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COVID-19 has exposed the decorated and bandaged lies of Akuffo Addo's government

Coronavirus Concept With Blood Vial Jarun011 Getty Images File photo

Fri, 3 Apr 2020 Source: Mobarak Diplomatic

We are indeed in difficult times as a country. The consequences of COVID-19 is very devastating and collapsing many strong economies but our hope still remain unshaken as nation. Definitely, we shall overcome this one too. It is rather unfortunate that, the wisdom exhibited in dealing with the Ebola pandemic that started on Africa soil wasn't adhered to in dealing with COVID-19 which originates from Asia; 10,848 km away from Ghana.

The government virtually disregard calls by citizens and opposition political parties to close all entry points to Ghana but as usual, the "listening president" and his too-knowing appointees never bothered to take into consideration the proposal of the masses.

COVID-19 would have had no track record on our soil if the leadership of this nation is truly led by a listening president.

However, we are in it together and shall overcome. Thankfully, President Mahama is leaving no stone unturned in this crisis. He willingly offered to bring on board his expertise in handling the Ebola pandemic that never touched an ant at the shores of Ghana despite its close proximity (948 km) to the borders of Ghana. Ghana is blessed to have a such a patriotic, lovely and clean hearted politician and a president who solely and genuinely rely on God's wisdom to rule Ghana.

For the past 3 years, we have heard and read about so many policies of the Akuffo Addo government which they claimed to be more superior to those executed by H.E John Dramani Mahama.

Indeed, posterity is the best judge and time is fast exposing the ills portrayed as healths on which Akuffo Addo is running the country.

Well, if your agriculture sector is weak despite the acclaimed positive results of "planting for food and jobs", COVID-19 will expose you! Ghanaians would attest to the fact that, right after the late declaration of the lockdown of Ghana's entry points by Mr. Akuffo Addo, there is a sharp increment in food prices with 100% minimum and 300% maximum. This is the time, the Agric Minister and NPP communicators are trumpeting "planting for food and jobs". The fact is that, most of our foodstuff are imported from Neighboring countries, hence the closure of our boarders have triggered an automatic price hikes. Gari which used to sell for GHC 7.00 per olonka in the cities is now going for GHC 25.00 while a finger of okra now goes for GHC 1.50 so you are likely to get 4 fingers of okro for GHC 6.00 which can not prepare a day super for a kindergarten pupil.

So, what happened to the results of "planting for food and jobs"? Just a day lockdown and Ghanaians are complaining of food shortage and the sharp price hikes.

Again, if you hoodwink the 'Kayayes' for votes and even in power you continue to made mention of constructing non-existing hostel for kayeyes, the cargo intercepted at Ejisu will expose you during the COVID-19 outbreak lockdown! The partial lockdown by the president which he announced in advance despite the foreseen urban -rural drift before the due date has exposed one of the grievous and shameful lies told by Otiko Djaba then Gender Minister that, they have built a hostel for all kayeyes living in Kumasi. The crying and wailing of these kayeyes pointed to the fact that, the shoulders of the street still remain their source of shelter after been forced to donate in support of the NPP 2016 campaign.

So is the health sector too. When you said in opposition that, Accra Ridge Hospital ,University of Ghana Hospital and Bank of Ghana hospitals built by H.E John Dramani Mahama are all Photoshop, COVID-19 patients treated and quarantined in those facilities will expose your shameful lies churned out in opposition. This is the time to prioritize wisdom over wicked entrenched position and also the time to either prioritize a national cathedral with stones imported from Israel over Basic Amenities.

We have observed the National Fasting day declared by the government in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak in our homes while the cathedrals remain closed and those diagnosed are hospitalized in the Ridge, UG and BoG hospitals. Same facilities we were told never existed in 2016 by the NPP in opposition. I wonder how we can treat patients in Photoshop facilities while in fact, those patients undergoing treatment and quarantined are not Photoshop in nature!

On the other hand, if you condemn H.E John Dramani Mahama on cheap political grounds for seeking IMF Bailout to restructure the economy with home grown policies, COVID-19 will expose your hypocrisy and incompetence when you run to same IMF for $100m to fight the pandemic. The last time I checked, IMF only acknowledged receipt of the loan application by Akuffo Addo - Bawumia led government to tackle COVID-19 in Ghana.

What happened to the mantra "our economy is resilient with growth in GDP and per capita income for every Ghanaian"? The manipulated and cooked figures are now exposing us with no option left to explore than an attempt to deplete the Heritage Fund established by the "incompetent" predecessor and "professor do little". When you massage economic indicators to look good, difficult moments of this nature won't save you from broad day embarrassment. Our economy is in bad shape as against the picture painted by the government through her communicators.

The litany of lies exposed by coronavirus is beyond the management of the Akuffo Addo government in this difficult times.

Ghanaians have a story to tell and an action to take after this pandemic takes leave of us. We pray and hope that, the Creator see us through this avoidable moment.

Again, all citizens must continue to adhere to the hygienic and safety protocols on preventing and fighting the coronavirus.

Thank you and May God help us all!

Source: Mobarak Diplomatic