









T.B. Joshua Predicted Black Stars Victory over Nigeria


Wed, 27 Jan 2010 Source: UHURUTIMES

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate --- turned 2010 Candidate for Governor of California to succeeed the "Terminator", Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who publicly threatened on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com that he would quit the Governor's race if Ghana's Black Stars lost to Nigeria's Green Eagles, has speculated that President John Evans Atta Mills' Pastor, T.B. Joshua might have predicted Nigeria's defeat in Angola in the hands of Ghana's "Mighty" Black Stars --- describing Mills' claim that the Pastor predicted his Presidential victory in 2008 as a "Presidential 419 Scam".
" Now that "Mighty" Black Stars have defeated Nigeria's Green Eagles, I will not quit the race for Governor of California", said the Ghanaian-American who worked for President Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign.
The 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency had said before the Ghana Vs. Nigerian Soccer Match that he was 100% sure of Black Stars victory as evidenced by his Press Release to Ghana's News Media.
The Politician sarcastically asked President John Evans Atta Mills whom he described as ("Rawlings un-ashamed Poodle") not to prosecute or persecute Black Stars Strikers and "Goal Diggers", Asamoah Gyan and Kwadwo Asamoah for engineering the Golden Goals for Ghana regardless of their Tribe or Ethnicity --- reminding Ghanaians that two Asantes or Akans who discovered Oil for Ghana by forming "EO Group" are now being lynched by avowed Tribalists and Potential Ethnic Cleansers.
" In Today's Ghana, President John Evans Atta Mills is discriminating even against his own People - Fantes and has allowed himself to be used to divide Mother Ghana, instead of building a Pan-Africanist agenda", said the Great Politician who says it is time for Ghanaians to elect a Ga, Ewe, Fante, Dagomba, Frafra, Akuapem, Akyem, Hausa, Sisala, Mamprusi and an Asante or (any) Ghanaian, regardless of their Tribe or Ethnicity to become President of Ghana.
" Asantes have not had any elected President since former President John Agyekum Kufuor is half Asante or 50% Asante, and our brothers and sisters, Ewes have not had an elected President either - arguing that Rawlings, who is half Scottish and half Ghanaian, seized power by force to become Head of State and that does not qualify him as a President, (regardless of the bogus elections he later conducted and stole the People's Will).
Reminded that President John Evans Atta Mills is a Fante, the Politician said it is time for Ghanaians to trace the actual roots of Mills, since Mills is discriminating against Fantes and he is the only President in the history of Ghana to allow himself to be used as a "Rawlings Poodle" and the only President in Ghana to allow himself to be used to divide his Tribe, Ethnicity, Ghana and Mother Africa as a whole.
" Yesterday, the cunning Mills exploited our brothers and sisters who are Ewes to become President".
"Today, he is discriminating against Fantes in terms of Political appointments and thinking only for his selfish interest".
" I thought Kufuor was the only Satan until Mills came to power after threating Ghanaians with Kenya's style of mayhem".
" I thought Kufuor was the only selfish man until Mills took over power", said Kwame Mayor
"Folks, at least, former President Kufuor, the "Great Satan" allowed Free Speech and my criticisms were constantly published in Ghana's News Media and News Websites. In Mills administration, his "Adolf Hitler Security Mafias" are suspected of trying to gag me, the Great Politician alleged.
[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] --- the Politician told Ghanaians around the World that Saddam Hussein's cousin, the so-called "Chemical Ali-Kojo Tsikata" has been hanged in Bagdad, Iraq, for Crimes Against Humanity --- as he pointed to similar Crimes of Humanity perpetuated in Ghana by Major (Retired) Boakye "Devil" Djan, --- alias "D.D"; Flight Lieutenant Jerry John "Re-Incarnation of Devil" Rawlings, Captain (Retired) Chemical Ali - Kojo "Satanic" Tsikata and former PNDC Secretary for Local Government --- former President John "Evil" Agyekum Kufuor.
