koku Anyidoho bordering on "Crimes Against Humanity".

The celebrated Human Rights Politician asked the whole world to ponder over comments made by Koku Anyidoho in a Radio interview.

In an interview with Joy News’ Cyrus DeGraft Johnson, Koku Anyidoho said the government was aware who were behind the plot, promising they would be dealt with decisively.

Mr. Anyidoho would not mention names of the alleged perpetrators, except to give clues;

“There is no point in mentioning names but let me just do a historical analysis and then maybe we will know what we are talking about because we have history to guide us as a nation.

“In the period of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, some people employed a lot of terror tactics; detonating bombs all over the place to create fear and panic. They did it to Kwame Nkrumah, hounded him, harassed him, in the end they succeeded in collaborating with the CIA to get him out of power.

“…In the year 2000 a few things happened. In 1996, there was a group called FARIGAN who did a few things in this country. In the just ended 2008 at least we have on tape a leading member of a sitting political party who is on tape and has admitted that that is his voice where there was a plan to move dead bodies from a morgue at the Okomfo Anokye Hospital to send to the Volta Region and create the impression that the people of Volta Region had killed certain people.

“…So with history guiding us the president is just putting it out there that if any group of persons think they will succeed in derailing the Better Ghana process via terror tactics, he the president, will not allow that to happen,” he warned.

Koku Anyidoho's comments inciting hatred against Asantes and other Akans is absolutely clear.

The National Liberation Movement (NLM) had its stronghold in Ashanti Region and its followers, like the CPP followers, were sometimes forced to defend themselves and both sides of the "Political Equilibrium" --- the CPP and UP members threw bombs in the era of Ghana's Independence struggle and first Party Politics, the fair-minded Political Historian told the Nation.

"No Tribe or Ethnic Group should be referred by any Tribal Terrorist or bigot as "Historical Bomb Throwers", the Pan-Africanist Politician cautioned avowed Tribalistic Politicians and Extremist Hate-Mongers.

Meanwhile, announcing that he has formed "Free Amina's Movement" and cautioning that he is capable of mobilizing tens of thousands of "Zongo Friends, Brothers and Sisters", as well as millions of other Ghanaians to the streets of Ghana in a show of "People's Power" to free Ms. Amina Mohammed from politically-motivated persecution --- (instead of Mills government doing the right thing by appehending and prosecuting Armed Robbers who have actually, brought shame to the Nation --- not poor and defenseless Amina who has been traumatized by Armed Robbers) --- former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate has publicly said on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com that "President John Evans Atta Mills cannot and will not succeed in "Terrorizing Ghanaians as Jerry John Rawlings did".

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, ---- (who attended the famous and prestigious Asem Boys Primary School in Kumasi, Ashanti Region or Government Boys School with many Hausas from Kumasi Zongo, before briefly attending "Krasec" in Kete Krachie with (Ghana's "James Bond Spy-Master" and BNI Boss, Mr. Yaw Donkor) --- and before returning to "Osei-Krom" Kumasi to attend "Great Koss" with the disgraced Stephen Asamoah-Boateng, "Asaabe", ex-Kufuor's Minister) --- accused President Mills of falsely blaming his Political Opponents withinn the NPP for "scarring Investors" and also, accused the President of conspiring to persecute his Political opponents, especially NPP members and supporters".

"How do you expect Investors to come to Ghana to invest in an environment ruled by a ruthless and hypocritical [Civilian Dictator] called President John Evans Atta Mills, and a Country where the President himself and his Anti-American Security Terrorists who operate (exactly like Saddam Hussein's Security Mafias) terrorize defenseless [Individuals] like Ms. Amina Mohammed and Nana Baafi ?", the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" asked Ghanaians and the International Community as he prepares to soon leave Ghana to another African Country to spread his Good Message of Peaceful (Non-Violent) Resistance and the promotion of "American Style of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty".

" In terms of cowardly terrorizing Individuals, President Mills is behaving worse than former President John Agyekum Kufuor, the "Great Satan" who abused State Powers to single me out for politically motivated persecution after cowardly stealing my ideas to rule the Nation which is un-precedented in Human History, said the Ghanaian born "America's Mandela" who has publicly pleaded with a future Republican White House to capture former President Kufuor to face trial on U.S. Soil for "Crimes Against Humanity" for his role in collaborating with Rawlings' PNDC in persecuting, torturing and killing his own People and my own biological Tribesmen --- innocent Asantes and other innocent Akans as well as other innocent Ghanaians.

