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Nyantekyi, your day of disgrace is here

Bribe Tape NyantakyiNyantekyi

Wed, 17 Jun 2015 Source: Okotah, Eric Ekow

I have always doubted and questioned the intelligence and integrity of the president of the Ghana Football Association,(GFA) Kwesi Nyantekyi since assumption of the position. His unprofessional conduct and arrogance is evident for all to see except his cronies.

The latest tantrum been thrown by Nyantekyi about the alleged bribery scandal that has bedeviled the World Football Association(FIFA), leading to the resignation of its President Sepp Blatter is very unnecessary , especially if he claims to be a lawyer in good standing. Your comments smack of mischieve and uncomplimentary of a leader who is nurturing ambition for CAF or FIFA executive position.Sepp Blatter has done what any gentleman with reasoning will do, to resign.

Kwesi Nyantekyi , by your actions and comments you have exposed yourself to public ridicle as fronting for the corrupt regime of both FIFA and CAF whose presidents have entrenched themselves in their respective positions over a decade ,whilst enriching themselves through corrupt practices.

Your claim is that the arrest of the FIFA executives is a clandestine move by the United States to destroy the image of FIFA and an attempt to paint the institution as a corrupt organization.

President of the GFA I want to make you aware about another interesting dimension to the indictment and the bribery allegations making rounds within the FIFA. Mr Jacques Anouma ,an executive member of FIFA and former president of the Ivorian FA and two other big shots in African football are been accused of taking bribes from a member of the bidding committee of Qatar, Phaedra Almajia in a hotel room in Angola to vote in favor of the host of 2022 World Cup. The African big shots mentioned are CAF president and an Egyptian. I would not be surprised if you were also influence in your vote, reason why you threw manners to the dogs when the BBC interviewed you, how and who did you vote for. They have information to the effect that the African block were taking bribes to vote for Blatter

Nyantekyi, I want to refresh your memory about the on going events, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) investigation has given details of how the $10 million paid by the South African Football Association (SAFA), was sent from FIFA accounts controlled by its 72 year old former vice president Jack Warner who is among those indicted. The money according to the investigations was meant to be used for its Caribbean Diaspora Legacy program. In fact the money was allegedly used to influence the hosting rights of South Africa 2010.

For your benefit, since your actions shows a lot of sympathy for "innocent" FIFA executives, this is evidence of dates, the monies were transferred. There were three transactions on January 4 2008, February 1 2008 and the last one on March 10 2008 for funds totaling $ 10million.

The president of the United States Barrack Obama has called for transparency, integrity and accountability because football has become a big business and people wants to ensure it operates with integrity. The president made his comments on the side lines while having discussions on the sidelines with stake holders.

I will also encourage you to listen and read without putting too much emotions into the on going investigations. Kwesi, Russia and Qatar could be stripped of their world cup hosting rights, if the on going investigations emerges of bribery in the bidding process, which will include how FIFA awarded the hosting rights.

Ghanaians are aware that you belong to CAF regional block that have been influenced by a corrupt regime of Issa Hayatou ,who leads the smaller countries that form the majority to always vote for the same person. UEFA, and most of the powerful soccer nations have welcome the indictment and investigations into the alleged bribery.

I know your biggest fear is that with the exit of Sepp Blatter, your ambition might not materialized ,hence your ranting ,venting and throwing the unnecessary tantrums. Nyantekyi be mindful that the FIFA comprise over 20 executives for major decisions so the exit of Sepp should not be a concern for you, because your good work should vote for you. Your outburst and tantrum, is based on your dashed hope of reaching a higher office of CAF or FIFA where they take bigger bribes and are more corrupt, having realize that from your local association that there is more to be grabbed

But your approach of the exit of former FIFA president by accusing the US of trying to taint the image of the FIFA, your ambition is no longer on the table even for discussion. Kwesi your frustration and anger is borne out of the fact that your hope of getting to higher executive office will not materialize with the Blatter out of executive position and out of office.

Nyantekyi I live in the United States and wants to educate you a little bit about what you may not be aware of. Before anyone is indicted here , the investigators have sufficient evidence to indict and prosecute and you know that as a lawyer.

I want to guarantee you that the FIFA executives will be found guilty of the bribery allegations. US investigators indicted Michael Vicks a former Quarter back of Atlanta Falcons of betting in bull dogs fight ,he denied the allegations for a long time but after he realized that the investigations were closing up on him with documentary evidence he turned himself in and requested that he should be jailed and he was jailed two years. Another big shot was the mayor of Detroit , Kwame Kirkpatrick was investigated on corrupt charges initially denied any wrong doing but in court e charges were proved with videos among bank transactions of withdrawals and deposit from cronies, these are two of persons that were indicted and the prosecution proved them guilty and serving have served jail terms so it would have done you a lot of good to shut your mouth . Because of your ambition to join the corrupt regime at a higher level like your mentors Issa Hayatou and

Blatter, you are went public with your emotional outburst

Nyantekyi, you become very offensive and defensive any time a citizen of Ghana not Nigeria raises any issue about probe, transparency, integrity and accountability which are the hall mark of any organization.

When some personality questioned the poor and the declining standard of the local league your answer was mind bogging, then the former presidential spoke person Koku Anyidoho became your punching bag because he said the GFA should be probed and be investigated. You insulted all Ghanaians because they want transparency and accountability. You referred them to the Parliament Public Accounts committee. How many Ghanaians will have access to such information.


You also insulted a former deputy Minister for Sports O B Amoah over the same concern. Nyantekyi you obviously have something to hide else you will be not be so rude, disrespectful and defensive in your answers to the sport public who voted you into the GFA office.

Let me remind you that the GFA presidency is not a family inheritance but trust me there is an end to everything just like Sepp Blatter's end came in a disgrace ,so will your end be. You have entrenched yourself just like those preceding you .

Nyantekyi, your day of shame and disgrace has finally come with the release of the government white paper on Dzamefe Report. I hope the investigations will make you account for all the monies for the friendly matches mentioned in the report. I have always said your leadership has been very poor. The dubious co-efficient payment to the Black Stars management committee embers including even those who are dead. The report recommended that the current chairman of the management committee George Afriyie and Ansong should not be allow to work with any of the national teams. The implication is there for the sport fraternity.

Nyantekyi with the white paper ,you should resigned considering the implications of the monies unaccounted for.

I appreciate and thank the government for accepting some recommendations of the Dzamefe Commission and urge the BNI not allow themselves to be compromised in their investigations because the GFA ,especially Nyantekyi has taken Ghana to for a ride for far too long.

You have always thought the GFA Presidency was bequeathed to you as a personal property. You are exposed, you have nothing to hide . Thanks to the Dzamefe Presidential Commission

By Eric Ekow Okotah, USA

Source: Okotah, Eric Ekow