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Dawu Youngsters beat Tema Ghapoha 5-1

Thu, 25 Mar 1999 Source: --

Dawu Youngsters beat visiting Tema Ghapoha Readers 5-1 in their match played at the Dawu Sports Stadium. Dawu took the lead in the 38th minute through a penalty. Centre forward Justice Opoku was brought down in the box for a penalty, which was converted by David Lartey. Opoku scored again for Dawu in the 43rd minute in a goal- mouth action for the homesters to take a comfortable 2-0 first half lead. Ghapoha came close to pulling a goal back in the 46th minute when inside right Bernard Bortey received a through pass in Dawu's goal area but with only goalkeeper Isaac Zogah to beat, he shot off target. Inside left Kwame Chronicle Amadu made it 3-0 for Dawu in the 49th minute. He intercepted a pass in the centre circle and took on the defenders of Ghapoha before blasting the ball past goalkeeper Vossou Kodjo of Ghapoha. Ghapoha brought on reserve goalkeeper Alfred Mills for Kodjo in the 58th minute and pulled a goal back in the 61st minute through a penalty converted by Daniel Adusei after inside left Adolf Mensah had been brought down in Dawu's box. Dawu scored the fourth goal in the 71st minute when Opoku tapped Amadu's pass into the net. Amadu took his turn in the 80th minute when he planted the ball in the far corner of the net after beating his marker in Ghapoha's "18" for Dawu's fifth goal. MORE

Dawu Youngsters beat visiting Tema Ghapoha Readers 5-1 in their match played at the Dawu Sports Stadium. Dawu took the lead in the 38th minute through a penalty. Centre forward Justice Opoku was brought down in the box for a penalty, which was converted by David Lartey. Opoku scored again for Dawu in the 43rd minute in a goal- mouth action for the homesters to take a comfortable 2-0 first half lead. Ghapoha came close to pulling a goal back in the 46th minute when inside right Bernard Bortey received a through pass in Dawu's goal area but with only goalkeeper Isaac Zogah to beat, he shot off target. Inside left Kwame Chronicle Amadu made it 3-0 for Dawu in the 49th minute. He intercepted a pass in the centre circle and took on the defenders of Ghapoha before blasting the ball past goalkeeper Vossou Kodjo of Ghapoha. Ghapoha brought on reserve goalkeeper Alfred Mills for Kodjo in the 58th minute and pulled a goal back in the 61st minute through a penalty converted by Daniel Adusei after inside left Adolf Mensah had been brought down in Dawu's box. Dawu scored the fourth goal in the 71st minute when Opoku tapped Amadu's pass into the net. Amadu took his turn in the 80th minute when he planted the ball in the far corner of the net after beating his marker in Ghapoha's "18" for Dawu's fifth goal. MORE

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