









Holy Fire Dynamic Word Intl Church End of Year 3 Day Service

Prophet Eric@dynamic Church

Fri, 22 Jan 2010 Source:

Bronx, NY -- The year 2009 was coming to an end and Holy Fire Dynamic Word International Church as usual had planned their traditional end of year worship with a 3 day powerful service.

The services were held on; New Year’s eve, New Year's day and the final day Sunday which was the Holy communion day which was followed with an evening dinner. Each service was fully packed to capacity.

The theme for the New Year's eve service was- Crossing of the River Jordan. Prophet Eric had anticipated the evening to be very powerful and inspiring. He quoted from the Bible and used the occasion to tell the congregation that by crossing the symbolic River Jordan (a long white line was put in place for crossing), whatever problems they had would go away and that their lives would never be the same again. All present crossed the white line including children.

On New Year's day, the man instructed the congregation to return for the service so their feet would be washed by him and then also drink milk and honey together. He said what he had planned was nothing strange but evidenced in the bible.

He quoted the washing of the feet from John 13 v13-15; "*You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you". *

*Two bowls of water were set up and the man of God washed the feet of all who came for their feet to be washed. He was assisted by Prophets Michael and Frimpong respectively.

Prophet Eric said as he washed the feet of many, he removed sicknesses, accidents, spiritual attacks and more. He asked the congregation to sing praises to God for removing many evil attacks which had been set up by the enemy.

He ended the New Year's day service by serving the congregation with Milk and Honey which was based on; Numbers; 14, 7:9;

"and said to all the congregation of the people of Israel, "The land, which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land. If the LORD delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey. Only, do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us; their protection is removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them."

The next day's service which was Sunday was the finale. The man of God used the occasion to thank his associate pastors, leaders and all members for the support throughout the year. He said if he had offended anyone he apologized and said they are always welcome at the church.

Miracle @ Work in Holy Fire Third Week of January

Sunday; Jan. 17th, 2010 a miracle occurred at Holy Fire Dynamic Word International Church. As service was about to end, Prophet Owusu requested the congregation to spend few moments glorifying God. Through that period, the man of God entered into a short prophetic ministration. He pointed to a woman sitting down and said he saw a hand in her stomach, the stomach has a fibroid, also carrying a baby but the hand kept squeezing the stomach. He asked the woman to come forward and requested the congregation to join him in prayers.

During the prayer session, the woman fell on her back and the man of God pointed to her stomach to begin prayers. To everyone's surprise, the woman's flat stomach began to swell showing signs of a pregnancy. He invited the congregation to come and witness God's power at work.

Some members of the congregation ran to see what was happening and shouted and rejoiced and applauded the work of God and Prophet Eric Owusu. Other church leaders who were excited about what happened carried the man of God high. That moment was caught on camera and copies printed for the Pastor to see and use for reference.

After the service, the woman spoke to 3G that she had been having problems having a child for the last 4 years. She said she had been through a lot with failed pregnancies. But upon advise from his uncle, a church member who invited her to come and see how God is using the man of God to perform numerous miracles. She was happy she came and God is indeed using his servant to touch people's lives.

Prophet Owusu is inviting ALL to come to an anointing all night service this Friday; 10pm-2:30am. He asked those who have various problems including immigration, marriage, medical and others to come and see the Power of God at work. He also requested ALL to bring a bottle of water for prayers

**Sunday Service starts; 10am -2pm EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - ALL NIGHT SERVICE - 10PM -2:30 AM**


Prophet Owusu Bempah, a powerful man of God dubbed; "The Grandpapa of All Prophets" will hit New York with a powerful crusade; March 29th 2010. Mark it in Your Calendar.

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