









Braimah Died From Police Brutality -Palaver

Police Brutality01

Tue, 7 Mar 2006 Source: Palaver

THE first fatal sequel of the police "charge" on anti-ROPAB demonstrators in Accra, a fortnight ago, has occurred.

And the victim was Alhaji Farouk Braimah, former National Propaganda Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), who never recovered from the injuries he sustained from the police brutalities, until his death at the 37 Military Hospital in Accra last Sunday. He was 61.

According to an eye-witness account, Alhaji Braimah was among a group, which was chased by the police to the precinct of the Volta River Authority (VRA), where they were severely beaten by the police. Alhaji Braimah fell unconscious and was rushed to the hospital.

Thousands of mourners, accompanied the body to the Cemeter! y, where he was buried yesterday with his soul committed into the arms of Allah.

A top policeman has admitted, on air, for giving orders to his men to mount an onslaught, on the demonstrators, during which a tear-gas was exploded and the police baton-charged the half-blinded and fleeing armless citizens. In the "melee", many fell in gutters, crushed with neighbours or got clubbed ruthlessly by the uniformed hounds.

Even a pregnant woman, a mere passer-by, was booted down and stamped upon like a disturbing ant.

Many others are yet to recover from the injuries inflicted on them by the police.

Ironically, it is the police, who have rushed to secure a court order to suspend for 10 days, any further demonstrations, against that bill, hurriedly passed into law, which seeks to open the floodgates to all manner of electoral irregularities, at the blind side of Ghanaians.

The law grants every Ghanaian, outside, the right to vote, which means carrying our electoral boxes around the world, under the sole supervision of NPP Government agents, to collect, count and announce the results of elections, outside the country.

Source: Palaver