It should be noted that former Ghana's President, John Agyekum Kufuor served in the brutal PNDC Military regime that killed Ghanaians from all walks of life - whether they were innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Fantes, innocent Gas, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akyems, innocent Dagombas, innocent Sisalas, innocent Dagartis, innocent Sisalas, etc, etc, said a Ghanaian-American running for Governor of California - "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians all over the World as "Kwame Mayor", on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.
"Now the souls of the victims of Major (Retired) Boakye Djan and Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry John Rawlings in Ghana will rest in peace, like the victims of Iraq's Saddam Hussein," a Ghanaian born Politician publicly told American People, the White House, United Nation's Tribunal and the Peace-Loving People of Ghana.
[ IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], Ghana's Three Star General turns "Three Star Terrorist" on American Suspected Terrorist List ?
And "Minister of Terror", Kofi Poku Manu, Ashanti Regional Minister to face United Nation's Tribunal ?
By Tsitsi Mashinini, UHURU
Ghana's Defence Minister, a three-star General J. H. Smith (Rtd) who "terrorized" Daily Searchlight Reporter, Prince Prah, could end up as a "Three Star Terrorist" on America's Suspected Terrorist List, according to Ghana-USA Watch, a Human Rights and Anti-Terror Organization which has publicly brought the attention of the Defence Minister's actions to President Barack Obama; U.S. Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton, White House Officials, the United States Military Command, United States' Congress, and the brave American People as well as the equally brave People of Ghana.
"The United States reserves the right to defend itself by striking at all Terrorist Organizations and Terrorist Governments", said Ghana-USA Press Release published by WWW.KwameforPresident.Com
"The complicity (if any) of the three Star General Smith in Human Rights abuses during the administrations of "Rawlings the Funeral Home Man" must be investigated, said Ghana-USA Representatives.
Ghana-USA Watch also announced that Ghana's Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr. Kofi Poku Manu, may have found himself on White House list of "Suspected State Sponsored Terrorists" and on United Nation's list as an "Agent and Accomplice of Potential Ethnic Cleansers", who are against residents of Ashanti Region --- (whether they are innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Fantes, innocent Dagombas, innocent Hausas, innocent Gas, innocent Akyems, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akuapems, innocent Mamprusis and innocent Sisalas, to mention but a few).
According to a Ghanaian born running for Governor of California, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", unless Ghana's President, His Excellency, John Evans Atta Mills takes immediate actions to end State-Sponsored Terror in the Country, United States Congress, the White House and the United Nations should hold him 100% accountable for presiding over a Terrorist Government.
Regarding Mr. Kofi Poku Manu, the Ashanti Regional Minister allegedly called upon supporters of the ruling President John Evans Atta Mill's government to beat their Political Opponents which is tantamount to inciting Terrorism and inciting Genocide against (all) innocent residents of Kumasi, especially, Asantes.
The United Nation's (U.N.) may also prosecute "Ghana's Minister of Terror" on War Crimes, cautions "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng ("Kwame Mayor"), a Ghanaian born who worked for President Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Meanwhile, the Populist Politician who recently announced on his Campaign Website: WWW. KwameforPresident.Com that he had "taken over NPP" to wrestle power from Rawlings' faction of NDC, and (whose secret NPP's Party Membership dates as far back as 1986 or 1993), wants former President John Agyekum Kufuor to be arrested immediately by the United Nation's Tribunal for working for PNDC's Terrorizing Military government and urging the NPP to be bold enough to expel Kufuor ---(for acting like the "Biblical Judas" and collecting money and a position from Rawlings' PNDC, after the cruel public executions of the brave Okatakyie General Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and others, as well as the brutal murder of the brave General Odartey Wellington).
The Politician pleaded with United States' Joint Congress to place former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings on "Sponsors of Political Terrorism" List if Obama's White House is relunctly dragging its feet, and asked the Pentagon not to rule out military strikes against suspected Terrorist Organizations and targets in Ghana --- citing the example of a Terrorist unit in Ghana whereby a (few) Police Officers, out of many brave and decent Police Officers in Ghana --- allegedly beat a suspect to death or may have allowed a suspect to be beaten by inmates to death.
