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NPP Presidential Aspirant In Forgery Scandal

Tue, 30 Oct 2007 Source: Palaver

Your authoritative “The Ghana Palaver” is in possession of documentation that proves unequivocally that one of the leading Presidential aspirants for the NPP’s December 22 National Delegates Congress has had his party papers forged for him.

The Presidential aspirant, who apparently is not a registered, card-bearing member of the NPP, has contrived to have the registration documents of one of the constituencies in the Greater Accra Region doctored in order to have his name inserted in the list as having been registered on 22nd April 2007. He has also been issued with an unsigned and undated Party registration card which also does not have the identity of his Polling Station.

“The Ghana Palaver” is for now withholding the name of the aspirant as well as his Party registration number, hoping that the aspirant will not be presenting those forged registration particulars with his completed registration form.

“The Ghana Palaver” has shown the documentation in its possession to some executive members of the NPP. Their reactions have all been the same. The documents are a forgery, and crude forgeries at that. But even in their forged form, the documents still will not qualify the aspirant to contest because the NPP Constitution requires all aspirants to be card-bearing members of the party and to have been Party members in good standing for at least five (5) years.

Said a top aide of one of the rival Presidential candidate aspirants to whom “The Ghana Palaver” also showed the documentation: “If he (the aspirant) makes the mistake of submitting his forms along with those forged documents, that will be his end in Ghanaian politics and we strongly advice him not to dream of submitting the forms he has picked up since we are aware that he has no other documentation apart from the forged ones”.

Source: Palaver