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Mining pit collapse: 22 declared dead; rescue efforts end

Drc Mining Rescue efforts were suspended yesterday after a heavy downpour

Fri, 7 Jul 2017 Source:

The number of persons confirmed dead in the Prestea-Nsuta mining pit collapse that occured Sunday has risen to 22, from the initial 17 reported.

The figures have been confirmed by the police following investigations to account for every miner believed to have been trapped in the 80-feet pit. They’ve all been officially declared dead and the rescue operation stopped after five days of search deep down the earth.

A government delegation led by the Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural resources, Benito Owusu Bio, police and investigators Thursday night engaged families of the trapped miners and agreed on the disaster site being reclaimed.

Mr Owusu Bio stated that the police will be stationed in the area to prevent others from mining in the community.

“Right now we’re waiting for the equipment to get here for them to seal the pit. As we’re waiting there will be police guard on standby over here to ensure that nobody and I mean it, nobody enters the pit. Everyone down there has been declared dead officially. That is why we had to invite the Magistrate, and also the Medical Doctor to come over from the Prestea Hospital. Every one has appended his signature to the list.”

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