Under former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government, a (few) Police Men at the Patasi Police Depot held the Great Politician and one time President Barack Obama's Campaign Precinct Captain Hostage, blocked his path with battons and tortured him psychologically, and although the Politician presented pictures of the Terrorist Officers to the then Ashanti Regional Police Commander, Mr. Ayensu and he tried his best to summon his subordinates to appear before him, the (few) Terrorizing Police Officers never appeared and up to now, the (few) Terrorist Police Officers have not faced Justice.
" I want Kufuor, the "Great Judas"; Mpiani - "Kufuor's Frontman in Money Laundering", and Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe"), a notorious Political Terrorist who terrorized my life --to be immediately expelled from (NPP), since NPP is opposed to both corruption and terrorism, said the Great Politician, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah ("Kwame Mayor"), whose Celebrated Uncle, Mr. Joe Appiah was once, a leading member of United Party (U.P.) ---- publicly pleading with Mr. John Ndebugri, a former PNC member who has joined the NPP and Major (Retired) Quashigah as well as former President, Alhaji Mahama; Dan Botwe, Nana Akufo-Addo and Allan Kyeremateng to run for President and democratically challenge him in 2012 on NPP's ticket, and once again, describing some NPP Folks who always fear Rawlings as "Un-Circumcised Cowards" and telling Ghanaians : "You are either on the Democratic side of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Mayor or on the Terrorist side of Jerry John Rawlings".
The "People's Mayor" publicly cautioned Rawlings that if he continues to bully or terrorize the "Old Man, President John Evans Atta Mills", he would be left with no other choice than to ask the entire United States Congress and Senate members, the White House as well as "Democratic Allied Forces", NATO, U.N. and AU/ OAU to rebuke him.
" Rawlings wants the Old Man, President Atta Mills to suffer Heart attack in office by deliberately stressing him out. We will not allow that", said the former Precinct Captain or Campaign Worker for President Barack Obama in 2008 who says the United States is capable of fighting Terrorists anywhere, including Political Terrorists like Rawlings and Kufuor who terrorized him during his Presidency.
Although he helped to free his one time High School Mate at Great Koss --- Stephen Asamoah-Boateng "Asaabe" from BNI hands after he ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) threatened a "People's March" to free him, the Politician described "Asaabe" as a brutal and wicked "Son of Satan" who tried to put him in trouble, and when he served as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Information --- the Ministry and Kufuor's BNI wrote to the U.S. Embassy to inquire whether he was a member of Al-Queda and failed to inform him that the accusation was absolutely false, malicious, politically-motivated and barbaric.
"My own former Classmate, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe") wanted to put me in trouble, yet, ironically, when my other classmate at "Krasec", Yaw Donkoh, current head of the BNI arrested him, I fought hard to free "Asaabe".
"Folks, between Yaw Donkor, head of the BNI who is my Freshman Classmate at "Krasec" in Kete Krachie and former Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe"), my Classmate at "Great Koss", in Konongo, near Kumasi, Ashanti Region, it is ("Asaabe") who did me evil, and so far, I don't have any evidence against Yaw Donkor.
"United States could place Stephen Asamoah-Boateng, a.k.a. ("Asaabe") on a "No Fly List" and "Terrorist List" since he is a notorious Political Terrorist, said the pro-American Politician and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral candidate as well as a former Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.
" And if any Organization or Agency is used for terrorism, the United States will not need anybody's permission to strike at Terrorist strongholds, "America's Mandela" cautioned former President Jerry John Rawlings and former President John Agyekum Kufuor, a hypocrite who terrorized "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor.
In his New Year Message to Ghanaians captioned : "You are either with me or with Rawlings", "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate - turned Candidate for Governor of California who ran on the ticket of CPP in 2004 and 2008 at Nhyiaeso Constituency, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, said that he had "taken over the New Patriotic Party, NPP" in order to wrestle power from Rawlings' faction of the NDC --- describing some members of the NPP as "Chicken and Cowards" for always allowing Rawlings to terrorize them "as if there are no brave men with balls within the NPP, like former President John Agyekum Kufuor, the "Great Judas who collected his Money after the gruelsome executions of the Brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and others".
