









Adonteng Boateng Shakes Virginia

Prophet Kofi Adonteng Boateng

Thu, 4 Nov 2010 Source: --

Heavens comes down

Adonteng Boateng Shakes Virginia

…. As crossing over summit held

Prophet Kofi Adonteng Boateng, the Founder of Divine Prayer Line has declared the last quarter of 2010 as one for breakthroughs in which hitherto unassailable heights would be conquered.

He made the prophetic pronouncement on Sunday at the Hilton Hotel Ball room in Mclean, Virginia as he led about five thousand worshippers at this year’s prayer convention. The theme for the convention was “Crossing Over” to thank God and to seek His face for the coming year. Prophet Boateng declared that, not only will God grant spiritual breakthroughs; He will also give the faithful mental and physical breakthroughs. “…Your minds will be fruitful, your thoughts will be inspired, your ideas will be charged, in your thinking, in your meditative moments in your sleeping moments, in your quiet moments God will infuse your mind with divine ideas and you would have concepts that will resolve problems…”

Prophet Boateng led the gathering to make personal covenants with God and prayed that come another cycle, all would bear witness to the faithfulness of God because he would grant them their desires. Reading extensively from John 8, Prophet Adonteng said “Jesus said “I am the light of the world and one who follows me shall not walk in darkness.” He encouraged the worshippers to stamp out fears and timidity to face each challenges that comes their way because that is how they will overcome.

“… If you are going to experience breakthrough, you don’t do it by hiding in the stronghold. You experience your breakthrough when you come out from defeat, when you come out from being afraid, you come out from timidity and step out there and let God be God in your life. Several gospel musicians and groups took part in the service leading the gathering in songs ministration. Naa Norley Bandoh Afrikan Post Virginia

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