









Black Stars' Prince Boateng Has Right to Run For Public Office

Prince Kevin Boateng Wc2010

Wed, 30 Jun 2010 Source: Boateng, Kwame Appiah

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES

Describing Ghanaian-German Black Stars' Player, Kevin Prince Boateng, as a "Role Model" who has positively used his Mixed-Race to brighten Ghana's image before the eyes of the World Community through Soccer --- (instead of former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings, our "Mullatto Brother" who used his Mixed Race to kill, torture, and maim his fellow African brothers and sisters during his brutal regimes, (such as PNDC Military regime which former President John Agyekum Kufuor, a notorious greedy, selfish and ("Political Businessman") served, until Rawlings' government used him to "infiltrate" NPP to topple the Iconic Professor Adu-Boahen as the Flagbearer) --- Legendary Civil Rights Activist and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", has publicly said on his Cam,paign website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com that Kevin Prince Boateng, whose Mother is a German and Father a Ghanaian, has "Biological Right" as the Son of a Ghanaian Parent to run for Public Office in Ghana, including the office of the Presidency, as the challenges of the New Millennium demands.

"Prince Boateng displayed Patriotism when he scored a goal for his Fatherland, Ghana", said the "People's Politician" and "Pocket Lawyer" who says that although Ghana relies on Soccer Players from Ghanaians living abroad, "Political Hypocrites" like former President John Agyekum Kufuor who deceived Ghanaians abroad, did not champion for a Law to allow Ghanaians Dual Citizens with birth, parental and blood right to run for office of the Presidency.

( The only thing former President Kufuor did for Ghanaians abroad was when he (Kufuor) stole his ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor's) ideas to allow Ghanaians abroad to (register to vote), explained the "People's Politician".

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who has often (teased) both NPP and NDC that he would join their ranks, reminded Ghanaians that "Once born a CPP, always a CPP" --- hinting at long last that he would contest for the CPP Presidential Flagbearership.

" I still want to marry Yaa Asantewaa Rawlings, daughter of former President John Rawlings and Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, (for the sake of permanently uniting Asantes and Ewes), but I will never be part of Rawlings' divisive agenda".

"Whereas the CPP has a Pan-Africanist and National Agenda, the NDC and NPP still have "Divisive Agendas", said the Political Tactician, who says that "Whereas you can take away Kwame Mayor from the CPP, you cannot take away CPP from Kwame Mayor".

Once again, the Self Proclaimed Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition has publicly asked the Constitutional Review Committee to ensure that Ghanaians Abroad / Dual Citizens (like the Accra Mayor who is the best friend of His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills), are allowed hold Public Offices such as the Presidency arguing that the June 4th Terrorism caused many Intellectuals to flee the Country thus causing Brain Drain --- further arguing that a Nation that cannot take care of its Citizens has no Moral Right to complain when the Citizens flee to Greener Pastures and acquire "Papers".

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, dubbed "America's Mandela" pleaded with Ghanaians Abroad --- including Dual Citizens to be emboldened by the extraordinary courage of Nelson Mandela who defied South Africa's apartheid and in the same way, defy Ghana's apartheid that seeks to prevent indigenous Citizens by Blood, Birth and Ancestry from holding public offices such as running for the Presidency.

"If you shut the Birth, Parental and Blood Rights of People from holding Public office, you are directly or indirectly inviting them to use "By any means necessary" to come to power" instead of the Peaceful (Non-Violent) and Democratic means, said the Celebrated Democracy Activist and Freedom Fighter.

[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] --- The Civil Rights Legend dubbed "America's Mandela", "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, said he received suspicious Telephone calls from Student Loan Collectors on the same day (Saturday) when the Black Stars' Prince Boateng scored Team USA, and Black Stars beat Team USA in Soccer.

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, who has faced politically-motivated persecutions more than any Civil Rights and Human Rights Crusader at the turn of the New Millennium, said his [few] Harassers or Persecutors, (who are "Enemies of Democracy, Enemies of Freedom" and "Enemies of Liberty" as well as "Hate-Mongers"), have always operated without the knowledge and consent of the Civilized and Democratic Government at the White House.

" I call upon Civilized Brave Americans, the true Believers of Freedom and Liberty and the Civilized White House Government and the Civilized Members of United States Congress to investigate the [few] Political Terrorists who have for years waged nightmarish Terror against me, amid deprivations, out of sheer ignorance", said the Scholarly Politician and Pro-American Democracy Activist.

