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Mole nationa Park

Mole National Park

Location: 170 km west of Tamale in the West Gonja District
Nearest hotel: Mole Motel

Famous for its elephants, Mole National Park is located in northern Ghana and is the biggest national park in the country. The park covers an estimated 4,577 square kilometers in the district of West Gonja and is home to several species of mammals and birds. It is no surprise that this Ghana National park rates as the most popular game park and the most visited of all parks and reserves in Ghana.

Some 600 elephants, 2,000 roam antelopes, 3,000 hartebeests, 4,000 waterbucks, 5,000 buffalo and 6,000 warthogs roam freely in the park's grasslands. Uncounted lions, leopards, hyenas and various primates can also be seen in Mole.

Part of the park lies in the Guinea Savannah Zone which is a large expanse of open savannah grasslands often interrupted by a few woodlands. The grasses normally grow to 3m high especially during the wet season making game viewing difficult, although the dry season (September to March) turns it brown and more sparse, making viewing easier. The river banks are covered in forest woodlands attracting both woodland species and water birds.

The park is an important water catchment area with smaller water streams and other rivers pouring their water in the White Volta. Polzen is one of the rivers in the park with spectacular falls downstream. There are an estimated 742 species of plants and trees in the park of which 4 are endemic species and more than 20 are classified as rare species.

Mole is accessible by public transport from Tamale. Once at the park, the only accommodation is available at The Mole Motel. The park entrance gate is about 4km north of the turn-off in Larabanga. The park headquarters and the motel are a further 2km into the park. Guided walks are offered twice daily, at 6.30am and 3.30pm. You are not permitted to walk (or drive) in the park unless you’re accompanied by an armed ranger. It is best to take provisions with you or buy food at the hotel as facilities at the park are very basic.