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Asiedu Nketia Exposed: Total Chronicling Of Lies In Relation To Appointment Of National Directors

Wed, 14 Dec 2022 Source: HypeLords Gh

I have had the benefit of listening to an audio in circulation in relation to the appointment of Directors by the party. He spoke in relation to the proceedings of a NEC meeting that appointed some party directors.

I want to set out the following records straight.

1. Chairman Ofosu Ampofo unilaterally brought his list for appointment of Directors for the various directorates at a NEC meeting.

This is a palpable falsehood to the best of my knowledge so long as the operation of the party's structures were concerned. It is the Functional Executives Committee (FEC) of the party that formulates the agenda for National Executives Committee (NEC) meetings.

At the meeting prior to the determination of the agenda for the NEC meeting, a list of directors to be considered for appointments to head the various directorates were submitted by the General Secretary. National Chairman querried the source of the list and how he came by the list as well as who mandated him to even compile such a list unilaterally and GS started fumbling.

He later explained that, the list csme from the office of JDM. When National Chairman made checks from the office of the former President, it became evident that, JDM had no knowledge of the said list that has been submitted by the General Secretary.

National Chairman informed the house the former President have sanctioned no such list or action and that, he thinks FEC should proceed with exercising his constitutional mandates of appointing officers.

FEC thus discussed the list of appointees and submitted same to NEC for approval subsequently.

The day before the NEC meeting, a conspiracy was hatched to topple the list submitted to NEC for approval. The Regional Organisers' caucus, Secretaries' caucus, Women Organisers' caucus, some Regional Chairmen and Regional Youth Organisers were engaged and given monies to reject the list of appointments to be submitted for approval at NEC.

In attendance at the meeting that day was Hon. Julius Debrah, the Former Chief of Staff of the party.

The NEC meeting was called to order and the proceedings of the day started.


The process of appointments started with the appointment of the 3 coopted NEC members. Madam Sati Ocran, Mr. Kofi Attoh and Hon. Moses Mabenga were considered for appointment. Their appointments received unanimous approval from the house without any resentments from members.

Upon reaching the appointment of Directors of elections and IT, Hon. Julius Debrah sought for the opportunity to address the meeting which he was given the opportunity.

Julius made the point that, in his estimation, NEC should hold on with the appointment of Directors of IT and elections and wait until the flagbearer elections are over so that such appointments could be made in consultation with the flagbearer of the party.

This was received with mixed reactions from the house.

Several arguments were raised for and against this assertion by the former chief of staff. James Gunu (Volta Regional Secretary), Anthony Nukpenu (Greater Accra Regional Organiser) and I think the former Regional Organiser for Upper West advanced arguments in support of the former Chief of Staff.

At this point, the General Secretary was asked to read the article in the Constitution that allows for such appointments to be done. Upon reading the said article, it was concluded that, no where in the said article is it directed that, such appointments must be delayed till a flagbearer is elected before appointments are made.

After the ensuing arguments, the National Chairman addressed the meeting and insisted that, those appointments must be made because "we have a party to build".

National Chairman equally said that, the very difficulty for which such a request from Hon. Julius Debrah cannot be granted is that, NEC is composed of both National and Regional officers of the party and that any decision to defer the appointments on the grounds as tabled by the former Chief of Staff would be disastrous for party unity after the primaries. This was so because the other Presidential flagbearer aspirants were at the time already accusing National and regional officers of the party of bias.

The National Chairman subsequently rallied the support of NEC members to proceed with the appointments. Nowhere did the National Chairman threatened to resign. And at no point did he GS rallied support for the appointments to be done. He was very indifferent and NEVER took a stance on whether he supports the appointments or not.

Akamba on Griffiths: There was nowhere during the NEC deliberations that Akamba suggested Griffiths had a working relationship with Bawumia. This never found expression at the NEC meeting and I am shocked at the peak of lies the GS is spewing out in the name of contest. For such a senior party folk to attempt to distort the proceedings of a NEC meeting is very dangerous.

It must be noted that, it was the appointment of one Kojo Gyeke as Deputy Director of IT which was opposed by Emmanuel Okai Mintah, the former Eastern Regional Youth Organiser of the party.

NEC considered the views of Minta and kept on hold the appointment of the Deputy Director of IT until it satisfied itself before approving his appointment.

On socialist International and its support for sister parties, is Asiedu Nketiah saying that, with his status in the party as General Secretary and a leading member of the Socialist Union, he couldnt have done same for the party in the past as the General Secretary and that he can only do same upon becoming Chairman?

Its amazing how a senior party folk can peddle such falsehoods in the name of internal contest.

Source: HypeLords Gh