"Former President John Agyekum Kufuor (and) former Ghana's notorious Military Dictator, Jerry John Rawlings and Boakye Djan who have all committed Crimes Against Humanity one way or the other, should have been publicly executed in 1979 --- (instead of the illegal and cowardly public executions of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Rear Admiral Yao Amedume, to mention but a few", said the Celebrated Freedom Fighter who says that Nelson Mandela's philosophy of "Armed Struggle" (after all Peaceful options have been exhausted) --- is a legitimate "Self Defense" as he announced the formation of "Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Ghana" and "Liberation Lions of Ghana" to : establish "One Ghana; Indivisible and Liberty for all"; abolish Tribalism and eradicate Ethnic Jealousy and Ethnic Hatred:, prevent potential Genocide and also, to prevent potential Ethnic Cleansing in Ghana; and finally, to fight Anti-American Terrorists who are opposed to the noble ideals and ideas of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty .

"Ghanaians should [never again], allow an "Intoxicated Power Drunkard like President John Evans Atta Mills who once called for Kenya's Political violence to terrorize Ghanaians", said the Populist Politician.

"If President John Evans Atta Mills wants to use State apparatus to terrorize his fellow Citizens, "Allied Forces" and brave Americans would have no other choice than to teach him and his Nazis' Security Collaborators the same fate as Saddam Hussein and his henchmen experienced".

" I am sick and tired hearing of my fellow African People, especially, Ghanaians being terrorized by their Leaders like Mills and Rawlings and it is time Ghanaians utilize People's Power to fight back against Nazis' and Stalinists Dictators", said the Politician.

" To all the Anti-American Security Mafias in Ghana who have been plotting against me, the fate that befell Saddam Hussein and his Security henchmen is inevitable and the very second I am put on harm's way, I urge all brave Ghanaians, brave People in the International Community especially, Brave American People --- Black, White, Latinos, Asians, American Indians; American Gangsters, Mafias, etc, to do the right thing by retaliating", said the "Larger than Life" Politician who says that "there would be no Ghana to live [if] the government turns National Security into a Terrorist organization to harm him and [if] Rawlings, Kojo Tsikata, Kofi Awoonor and Boakye Djan dare commit Terrorist act against him.

"There would be no Ghana for anybody to live if the government turns National Security into a Terrorist organization to harm me in any covert or overt operation", the pro-American Politician and ex-Barack Obama's Campaign Precinct Captain again warned Anti-American Political Terrorits in Ghana.

" If avowed Anti-American and avowed Tribalists and potential Ethnic Cleansers like Rawlings, Boakye Djan, Kojo Tsikata and Kofi Awoonor put me in any harms way (in collaboration with the top echelon of National Security), I hereby repeat that there would be no Ghana left for anybody to live and all brave Ghanaians -- innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Gas, innocent Fantes, innocent Dagombas, innocent Akyems, innocent Kwahus, innocent Sisalas, innocent Mamprusis, innocent Frafras, innocent Akwapems, innocent Hausas, etc, should do the right thing by fighting back against those Anti-American Terrorists and potential Ethnic Cleansers and retaliate against everything, including roaches in the Terrorists' houses", said the Ghanaian born "America's Mandela" who once defeated a (few) dangerous Anti-American Political Terrorists on American soil who savagery put him on a "Political Show Trial" --- but the cowardly and useless "Enemies of America" and "Enemies of Freedom, Liberty and Equality" were all defeated by the "Biblical David" --- "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, (Sincere thanks to the Civilized and Democratic Government of President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of political persecution against the first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles, and the first indigenous African to run for a higher political office in the history of America, since America's independence from Great Britain in 1776.


Still proclaiming that he is the "De-Facto President of Ghana" --- (in terms of his Powerful and Monumental Ideas which have significantly benefited Ghana and Africa in general) --- former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate and Aspiring 2012 CPP Presidential Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who has kicked off fundraising to support the Party of Ghana's first President and Africa's Liberation Hero, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, has said on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com that he could not vote in America's Mid-term Elections because of his Politics in Ghana and his desire to become President of Gold, Cocoa, Bauxite and Oil Rich Ghana, formerly called Gold Coast --- but the International Politician threatened to quit Politics in Ghana and vowed on his News Website : WWW.GoodMorningGhana.Com to begin preparations to succeed California's Governor Elect-Jerry Brown in U.S. Elections 2016, (unless Ghana embraces his "American Style of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty in his 2012 Political ambition to become the first Ghanaian-American President of Ghana").

