









NPP Congress in Dallas Texas

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Sat, 22 Sep 2007 Source: --

The NPP Congress in Dallas on October 22, 2007, can be likened to the gathering cloud, rumbling sound of thunder and bright streaks of lightening that precede a torrential rainfall in the tropics. The Dallas congress will set the pace for the epic congress to choose the NPP flag bearer in Accra in December 2007. Just as the loud claps of rolling thunder determines the ferocity of a proverbial tropical rainfall that will shatter the NDC tattering umbrella into bits and pieces, and pave the way for the mighty elephant to resume its reign, come 2008.

The hard working members of the Dallas Fort/Worth NPP Chapter are working around the clock to make this year’s congress a memorable one. All the seventeen NPP Presidential Aspirants are coming to Dallas to participate in an American style Presidential debate. Each aspirant is a political powerhouse in his own right. They are going to answer questions from Ghanaians around the world in a debate that will be telecast live in Ghana.

This is first in the annals of Ghana’s Political history, and it is happening in Dallas Texas on October 20, 2007. In addition to that, the party’s big names in Ghana such as Chairman Mac Manu, the Party’s General Secretary, Nana Ohene Ntow and others have committed to be part of this historic congress.

NPP-USA is growing in leaps and bounds. New chapters are springing up in many states in continental USA. More delegates are coming to this epoch making congress. The strength of the party, and the rapidity of its growth in the USA, continues to amaze curious observers. Prof. Mills’ recent futile attempt to mobilize NDC in the USA, and the poor reception he received during his trip; prompted the man whose reputed emotional stability has earned him the nickname “asomdwehene”, to impulsively lambaste the implementation of ROPAA in 2008 when he returned to Ghana. Interestingly, the NDC flag bearer made the implementation of ROPAA a condition for not accepting the electoral results in 2008, should NPP win. As if he has not been twice defeated without ROPAA. While we empathize with Prof. Mills for buying into his own psychological defeat even before the campaign begins in earnest, this congress will authenticate the learned Professor’s paranoia, and reinforce the fact that ROPAA or no ROPAA, NPP will maintain power, come 2008.

Representatives of the Presidential Aspirants are reminded that pages in the Commemorative brochure for the congress are selling like hot cakes. To ensure fair and equitable coverage of all our Aspirants, the Planning committee has decided to limit each aspirant to half page coverage. Representatives of each aspirant should contact Mr. Rex Poku (214) 718-8393 to buy space for their respective aspirant. Delegates to the congress are to make their reservation to Marriot Hotel –DFW by calling 1-800 – 228 -9290. Room rate, double occupancy is $99.00 per night.

Chair persons of our various chapters are encouraged to sign up more people for the 2x1 fund raising initiative. The NPP-USA Championship awards will be given at the congress. To qualify as a champion, a chairperson must register ten members in addition to the chairperson. This congress provides those of us in the Diaspora a unique opportunity for dialogue with the potential next President of Ghana. Come and listen to our future leaders and bring your views and ideas so we can collectively present our perspective on the shifting paradigm of Ghana’s development. This is democracy in action offered by NPP-USA, be part of history in the making.

Nana Agyei Yeboah 1st Vice Chairman NPP-USA Chairman of the Congress Planning Committee.

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