Cautioning that the White House could classify Jerry John Rawlings' faction of the National Democratic Congress, NDC as a Terrorist Political Organization in Ghana) --- (It should be noted that the NDC faction led by His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills is Democratic than Rawlings' Terrorizing faction) --- after the Capture of Nigerian Terrorist who allegedly purchased his ticket in Accra and U.S. concerns over all forms of Terrorism, including Political and Narcotic Terrorism, the Great Politician, who had earlier, contemplated joining the NDC (to ease Political tension in Ghana and more importantly, to prevent Civil War in the Country), announced that he would pay the Presidential filing fee to run for President of Ghana on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Ghana's 2012 elections --- again, reminding Ghanaians : "You are either on the Democratic side of Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, or on the Terrorist side of Jerry John Rawlings".
Saying that the NPP needs intelligent and brave people like Obetsibey Lamptey, Major (Retired) Quashigah, Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Dr. Nyahoe Tamakloe, John Ndebugri, "Lawyer Sir John", Dan Botwe, Nana Addo Danquah, Alan Kyeremateng, etc, --- (instead of callous, selfish and greedy people like former President Kufuor who acted exactly like Judas and collected his money after the cowardly executions of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, Rear Admiral Joy Amedume, Felli, Odartey Wellington to mention but a few --- and instead of other malicious and greedy people like Stephen Asamoah-Boateng "Asaabe" and Kwadwo Mpiani who pose obstacles to NPP) --- the 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, said that he has set up Exploratory Committee to seek the 2012 Flagbearership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) --- blasting the current NPP Political Leadership of "Political Cowardice" in the face of NDC's provocative harassments, beatings, and intimidations against Civilians which, in the words of the first indigenous African to (symbolically) run for a higher Public office in the history of America, (a one time Precinct Captain / Non-Paid Volunteer for President Barack Obama's 2008 Campaign) --- NDC's actions, if left un-checked, could be tantamount to "State-Sponsored Terrorism".
The "People's Mayor" accused His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills' administration of political vendatta against him, "just because I still continue to condemn Rawlings and Boakye Djan's Human Rights abuses".
"Mills' government obviously does not want me to serve Mother Ghana just as the wicked and malicious former President John Agyekum Kufuor did to me out of Intellectual Cowardice and fear of Genuine Democracy and fear of American style of Freedom of Expression", charged the Ghanaian born U.S. educated, dubbed "America's Mandela" --- the Intellectual Architect of several ideas implemented by former President John Agyekum Kufuor.
"They, NDC Folks don't want me to talk about Human Rights issues and a (few) of the NDC's Security Mafias have allegedly asked some of their insiders not to entertain me and their conspiracy to censor my Political Writings and Democratic as well as Human Rights activism have been exposed internationally", said the Great Politician.
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Royals and War Generals from Bamang, near the famous Kente weaving Town of Bonwire, whose very biological ancestors gallantly led Asante wars against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated on African soil by "Our White British Brothers and Sisters", has assured former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and former President John Agyekum Kufuor who was a one time PNDC Member who callously, selfishly and greedily accepted a position from Rawlings - (suspiciously after Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwah Afrifa and Rear Joy Amedume and others had been unfairly and cowardly executed during Boakye Djan-Rawlings' AFRC days) --- that they have nothing to fear because he, ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) has no plans today, tomorrow or in the near future to put Kufuor and Rawlings on trial, "since vengeance is in the hands of God Almighty, and not in the hands of Man", repeating his usual public admonition that "An Eye for an Eye would make all of us blind and a Tooth for a Tooth would make all of us Toothless".
Returning to his intent to contest for the 2012 NPP Presidential race, the American-trained Ph.D. Student in Political Science at the prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and Alumnus of the equally Prestigious University of Southern California (USC), noted that Politics in Ghana today is shaped not by ideology, but Pro-Rawlings on one side and Anti-Rawlings on the other side.