The Scholarly Politician advised Ghana's Constitutional Review Committee on his News Website : WWW.GoodMorningGhana.Com, to adapt "Olympic's Rule" for Ghanaian Dual Citizens who were born in Ghana and have Ghanaian Parents, to participate in the Nation's Democracy in order to meet the challenges of the "New Millennium".

" There is 100 % evidence that I never gave up my Ghanaian Citizenship", said the Ghanaian born "America's Mandela" and the first Ghanaian-American to defiantly and courageously run for Mayor of Los Angeles, and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America, since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776.

"The Greatness of United States of America is that if you were born in America, you can run for the office of President. I was not born in America therefore I cannot become President. I was born in Ghana and I will defend my Natural Right, Biological Right, Blood Right, Parental Right and Historical Right to run for President of Ghana", says the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" who does not hide the fact that he has absolute no respect for "Apartheid Laws" and is 100% Battle-Ready to fight "Un-Just and Apartheid Laws in his Native Country of Ghana".

" Just as a 'Dual Citizen' Soccer Player can play both for his Native Country and "Adopted Country", and during the World Cup can play for only one Country of his choice, "Dual Citizen Politicians" can do the same in this era of World advancement and "New Millennium Politics", noted Africa's foremost Political Thinker and one of the World's "Super Star Intellectuals".

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor again, is boldly calling for "ROPA" to be extended to African-Americans and Carribbeans and other blacks in the Diaspora to vote for the first time in Africa, as their (Ancestral Right !!!), to enable them to utilize their enriching experiences to help shape policies in Mother Africa, as Africa prepares for a Continental African Union Government or United African States (UAS) --- publicly reminding former President John Agyekum Kufuor :

"I sent you a registered letter in Ghana in 2005, (Receipt Number 00096) and also, a registered letter to Libya's President Muammar Qaddafi, (Receipt Number 00027), calling for the formation of a Continental African Government to be called "United African States", [UAS] and also, calling for a "Shadow Government" towards such a Continental African Government".

The "People's Politician", whose call for "Dual Citizenship" for blacks in the Diaspora at the time when Hon. Spio Gabrah was Ghana's Ambassador to America when he sent copies of his Political Platform to Ghana's Embassy in Washington, D.C. which without doubt, eventually sparked the idea of "Dual Citizenship" in Ghana --- and the same Politician whose letter to His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and to the Protocol's office in Ghana with a copy to the office of the former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey, eventually ignited the "ROPA Law", asked Ghanaians and Africans to always respect the "Ancestral Rights" of African-Americans, Caribbeans and other blacks in the Diaspora in Africa - noting that "they (African-Americans and Caribbeans, etc,) were taken from Africa against their will, yet, they still remain our biological brothers and sisters".

The Politician who will never hesitate to remind the World Community of once making Africans proud by his feat as the first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles and more importantly, his "Symbolic Victory" as the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America --- (since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776), praised African-Americans and Caribbeans who are still proud of their African heritage.

"Folks, it is still the Gospel Truth that "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor" has been the "Brain Power of Powerful Ideas in Ghana" --- some of the Monumental Ideas in Ghana which former President Kufuor's government took the full credit and never gave me any credit", the Politician reminded Ghanaians around the World.

" Former President Kufuor stole my ideas of "importing South Africa's Model of Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Ghana"; the idea of building a "State of the Art" Presidential Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism like the White House, the idea of erecting Statutes for the Martyred Judges in Ghana, the idea of allowing Ghanaians living abroad to register to vote, which eventually culminated into "Ropa Law", the idea of granting "Dual Citizenship" to blacks in the Diaspora, the idea of re-inventing Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's call for a Continental African Union Government of which Ghana's Postal Office's mailed letters in 2005 - (registration receipt number 00027 to the office of Libya's President and registration receipt number 00096 to the office of President Kufuor.

"Folks, whereas former President Kufuor was the legitimate President of Ghana during his term, in view of powers that was vested in him through a democratic election, the reality at that time was that I was the "De-Facto President of Ghana, in terms of my Monumental Ideas".

"Former President Kufuor's government for years ruled with some of my Great Ideas which have dictated policy directions in Ghana", said the Democratic Activist and Civil Rights Icon in his own Right.

" I am still the De-Facto President of Ghana - in terms of my Powerful and Monumental Ideas which have significantly benefited Ghana and Africa in general", "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, who claims that Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah has been reincarnated through him

* Source : Good Morning Ghana Newspaper ---WWW.GoodMorningGhana.Com and WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

>>> *(Signed for Release)* : "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng "Kwame Mayor"

>>> Telephone (+562) 489-4010 / (562) 428-3727

>>> Website: WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

>>> News Website : WWW.GoodMorningGhana.Com
