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Rumor Mill


Fri, 10 May 2002 Source: Various


Folks within a matter of days President Kuffour is going to force Sulemana to resign or be fired like Gen Hamidu. According to sources within the Presdent inner circle.
--- Taken off SIL (without permission)


The Kaiser negotiators are refusing to negotiate with the Presidential team headed by Da Rocha because of an agreement they signed secretly with Wereko-Brobbey two weeks ago.

Even though, Wereko-Brobbey's agreement does not have to be final, we'll see whether the President has enough balls to stop this daylight robbery.

Under the agreement signed by Wereko-Brobbey, Valco will pay 2.2 cents per unit (as compared to the minimum of 3.65 cents per unit, that Valco had initially verbally agreed to.) Da Rocha is very mad at this act of "betrayal" by Tarzan and claims he had no idea what Tarzan was up to.

It is daylight robbery for Wereko-Brobbey to secretly approve a mere 10% raise for Valco while asking Ghanaians to pay over 200% more (VRA-ECG combined), and doing so in HASTY secrecy just before he left for the U.S. This is even more serious viewed against the fact that VALCO consumes over 40% of the power produced in Ghana. Why must the Ghanaian taxpayer continue subsidizing this American giant because of a few selfish politicians who are only thinking about their pockets?

I can't disclose more at this time. Stay tuned. Pending the final decision of the President, I will write a FULL report on how Ghana was robbed, for distribution to the Ghanaian media and other professonal bodies..
--- Taken off SIL (without permission)

Sam Jonah

I have always regarded Sam Jonah, Tsatsu Tsikata and the ex-boss of Ghana Airways, Quartey, as super-crooks, pending proof beyond reasonable doubt in court, of course.

My information about Jonah is that he had agreed to share his wealth with Kufour in return for not being pursued by the law enforcement authorities. This explains why he is not even under official suspicion in Ghana, but is rewarded with Ghana Airways to rip off for the benefit of the two.
--- Taken off SIL (without permission)

Chief suspected of having affair with a married woman

It has been rumoured that the Chief of Akropong in the Atwima nwabiagya district has been flirting with the wife of one of his subjects.If this allegation is confirmed then he should do himself a favour by abdicating honourably else the citizens will advise themselves
--- Aj

Rift Between President & Minister

Reliable information reaching me indicates that there is a serious rift between president Kuffuor and Nana Akufo-Addo the minister of justice. The informant told me that the president asked Nana Akufo-Addo to move to Foreign Affairs. Nana Akufo-Addo refused. This refusal has stalled any cabinet reshuffle which is long over due.
-- Concerned "SIL" Citizen
Source: Various