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......And He Died!

Fri, 31 Mar 2023 Source: odotei, nii odotei.

"The First Prerequisite For Immortality Is Death."

--- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


"You're Going To Die"!

Now, this is not a prophecy or news anyone will want to hear from a Pastor or a Doctor, but sadly this is surely the end of all mortals.

There is none on earth who hasn't felt the cold breeze of the Grim Reaper, if not closer home through the death of a family member at least far away at the death of a celebrity or friend.

Though Death is a constant feature of our lives, its occurrence is always a sad thing, (even for people we expect/wish to die).

You know, I love reading autobiographies, Robert Liardon's God's Generals (Vol.1&2), Makers of Civilization, Ancient Rome, etc. and recently finished reading one about Sir Sean Connery (I didn't know the guy was dead and didn't also know the name is pronounced "Shawn" and not "Seen" as I have always done) ☺

Anyway, reading these stories over the years I noticed something, after all the great exploits of these wo/men, their stories usually end with their death/funeral, except for the ones who are still around.

Chancing upon Sean Connery's article and sadly reading about his death got me wondering,

"Where have I come across such a concept?"

I mean the concept of Birth, Living and Death!

I searched through the many crevices of my brain, going over books I've read: Egyptian Book of the Dead, Polynesian Funeral Scrolls, The Gita, etc.

Movies, Articles etc. but nothing clicked.

Then I went to church and as the Pastor told us to go the Genesis, it clicked!!

I remember in those days I titled the chapter "The Death List Chapter" in my old King James Version of the Bible.

Genesis 5:1- - 27.

Why such a weird title for a chapter in the Holy Scriptures?

Well, take your Bible and let's see my reason...

"You're not a Christian?"

No problem..

The Bible is "Scriptural" i.e. pertains to writing,

so if you can read Playboy, you can read the Bible!!

(Please, I am in No WAY trying to degrade the "Spirituality or Holiness of the Bible or comparing the Bible to Playboy Magazine.

I am just saying, ANYONE who is literate, can read the Bible.

No One Should read any Heretical meaning into the above statement) 🙏🏿

Ok, now let's go to the chapter and read, please, make sure you're doing so from the KJV of the Bible....

This chapter tells us about the genealogy/generation of Adam, his creation, his children, etc.

As you read about the names, places and exploits of Adam and his children, one will notice that for everyone, the writer(s) of Genesis ends the narration with... AND HE DIED!!

Even Methuselah after 969yrs had the same epitaph.

It was only Enoch who missed that ending!

Interesting huh?

Thanks to Science, people are now living longer, but that's what we're doing, living longer not living forever.

Over the ages, people have tried all sorts of things to attain immortality; Alchemy, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, the Fountain of Life, the Holy Grail, Mummification, Cryogenics, Fame, etc. all but a few of the things linked to the pursuit of immortality.

The desire to live forever is soo strong in man that almost all the major religions have a promise of an Afterlife.

If it is not an Afterlife with many virgins, it's one of absolute Peace of mind or one with its practitioners wearing white and worshipping their Lord forever.

The idea of just having ONE life in only ONE place is not so comfortable for the human soul.

I honestly don't know what your stand is on the Afterlife, but whatever it is, I hope you're reconciled with the idea that after all is said and done,

you and I will not escape these immortal words:

".....AND S/HE DIED!!"

You know, no matter your belief, you can only live once but someone also said, "if you make all the effort to live it well, one life is enough".

We often pray for long life, which is fine, but I think we should rather change that prayer and ask for Grace to live this one life well.

Often, it's not about how long one lives but how well.....

Jesus lived for only 33yrs and Methuselah lived for over 900yrs but how many books or songs have been written or composed for Methuselah?

Instead of fretting about Death, let's be like Dawid Ben Jesse and rather ask the good Lord,

"To teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart unto Wisdom."

To anyone who has lost a dear one this week, have my sincerest condolences.

To anyone remembering the loss of a dear one this week,

have my sympathy.

Cry and mourn your loved one.

Let their death be a wake-up call

And don't waste their memory by stepping into depression because of their death.

It's Hard but It Will Get Better.

And never forget to Hold On Pain Ends.

So, what's the reason for this long piece with Bible reading and stuff?

Well, this is just my weird way of reminding you that: "Memento Mori". ☺

As always, "Thank You" for making time to read my post and until you hear from me with another post, please, Comment, Share and get more people to subscribe.


I Am Odotei, Nii Odotei,

Striving To Be S. H.O.E,

Memento Mori,

Abaa nabo!

Picture Courtesy Of Google Images

Post Courtesy of

Source: odotei, nii odotei.