









NPP-USA Congress - Message from the Chairman

Kofi A. Boateng@NPP

Mon, 29 Oct 2007 Source: kofi a. boateng

How do we as Ghanaians Living Abroad (GLAs) count relative to our country Ghana ; and how do we as members of NPP-USA count in our relationship with the mother party-the New Patriotic Party of Ghana? The theme for the 2007 NPP-USA Congress is: Ghana in Search of Millennial Vision. Who is doing the searching and whose vision will count for the Party and Ghana from 2008 and beyond? Our yearning is to create a two-track dynamic relationship with our country- one for all GLAs and the other for NPP-USA members with the mother Party and NPP ruling government. At this Congress, we should share how we envision this constructive engagement.

NPP-USA has come a very long way in the last twelve months. We can count several achievements: incorporation as a legal not-for- profit entity; opening a bank account in the name of NPP-USA, Inc; registration with the US Internal Revenue Service as a political organization; launching a useful website-; initiating a fundraiser that builds membership as it fills our coffers- the now famous ?2 by 1?; being able to donate a significant sum- $5,000 to assist victims of the recent floods in northern Ghana without delay; resolving the long-standing issue about NPP membership cards from Ghana; building a cohesive group with a common vision with the goal of making a substantial and collective contribution to the campaign of our party?s eventual Flag Bearer, supporting NPP Headquarters and the campaigns of our members who run for parliamentary seats; and opening new branches in the USA. The result of all these accomplishments is that we have money in the bank and for the first time in the 15-year history of NPP branch in North America, we have not only achieved the minimum number of 100 dues-paying members required by NPP Constitution to constitute an Overseas branch, we have, as of this date, more than doubled it and are on track to count even much bigger numbers by Ghana?s election time in December 2008 to support our party to win the general elections in 2008.

You notice though that all the counting is on the US side of NPP. How do we count the Ghana side of NPP with respect to our ability to influence the choice of the NPP-Flag Bearer at the Congress on December 22, 2007? Where does our collective vision impact such a momentous decision? Does the one (1) delegate vote currently allotted to NPP-USA make us feel that our vision of Ghana ?s future counts? All 19 NPP Presidential Aspirants would be here if we had at least ten delegate votes. We are in the game of politics where the gold coin has two images ?votes and money.

We rejoice at the discovery of oil in Ghana . The undertone of this is that when it starts to flow, very few to none of future political aspirants will troop abroad to look for money to finance their campaigns. This makes 2008 most critical. We cannot afford as GLAs belonging to NPP-USA, to be distracted or divided. We have built an excellent foundation. Let us commit one and all to it and at the minimum, reach and surpass our goal to raise $200,000 from 2,000 people. At least this will draw attention to ourselves and force a consideration of our vision to be counted. We must remember that 2008 is not the same as the lean years of 2000 when our party was emerging from 29 years in the land of opposition. Even before the oil money flows into Ghana , our monetary contribution could be drowned out because the NPP administration since January 2001 under President Kufuor has brought relative prosperity to Ghana . Therefore let us be strategic in our contribution and not lose sight of the other side of the political coin ? votes. Wherever, however and whenever it comes up, we subsume our vision to vote as significant delegates at NPP ( Ghana ) Congress and in Ghana ?s general elections at our own peril. Advocacy should go hand-in-hand with our efforts to raise money. Acquiescence and silence are no arsenals in the wrestle for power and recognition. We count somewhat now but we shall really count when we possess the singular political coin with one side- VOTES and the other- MONEY. Let us use this Congress to advance NPP-USA?s possession of this coin even as we solemnly pledge to do anything necessary to ensure a victory by NPP in both Presidential and parliamentary elections in Ghana in 2008. If we miss the opportunity to significantly advance our cause in 2008, it will be an uphill climb for us in the future.

I welcome you to the 2007 NPP-USA Congress and provoke you to think through these issues so we can ensure that from this date forward, you, as a member of NPP-USA, will count in the unfolding affairs of our country?s political, social and economic lives. Thank you for making the time and sacrifice to come. You count to us. The National and Chapter Executives of NPP-USA will continue to work hard for you. Let us stay united and focused. When the group-NPP- USA- is seen as relevant and not easy to ignore, then each individual member will count, here and in Ghana . On behalf of all of us, I welcome the Presidential Aspirants, Party Executives from Ghana and other parts of the world, Ministers and all who have come to honor our Congress with their presence. Thank you, enjoy the event and we wish you the best in the true tradition of kinship and mutual respect.

Visit and join if you are not a member and pay your share if you have not done so already.

Kofi A. Boateng ? Chairman NPP-USA - Dallas, TX October 20, 2007 ? kboateng@aaionline,org

Source: kofi a. boateng