[IN YET, ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], the "People's Mayor" again, publicly pleaded with the BNI Director, Mr. Yaw Donkor, not to allow the Organization to be infiltrated by Terrorist Groups who would like to turn the Nation's Institution into a Terrorist Organization as Kufuor's BNI did to him and expressed deep concern that a Ghanaian Woman died after being hauled into the BNI premises.

" I strongly believe that my former Classmate, Mr. Yaw Donkor did not know anything about the Woman's death, but he has a Legal, Moral and Ethical Duty to purge the BNI from Terrorists who abuse their powers to harass, intimidate and persecute their own African brothers and sisters, said the "People's Politician" who says that he still has full confidence in his former Classmate to turn the BNI into a Civilized and Democratic organization.

The former Ghanaian-American Candidate for Governor of California and ex-Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles however, publicly cautioned his former Classmate and BNI Director, Yaw Donkor not to behave hypocritically like Stephen Asamoah-Boateng, his ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor's) other Classmate at "Great Koss" in Ashanti Region.

" I don't betray Childhood or Youthful Friendship and any friendship, period !!!, and those who do that to me invite a "Third World War to themselves", said the Pro-American Democracy Activist and Ghanaian born Celebrated Politician who, in 1993 bravenly shocked the United States' Political Establishment by becoming the first indigenous African to ever run for a higher Political office in the history of America --- (since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776).

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor" and Ghana's BNI "James Bond Spy-Master", Mr. Yaw Donkor were briefly Classmates at "Krasec" High School in Kete Krachi --- before he ("Osagyefo Kwame Mayor) attended "Great Koss" High School with his Lordship, Justice Baffoe Bonnie, a Supreme Court Judge and Lawyer Owusu Afriyie, popularly known as "Sir John" --- NPP General Secretary who were both his Seniors, and dis-graced former Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe"), and Mawulo Zormelo, Press Secretary at the Office of Vice President John Mahama, who were both his Classmates at the same "Great Koss" in Ashanti Region.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, the Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Royals and War Generals whose very biological ancestors historically led Asante wars to defeat "Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated by our White British Brothers and Sisters", repeatedly thanked Ghanaians for uniting to bring to an end --- the arrogance, selfishness and greediness of former President John Agyekum Kufuor who abused his power to persecute and torture him --- (in collaboration with his former Classmate at "Great Koss", the disgraced Stephen Asamoah-Boateng, "Asaabe".

Touching on Ghana's Unity, the Great Politician pleaded with Ghanaians to totally (reject) tribalism and "racism and reminded Ghanaians that Asantes and Ewes will forever live as Brothers and Sisters --- despite the "Ethnic Divide" that Flight Lieutenant [Retired] Jerry Rawlings and Major [Retired] Boakye Djan, dangerous anti-Asantes, brought to the Nation during their 1979 "Pigs Revolution".

" In the Good Old Days before Rawlings and Boakye Djan divided the Nation on Ethnic Lines due to tribalistic executions of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa; the brave Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and the murder of Odartey Wellington, my Parents, staunch Nkrumahists and Asante Royals, named my younger brother after a prominent and powerful Ewe and Trade Unionist, Mr. John Tetehgah", said the "Larger than Life Pan-Africanist".

" My step Sisters and a step brother who hail from the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana who travelled and lived in such places as Kete Krachi and Jasikan, etc can speak fluent Ewe", said the Asante Royal Politician who boasts that he will be the first Politician in Ghana to win Landslide victories in both Ashanti and Volta Regions and the only Seasoned Politician capable of permanently uniting Asantes and Ewes, as well as permanently uniting other Ghanaian brothers and sisters".

" The Good Old days when Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah united Ghana under "One Nation with a Common Destiny" was destroyed by the architects of the 1979 "Pigs Revolution" --- Boakye Djan and Jerry John Rawlings who divided the Nation by killing on Ethnic / Tribal lines !!!

"Our Good Ewe Brothers and Sisters should follow the footsteps of the Legendary Politician --- the late Komla Gbedemah who helped to unite Ghana and Mother Africa", said the Asante Royal Politician who is highly respected by Ghanaians regardless of their Political affiliations, Tribe or Ethnicity.

