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23 file to contest NPP parliamentary primaries in Oti Region

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Mon, 14 Aug 2023 Source: GNA

Twenty-three aspirants, including two females, have successfully filed forms to contest in the upcoming New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary primaries across the nine constituencies in the Oti Region.

The Krachi East Constituency has five contestants, the highest in the region followed by Guan, Akan and Nkwanta North Constituency with three contestants each, respectively.

The contestants at Krachi East are Michael Yaw Gyato, Humphrey Ankamah Sarpong, Madam Pearl Akua Agyemang, Jacob Nlanli and Timothy Kwesi Koki.

In Guan, the candidates are Madam Janet Emefa Obro Adibo Goka, Richard Ofori and Michael Osibo and in the Akan Constituency contestants being Tanko Issifu Yakubu, Tassan Safiu and Ambassador Rashid Bawa.

In the Nkwanta North Constituency are Joseph K, Nayan, Benjamin M. Nador and Mr Isaac Borrido while the Nkwanta South Constituency has Madam Sherifa Sekyere Tijani and Joshua Gmayenaam Makubu.

The Krachi Nchumuru Constituency has Mamudu James, Appiah Kwesi and Innocent Kakateche Tache with the Krachi West constituency having Alhaji Baako and Justice Amankwa Mensah.

The Biakoye and Buem Constituencies have Richard Kwadjo Adjei and Dr Frank Yirenkyi, respectively.

Jonathan Akpabeh, the Oti Regional Secretary of the NPP told the Ghana News Agency that the vetting date would be communicated to the aspirants in due course.

He said after the vetting, aspirants with issues regarding the vetting process could appeal for redress after which the regional vetting committee would schedule a date for the elections.

He asked aspirants to refrain from insults and attacks during their campaign to canvass for votes from delegates.

He stressed that there was the need to use decent language in their attempt to win the hearts of delegates so that after the elections the party should be formidable, stronger, peaceful and united to achieve its aims and objectives.

Source: GNA
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