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Dreams and Legon Cities have expressed interest in using the UG Stadium as home venue - Asante Twum

Henry Asante Twum.jpeg?fit=750%2C375&ssl=1 Henry Asante Twum

Wed, 1 May 2024 Source:

Ghana Football Association (GFA) Communications Director, Henry Asante Twum, has revealed that Dreams FC and Legon Cities, two clubs in the Ghana Premier League, have expressed interest in utilizing the University of Ghana Stadium as their home ground.

The stadium, recently utilized as the primary venue for the African Games, has captured the attention of these clubs who are keen on relocating their home matches.

Asante Twum mentioned that the transition may not happen in the current season due to logistical arrangements that need to be addressed.

He emphasized that discussions with the University of Ghana management, possibly facilitated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, are necessary to secure permission for the clubs to use the stadium for some of their league games.

The GFA Communications Director also highlighted the convenience offered by the University of Ghana Stadium, as it would enable fans to attend matches in the evening after work and easily travel to and from the stadium.

He expressed optimism that the discussions with the University management will lead to positive outcomes, paving the way for some league matches to be played at the University of Ghana Stadium starting from the next season.

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