[The Celebrated Human Rights and Civil Rights Activist described the current leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as "hypocrites for long forgetting about the extraordibary Human Rights abuses of Rawlings and Boakye Djan and failing to make Rawlings' Horrors in Ghana, a major Campaign issue".

" All that these NPP aspiring Flagbearers think about is how to become President of Ghana, while "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has always been in the trenches, using Peaceful and Non-Violent Strategies to expose the "Satanic Evils" of Rawlings; Boakye Djan and former President John Agyekum Kufuor, who was 100% a "PNDC Collaborator" at the very time Asantes and other Ghanaians from all Tribes and Ethnicity became Victims of State Terror, the ethical and Moralist Politician reminded Ghanaians around the World.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor repeated his plea with the Nation to give former President John Agyekum Kuffuor an award --- (COMPANION OF PNDC MILITARY REGIME !!!) --- to highlight the fact that Kufuor once accepted a position from Rawlings' PNDC Military government --- (with the full knowledge that Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan had cowardly supervised AFRC Military government that executed the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the Beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume etc, and also, cold-heartedly murdered the "People's Soldier !!!" --- General Odartey Wellington, to mention but a few.

Touching on the rights of Ghanaian-Americans, the well-educated and talented Politician publicly asked Ghana's Constitutional Review Committee why Ghanaian-Americans are discriminated and marginalized in Ghana's political process and although he ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) wrote articles appealing to Ghanaians to give a chance to the new Ghanaian-American Mayor of Accra, he wonderes why His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills gave his Ghanaian-American friend an opportunity to become Accra Mayor, while the President rejected his application to become the Mayor of Kumasi - although he, ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) studied Public Administration and Public Financial Management with such degrees as Master of Public Administration (MPA); Master's Certificate in Public Financial Management, Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs and Public Administration all from the prestigious University of Southern California (USC), coupled with (coursework) in Doctor of Public Administration at the University of Southern California (USC) and currently, an admitted Ph.D. Student at the equally prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU).

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, an Educator also has years of experience in America's City and County governments and his knowledge of Local government issues earned him a story in 1984 in the Sacramento Union when the then Mayor of Sacramento, Anne Rudin and former City Councilman - turned California's secretary of Health and Human Resources showered praises on him.

Asked why America, especially the White House under President George Bush and prior to that, under President Bill Clinton never gave him any opportunity to serve the White House despite his impressive qualifications and the un-disputable fact that his he is a qualified Ghanaian-American and the only Ghanaian-American to ever run for high offices in the history of America and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office since America gained her independence from Great Britain in 1776, the gifted and Scholarly Politician, who served as a Volunteer and Precinct Captain in Los Angeles and Long Beach respectfully for Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign replied on his popular Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.

" It is equally fair for Ghana too to ask President Barack Obama why Kwame Mayor has been deprived of the American Dream"

"Is it because I stand up like Nelson Mandela in America for Civil Rights and Human Rights issues ?"

"The Struggle is also my Life, said "America's Mandela".

" I am like a (Persecuted Jew), and as a Ghanaian-American with no tangible rights for Politically-Motivated reasons --- in USA and in my own Native Land of Ghana, I am a "Palestinian without a Land", lamented the Great Political Thinker and Philosopher.

" My Heroic Struggles to promote and maintain the basic principles of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty; Civil Rights and Human Rights deserve to be immortalized in the Guiness' Book of Records", said the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People".

"By the way, if the telephone calls I, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng received on the day the Black Stars' Prince Boateng scored Team USA indeed came from Student Loan Collections, hasn't my Student Loans be turned into a "Political Tool for Oppression"?, said the Charismatic Politician who says that German born-Ghanaian Black Star Player, Kevin (Boateng) has made his name sake (Boateng) a household name not only in America, but across Continents.

" Now I know why it is a blessing politically in Ghana for a Politician's first name to be called Kwame, like Ghana's first President, Kwame Nkrumah, and other names like, Appiah and Boateng --- (after heroic Black Star Players, Stephen Appiah and Kevin Prince Boateng), said the "People's Politician" who has formed "Boateng for President of Ghana 2012" ----

You may call the "People's Campaign" :

KWAME APPIAH BOATENG FOR PRESIDENT OF GHANA 2012 to remind you of such Greats like Kwame : Ghana's first President; Appiah: Black Star's Legend; and Boateng : Black Star's new "Super Star".

Source: Boateng, Kwame Appiah