









AACDA Inaugurated in USA


Tue, 5 Oct 2010 Source: samuel a. buabeng

History was made on the 18th of September, 2010, when Citizens and friends of Asante Asamang in the United State and beyond came together in a colorful style to officially launch the Asante Asamang Citizen Development Association, (AACDA).

The association has been operating under the shadows for the past few years in the United State, New Jersey to be precise. However, members saw the need to bring to bear the association and the wonderful services it is providing to the citizens in Diaspora and at home. Although it was not easy as it is with most such organizations, but members were determined to make this happen. There were many twists and turns along the way, but the resilience and persistence of members of the association finally paid off when they were greeted by fellow citizens from all over the U.S, some of whom even came as far as from Australia to grace the occasion.

At about on the above date, some invited guest were already in the meeting hall. Among them is Mr. Kwasi Boateng, Mr. Duffour Charles, Uncle Dan, and Mr. Asare Bediako all of New Jersey. When it was time for the program to start, Mr. Paul Nyame, one of the elders of Asamang who is currently visiting with family members in New Jersey offered the opening prayer and committed the program into the hands of the great one, without Him, nothing would be successful. Soon after the prayer, the Master of the Ceremony for the occasion, Mr. Adusei Buabeng Samuel got busy by welcoming all visitors and citizens to the program. On behalf of the executive and the entire membership of the association, Mr. Buabeng, who is the current secretary of the association, thanked members and visitors for the wonderful response received He promised a happy night ahead, enjoining members to relax and feel at home.

The chairman for the occasion, Mr. Harrison Kwabena Afriyie, who currently resides in Bronx, New York, was introduced by Mrs. Asante Nyame Christiana. Mr. Afriyie thanked members for coming and entreated citizens, both present and afar, and friends of Asamang to come together and build the town of Asamang since no one will do that for us. He thanked the visitors for their love and their willingness to spend some of their time with the citizens of Asamang. He encouraged them to always come to our functions for us to build together.

Giving an overview of the purpose of the meeting, Mr. Sefa Bonsu Emmanuel, the current chairman of the association who had just arrived from home after his mother’s funeral, defied all odds and gave an astounding speech about the current affair of the association. He thanked the members and visitor for coming in their numbers. He informed members and citizens present that the purpose for the gathering was to update and encourage them that the time has come, and it is even overdue for all citizens and lovers of Asamang to come together and build our town in any way possible in order to leave our mark in the history books of the town so that posterity will judge us right. He stressed the need for members to be committed to the association and to honor their commitments in furtherance of the betterment of Asamang.

Tracing the historical background of the association, Mr. Owusu Asenso Mensah, the Vice Chairman of the association chronicled the activities of the association from the days that Mr. Otchere, a renowned Pharmacist and a native of Asamang,(currently in Ghana), the late Mr. Asenso and the like strived to bring the people of Asamang, Konya and Brenhoma together, but their attempts proved futile. He indicated that although the past attempts could not be successful, this one appears to be more promising. He told members that the association has now come to stay. He indicated that the current executive has been able to acquire all necessary paperwork required for a non-profit organization to function in the United States. Therefore the association is legally registered as a 501(c) organization. Mr. Owusu Mensah encouraged citizens, both present and afar to join hands and be wiling to donate anything to the association since that is the only way the lives of the people back home and that in the Diaspora could be improved.

When it came to his turn, Mr. Bernard Agyei, the current Treasurer of the association reiterated the need for members to come together, since there is no doubt about the fact that in unity lies strength. Mr. Agyei enumerated some of the achievements of the association so far. He informed the people present of donations made to the school children in the town which include exercise (writing) books and pencils, as well as science and math text book. He also informed the gathered dignitaries that the association is locally taking care of the welfare of its members. He mentioned appearances at, and donations to members during birthdays and death of members as well as family of members.

The treasurer further indicated that the association currently has an account with the Bank of America, and that, all transactions are carried through the bank. He assured members and will-be members of the fact that all money donated or paid to the association will be truthfully accounted for. He told members that the current goal of the association is to raise money to be invested in the Asamang hospital. He mentioned that gone were the days when money was given to people and organization for project, and before you notice, there will be neither money nor a project. He assured members that any money raised would be invested making more emphasis on the word, “invest”, in a viable project like a dental department or otherwise to support the people at home in their basic health and getting employment for the youth of the town.

Among the highlights of the occasion is a special honor conferred on Ms. Diana Addo, a.k.a Aunt Diana. The Secretary of the association, Mr. Adusei Buabeng highly commended Ms. Addo for the motherly role she is playing in the association. She was encouraged to continue to support the group with her advice and love. There was also a dancing competition between all males and females at the gathering, the results of which is soon to be released by the chairman of the occasion to the press.

Gucci Sounz from Elizabeth, New Jersey was the rocking engineer for the occasion. He provoked members with his powerful and wonderful selections to the point that members and their visitors could not help but left their seats cold for the most part of the gathering.

In his closing, the chairman’s message was that it is time for all and sundry to come together as we build our towns and cities back home one at a time. People gathered there were reassured that they would be blessed for making the slightest impact in the life of someone back home.

Mrs. Buabeng Mercy offered the vote of thanks. Mrs. Buabeng expressed her gratitude on behalf of the entire association. She thanked all visitors and well-wishers of Asamang for their time and donations. The meeting came to an end at about 4.00am Eastern Standard Time.

We want to use this medium to invite all citizens around the globe to get in touch with each other so that all of can work on a common goal of building up the ruins of the great Asamang. For further information on how to join the association or donate something, please contact us at [email protected]. You can also call us at 973-704-9346.

By: Samuel A. Buabeng (Executive Secretary)

Source: samuel a. buabeng