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The "Anointed" Coffin Maker.

Fri, 31 Mar 2023 Source: odotei, nii odotei.

God Answers ALL Prayers;

It's Just That Sometimes His Answers Aren't What We Want"

--- Anonymous


I know this is the month of love and on any "normal" blog, we'll be talking about love in one way or the other, especially on this day (14-02-22), but as usual, this is not a normal blog.

So, on this wonderful day, welcome into the zany world of my weird mind, where I will tell you a weird story.

Whether the events in this story are true or not, I can't tell, but I know I am itching to share them with you.


Alright, let's get into it;

So, for some time now a friend in my village has unsuccessfully tried to get me into their church for one program or the other.

I usually use my work as the basis for disappointing him but last week I decided to honour his requests by attending one of their scheduled three-day Prophetic program.

He kept telling me "You can't miss the spiritual opportunity to meet this powerful prophet headlining the program."

This particular "god of Men" is known in the villages to be a man with a special "anointing" for prosperity and blessings.

He told me about how this guy literally "carries the presence of God for business/job breakthroughs" and how I need to at least experience his ministry once.

So, Thursday after work, I decided to pass through the church and experience this "god of men's" ministry.

When I got there, the place was fully packed with the instrumentalists and Prayer warriors in full swing.

I thought I was late but they told me that was just the opening prayer session. Wow!!

Though the place was packed, my friend got me a place in the auditorium and a seat next to an elderly and decent-looking man.

This man was quiet throughout the praise and Worship time but when the "god of man" came to the pulpit, he went into a different realm.

Leaping, jumping, shouting and "sowing into" every prophecy about business/jobs from the pulpit.

Oh, for those not familiar with the term:

"Sowing into" is when you go and put money on the altar when the preacher says something that ministers to you.

I know we are not supposed to get angry at church but this man was being a nuisance to me.

You see, I am one of those people who still carry a Bible and notebook to church and likes to listen to the preaching,

but all those lifting of hands and shouting "I receive it", "This is for me", "Preach on pastor" etc. was just too much.

Call me weird, but there must be some order in the house of God.

But I guess "I am an Orthodox Christian in a Charismatic church expecting a Jehovah's Witnesses mode of worship".



after enduring all the distractions during the preaching, it then came to the prayer and ministration time.

This is where the prophet calls people and gives them specific prayers or prophecies "as he goes into the spiritual".

He went through a few of those before calling my next-seat neighbour, you should see the joy and excitement with which he rushed to stand before the Prophet.

A touch from the Prophet and he was on the floor rolling "in the spirit". This caused the prophet to ask the ushers to pick him up for another "ministration."

Because of his "manifestations", the Prophet asked for oil because he needed to anoint him.

They brought him one of those small bottles but he said he needed a bigger bottle and he poured all the content on my neighbour.

He prayed and Prophesied saying we should watch this man, that his business will flourish greatly and he will have branches all over town.

Interestingly, the "Amens" and excitement for that prophecy for this particular man were not as loud as others ooo.

I got a bit confused, but later I understood.

Afterwards, there were other prayers and prophecies, then offering time and we closed.

No, the prophecy didn't see anything about me so I wasn't even called to be prayed for or Prophesied to oo.


Coming from the office today, I passed by a woodworking shop I occasionally use as a route to my house.

I usually pass this shop without paying much attention to the place, but today a face in the shop caught my attention.

So, I reversed my steps to take another look and I was right!

In the shop was my church next-seat neighbour and he was working on a Coffin!!


The guy who was anointed with a gallon of olive oil and Prophesied to about a great and flourishing business is a Coffin Maker??

Now I understand the subdued Amens during his prayer session but even more, I am now afraid.

So whiles I went to pray for long life and prosperity for my family and friends, my next-seat neighbour was also praying for his coffin business.


God too is hearing prayers oooo.

I am now thinking of leaving this village,

we already have problems with water, jobs, teenage pregnancies and now we have an "anointed" coffin-maker! 😃 😀 😄

This is not a laughing matter ooo.


May NO coffin maker's prayer come to pass in your life (untimely).

Can I hear an enthusiastic Amen?

Do you think this is a true story?

Even if it's not, don't you wonder about the sorts of prayers that certain people in certain jobs pray about?


And oh,

Happy Valentine's day.....

In my country, we say "Happy Chocolate Day!"


I Am Odotei, Nii Odotei,

Striving To Be S. H.O.E,

Memento mori,

Abaa nabo!

Picture Courtesy Of Google Images

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Source: odotei, nii odotei.