









Kotoko CEO facing potential GFA long-term ban over 'defunct' Phar Rangers

Nana Yaw Amponsah Kotoko?fit=690%2C420&ssl=1 Asante Kotoko CEO, Nana Yaw Amponsah

Thu, 10 Jun 2021 Source:

The Ghana Football Association could hand a long-term ban to Kotoko chief Nana Yaw Amponsah if it's established that he remains a director of defunct second-tier side Phar Rangers, can report.

The sports lawyer stepped down as the President of the struggling Zone 3 side in the wake of his appointment as Asante Kotoko Chief Executive but unclear if he kept his role as a director of the club.

Phar Rangers have been charged for misconduct by the Ghana FA after it withdrew from all competitions from the association, forcing the Ghana FA to activate regulations on the club's withdrawal with immediate effect.

"The management and Directors of Phar Rangers have resolved to withdraw from all GFA competitions including Division One Zone 3 League and the FA Cup with immediate effect," a statement read on Monday.

"Consider the club defunct henceforth."

However, the club fell short of providing a just cause for its decision to withdraw from the country's second-tier league.

The club rescinded its earlier decision to withdraw following an intervention by the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) - the welfare body of all football clubs in the West African nation after 48 hours.

“We are aware of the repercussions of the other clubs and the league as a whole. These and other factors have resulted in the need to rescind the decision in the interest of Ghana football as a whole," a statement on Wednesday read

“We than GHALCA especially and all those who intervened in diverse ways and took time to address our challenges”

“We thank you for your corporation."

But that has not stopped Ghana from going ahead to charge the club for breach of Article 7 (d) of the GFA FA Cup regulations, 2021 for failing to give "satisfactory reason" for the withdrawal from the 2021 FA Cup Competition.

The Ghana FA Disciplinary committee is expected to adjudicate on the matter and offer punishment to the club but not limited to a potential ban to directors of the club.

If it's established that Nana Yaw Amponsah is a director of Phar Rangers, he could suffer the punishment for the club's decision to withdraw from Ghanaian football.

He could be banned from holding any position in Ghanaian football for a minimum of three years if found culpable which will threaten his role as the Chief Executive of Asante Kotoko.

The singular decision of Phar Rangers is deemed to have affected the image of the football association and is determined to whip the crack to avert a bad precedent.

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