









GFA President Kurt Okraku first week in office

Kurt And Akuffo Addo.jpeg President Akufo-Addo with Kurt Okraku

Sun, 3 Nov 2019 Source:

It is perhaps too early to say anything about the new administration of Ghana Football Association (GFA) President, Kurt E. S. Okraku. Nothing particularly significant has happened since his October 25, 2019 election, to serve as a strong indication as to whether his manifesto promises will see the light of day to illuminate the present dark face of Ghana football.

It is indeed very early. That notwithstanding, we do not have to lose sight of Kurt’s footprints regarding where he stepped publicly in his first week in office. It started with his visit to Kumasi; Kotoko’s camp – to encourage the Porcupines and watch their Confederation Cup game.

The match was rained off but that was no blot on Kurt’s visit. It would have been nice had Kotoko won massively yet the team’s performance and the rains did not make that possible, forcing the second half of the game to be played on Monday. The Porcupines beat their Ivorian opponent, San Pedro 1-0. The return fixture comes off tomorrow.

Kurt met the Black Meteors and again encouraged them as they prepare for their African tournament in Egypt. Later after that, Kurt met President Akufo-Addo at Jubilee House. It was a visit called by the Presidency at a short notice per my checks. It amazed me then, why there was an ungodly attempt by some not to see the spontaneity of the visit. I find nothing wrong with Kurt being at Jubilee House without his Executive Council members given the impromptu nature of the visit.

Whatever President Akufo-Addo discussed with Kurt, if it was meant for public consumption, should be our primary interest. Images of the ‘Bring Back the Love’ campaign spearheaded by Kurt popped up during the week. Whether it is the love for the Black Stars or Ghana football was a subject of debate. For me, that debate is immaterial because, be it love for the Black Stars or love for Ghana football; only positive, diligent actions of the new football administration will change things.

No amount of media work will bring Ghanaians passionately close to the Black Stars if we continue to immorally monetise the team as we have shamefully done in recent years. Domestic league fans will as well waste no time on our game if corrupt referees dictate the pace if fixtures are planned but poorly executed with violence taking over the game. The good thing is, the new FA President knows these things and is prepared to change the status quo.

Also, this week, pictures of Kurt’s engagement with reggae dancehall artiste, Shatta Wale were made public. I have been wondering what has been cooking. I can only wait. Kurt met the Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG) too. I was not at the meeting but I am told it was all positive. So, from the visit to Kotoko to President Akufo Addo at Jubilee House; the ‘Bring Back the Love’ campaign, to SWAG and so on, Kurt has been taking a few fine steps.

He holds so much promise. He has the support of many. It is my prayer that he succeeds.

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