









Remain focused and united – Akufo-Addo to NPP

President Akufo Addo And NPP Executives President Akufo-Addo in a psoe with the NPP Executives

Sat, 16 Jan 2021 Source: GNA

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has appealed to the leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to remain focused and united to ensure the stability and progress of the party.

He said infighting and finger-pointing would create volatilities inimical to the party, which in turn could lend the opposition some serious political capital.

“The most important thing for us to do at this stage, is to keep together…is to reinforce our unity and maintain our morale,” he said in meeting with the NPP’s regional executives and chairmen of the constituencies in the Greater Accra Region, at the Jubilee House, Accra on Thursday.

“If we are going to spend a lot of energies pointing fingers at each other, neither of those things are going to be attained,” he told them.

The President told the party officials that what should occupy them was to counter the false narratives the opposition was propagating about the outcome of the December 2020 elections.

“So I want you very much to have that in mind, you’ll have something else, very important in mind, these NDC people making so much noise, we won, remember they began, one time we even went to 145 seats, they could never be quite clear how many with 139, 140, 141, 145, Mahama had won the election.

“It turned out all to be false, and we should remember, ever since Jerry John Rawlings left the presidential scene of politics in our country, no NDC presidential candidate has won more than 51 per cent of the votes. His successor Mills, in his first-round against Kufour 44 per cent, the second round 47 per cent.

“When it came to the second time against Kufour the same figures and in 2008. When he contested against me after three rounds he got 50.03 per cent of the vote. Mahama in 2012, got 50.7, in 2016, 44 per cent of the votes, in 2020 47 per cent of the vote.

“What these figures tell us is that whenever we NPP put our acts together we win,” the Ghana News Agency quoted Mr Akufo-Addo as saying.

President Akufo-Addo reinforced the fact that “the majority is with us, so let us be very clear in our mind, our opponent with all the shouting does not have the support of the majority of the people in our country.”

“So the future of Ghana, the future of this country is in our hands. It is the function of how we behave, how we organize ourselves that will determine how the country will also move ahead,” he stressed.

Source: GNA
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