









24 Ghanaian-Canadians Honored

Award Recipiant Dignitaries

Tue, 16 Oct 2007 Source: Ghanaian News Canada

.... at Prestigious Awards Dinner
A lavish Dinner at The Heaven’s Banquet Hall at 1274 Martin Grove Avenue in Toronto was the setting at which twenty-four members of the Ghanaian-Canadian Community were honored for their individual or group achievements and for their positive contributions to the enrichment of the Ghanaian Community in Canada and to Canadian society. The event was the seventh edition of the annual Awards Dinner started seven years ago under the auspices of the versatile community newspaper, The Ghanaian News Canada.

This year’s awards were in the field of Outstanding Academic Achievements, National Honours, Sports, Outstanding Community Services, Business Promotion, Cultural Promotion, Contemporary Music, and Movie Production. This year’s recipients were: Dr. Davida Sowah, (Calgary, Alberta), Anita Kissi, (Toronto), Fred Donsah (Toronto), Glenda Anderson, (Toronto), Abena Gyimah (Toronto) all for outstanding academic achievements. In the Community Service categories the recipients were: Rebecca Takyi (Vancouver, B.C), George Fynn, Ann Ankamah, Kwabena Frimpong, Dora Anie, and Rev. Dr. Joseph Antoh, all of Toronto and Yakubu Amadu (Montreal). Evangelist Alex Benneh (Montreal) and special guest from Ghana Prophet Seth Frimpong received recognition for Gospel Music. In the business promotion category, the recipients were: George and Prudence Kyeremateng (Tabong Enterprises), and Mr. & Mrs. Debrah (First Class Carpet). Ebenezer Owusu-Ansah of Toronto received award for Movie Production and Aaron Adusei for sports. Captain Felix Tachie received the National Honour award for his services to the Canadian armed Forces Chaplaincy Division and overseas service in Afghanistan.

The Amansie Multicultural Association of Toronto was honored with a special award for Excellence in Community Initiatives for winning a very competitive City-wide competition to develop affordable housing complex in the City of Toronto. The 48-unit apartment complex is about 90% complete and will be commissioned before the end of the year 2007.

The guest speaker for the occasion was the Senior resident Pastor of the two Ghanaian SDA Churches in Toronto, Pastor Oppong Damson. Pastor Damson in his address stressed the need to serve ones community using the resources available. He said, “The starting point of all achievements is desire. The desire to SERVE the community. The desire to SERVE the country. The desire to SERVE humanity.”

Pastor Damson used the quote of Vanvenargues, a French moralist and essayist, “The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to ones opportunities and make the most of ones resources”, to support his assertion that there are greater opportunities and resources in Canada for all Ghanaians who live here to able to achieve something in their life time for their community and for humanity. He admonished the achievers to mentor some one else and the youth in particular for success.

The Consul General of Ghana in Toronto, Mr. Kwabena Asare brought special greetings from Ghana’s High Commissioner to Canada, Hon. Mrs. (Dr.) Amoakohene in Ottawa.

Former Toronto area MP, Jean Augustine and Susan Hall, Toronto City Councillor graced the occasion as they do every year. A Special Guest at the event was the M.P for Koforidua, New Juaben, former Eastern Regional Minister and Minister of State at the Presidency, Hon. Yaw Barimah.

The Ghanaian News Publisher and Chair of the Awards Planning Committee, Emmanuel Ayiku, earlier in his welcome address pointed out that the organizing of the event was guided by the realization that many people in the Ghanaian-Canadian Community were excelling in various aspects of Canadian society and in our own community that needed to be showcased and officially recognized. Our community, he noted, needs to send a powerful message to the larger Canadian society on the achievements and major contributions that members of the Ghanaian-Canadian community are making to the Canadian mosaic.

Other members of the Awards Organizing Committee were Comfort Mrs. Comfort Ayiku, The Ghanaian News Production Manager, Joe Kingsley Eyiah, Contributing Editor, Dr. Michael Baffoe, Contributing Editor and Winnipeg Bureau Chief and Fred Poku Bonsu, Events and Stage Manager. The MCs for the occasion were two beautiful and articulate sisters Noreen Fosu and Yvonne Fosu.

Source: Ghanaian News Canada