









NDC-Canada elects new national executives

NDC Canada 2010 Executives

Sat, 1 May 2010 Source: NDC-Canada

The Canada Chapter of the National Democratic Congress (NDC-Canada) has elected new executive committee members at a delegates conference held at the Conference Room of the Ghana Presbyterian Church, Montreal.

The newly elected executives are: Mr. Jacob Marmon – Chairman Mr. Simon Adzraku – 1st Vice Chairman Mr. Kwabena Oduro-Kontoh – 2nd Vice Chairman Mr. Charles N. Nkansah – Secretary Dr. Clement Apaak – Deputy Secretary Hon Gilbert Adjei – Organizer Ms. Mavis Tekpeki – Deputy Organizer Mr. Kwame Aboagye Agyemang – Treasurer Ms. Ruby Becky Arkoh – Deputy Treasurer Mrs. Eunice Danso-Amegbe – Women’s Organizer Mrs. Josephine Gbedieme-Afranie – Deputy Women’s Organizer Mr. Alex Kumah – Youth Organizer Mr. Vincent Arthur – Deputy Youth Organizer Mr. Nii Robertson Okine – International Relations Coordinator Mr. Obed Adore – Deputy International Relations Coordinator

Welcoming the delegates and observers to Montreal, Mr. Smart Amegbe, Vice Chairman of NDC-Montreal branch said he was delighted that the NDC family was meeting in Montreal once again to discuss party issues and the way forward.

He said NDC-Canada has gone through some challenges that required mature and multifaceted leadership in dealing with them. He was full of praise for the entire membership, especially the Special Electoral Committee constituted by the General Secretary, Hon Johnson Asiedu Nketia and charged with the responsibility of conducting the elections at the conference.

In his address, Mr. Yakubu Amadu, Chairman of the five-member Canada Chapter Special Electoral Committee consisting of Messrs Yakubu Amadu, Charles Nkansah, Simon Adzraku, Amen Wurah and Ms. Rita Boateng, thanked members for their support, hard work and dedication.

Mr. Amadu also thanked the various branches that constitute NDC-Canada Chapter for their commitments to the road map for the elections. He urged them to turn these commitments into action to make NDC-Canada a strong and vibrant Chapter.

The Special Guest of Honour for the occasion was Hon Nii Okine Adjei, a founding member of NDC in North America, 1st Chairman of the erstwhile North America Co-ordinating Council of NDC and a former Commissioner of Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS). Hon Nii Okine Adjei conveyed warm greetings and well-wishes from the President, His Excellency Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, the Founder of the party and former President His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings and the 1st Vice Chairman of NDC and former 1st Lady Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings. He paid glowing tribute to the invaluable role Canada has played and continuous to play in the development of NDC here in North America and in Ghana. He assured members that Canada’s contributions shall not be in vain and encourage members to keep faith in the party.

Challenges Ahead

Swearing-in the newly elected executives, Hon. Adjei reminded them of the enormous task ahead of them. He pointed out that the challenges could only be overcome through hard work and dedication. He told the new executives to be steadfast and confident in all undertakings.

In his acceptance speech, the Chairman-elect Mr. Jacob Marmon described the challenges faced by the Chapter as a transition that has led to a united NDC-Canada, and vowed that his leadership will continue to unite all NDC members here in Canada to ensure that the party grows from strength to strength. He said the days when some NDC members were perceived with misconception has now come to an end, noting that it is time to harness all the necessary mechanisms to build a strong and vibrant Chapter. He said, there still remain difficult challenges ahead but with unity and strength, we shall overcome every obstacle that comes our way.

Later at the family dinner dance attended by party members, sympathizers and Ghanaians living in and around Montreal, Hon Nii Okine Adjei stressed the need for the party's commitment towards the Better Ghana agenda for the welfare of all Ghanaians both at home and in the Diaspora. Hon Nii Okine Adjei asked Ghanaians to consider themselves as “ambassadors” of Ghana and to take responsibility for their actions wherever they are. He implored them to assist the government in fighting corruption at all sectors of the economy to ensure that the little we have is fairly and equitably distributed to all Ghanaians.

Others to speak at the dinner dance included the Chairman of the Special Electoral Committee, Mr. Yakubu Amadu, Ga-Mantse of Montreal, Nii, Rev Abloh Head Pastor of Ghana Presbyterian Church in Montreal, Mr. Simon Adzraku 1st Vice Chairman, Mr. Kwame Aboagye Agyeman Treasurer and Chairman of NDC Toronto GTA branch, Mr. Jonathan Addo a Member of NDC-Canada Council of Elders, Mr. Joe Kissi a Member of NDC-Canada Council of Elders, Barima Akrasi Sarpong a Member of NDC-Canada Council of Elders, Mr. Amen Wurah a Member of Special Electoral Committee, Mr. Nii Robertson Okine and Dr. Isaac Nii Akrong. Mr. Jonathan Addo said the opening prayer and Rev Abloh Head Pastor of Ghana Presbyterian Church in Montreal blessed the gathering in a final benediction to draw the curtains. Mr. Nii Roberson Okine was the Master of Ceremonies.

Source: NDC-Canada Chapter. Email: [email protected]

Source: NDC-Canada