" I bring into the NPP, Pan-Africanist Flavour " which is missing in the Party, to complement the Party's excellent credentials on the noble ideas and ideals of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty and the protection of Human Rights as well as Civil Rights which are very dear to me !!!, said the first Ghanaian born to (symbolically) run for Mayor of Los Angeles who once upon a time, fearlessly and courageously stood up against a [few] Political Terrorists in the United States of America who put him on un-conscionable and un-American "Political Trial of the Century", but they, (the Political Terrorists) were morally and ethically defeated --- (sincere thanks to the Civilized Democratic government of the United States of America and President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of politically-motivated torture and persecution against the first indigenous African to (symbolically) make a political statement to run for a higher Political office in the history of America - since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776.
Asked why a CPP Activist wants to become NPP's Presidential Candidate, the Politician who marketed himself as the "Intellectual Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah remarked :
"Ghanaians should never forget that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Dr.. J.B. Danquah once worked together within the UGCC".
" I obtained my first NPP Card on or around 1993, " Osagyefo Dr ". Kwame Mayor, who was a young Student Lieutenant of Mr. William Ofori Atta (Paa Willie) during the days of United National Convention (UNC) and who also, was a former Student Member of the People's Movement for Freedom and Justice, revealed to Ghanaians.
" Moreover, Ghanaians should [never] forget that Kufuor's government systematically stole my ideas", said the talented Politician.
" Intellectually, I am the un-disputable architect of several published ideas implemented by former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government, powerful ideas which have tremendously benefited Ghana, (for example : My Platform that called for the "Importation of South Africa's Model of "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" to Ghana --- (which I personally gave to President Kufuor in 2000, in Los Angeles, California in the presence of several Eye-Witnesses), before he (Mr.. Kufuor) became President of Ghana); Erection of Statutes for the Martyred Judges; My registered mail to the office of President John Agyekum Kufuor and published news that called for Voting Rights for Ghanaians living abroad; my public call and published news in for example, Ghana's Daily Graphic that called for Cash Transfer to the Poor to ensure Equity, my public call; registered letter to the office of President John Agyekum Kufuor, as well as published news to revive Dr. Nkrumah's original idea of a Continental African Union Government and to establish a United African States (UAS); my public call and published news to build "State of the Art Presidential Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism like the White House", my public call and published news that urged Ghana to enter into the age of "Civilian Nuclear Power", my public call and published news that called for Annual Yaa Asantewaa Festival to remind Ghanaians of the African struggle against Colonialism and Imperialism, my public call and published news that urged Ghana to recognise her Heroes and Heroines - (which logically prompted Kufuor's administration to institute awards for the "Nation's Heroes and Heroines"), said the "People's Mayor
"NPP may choose to go to the extent of inviting Samia Nkrumah, since her brother is trying to convince CPP members to join NDC", said the Politician who reminded Ghanaians that Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah once worked with the "Big Six", including Dr. J.B. Danquah.
"Folks, as long as Rawlings remains in Ghanaian Politics, the Nation would be divided into two (2) Camps : Anti-Rawlings and Pro-Rawlings or Pro-Democracy vrs. Anti-Democracy or Pro-Human Rights vs. Anti-Human Rights.
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor is a Centrist and die-hard Human Rights Activist and Champion of Democracy as well as Champion of Freedom".
"As a Centrist, Kufuor and Rawlings would have a big role in my future government --- on condition that they behave themselves as Elder Statesmen, and eschew selfishness, greediness, arrogance as well as mischief and "Boom-Boom Speeches", said the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People".
"Once again Folks : You are either on the side of "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor or on the side of Jerry Rawlings", the Politician said.
"Ghana and especially, NPP Folks need brave people like "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, Obetsibey Lamptey, Mr. John Ndebugri, Major (Retired) Quashigah, Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Dr. Nyahoe Tamakloe, "Lawyer Sir John", Mr. Dan Botwe, Nana Addo Danquah and Mr. Alan Kyeremateng, etc to lead NPP
" If you are a member of NPP and you are still afraid of Rawlings, then you are Un-Circumcised", said the Politician who insists, "I have taken over NPP" to challenge the terrorist acts of Rawlings".
Ghanaians have a choice : "You are either on my side or the side of Rawlings", said "Osagyefo Dr" (Ahunabobrem) Kwame Appiah, alias "Kwame Mayor".
Source : Uhuru Times
[EMAIL]: [email protected]
Tsi-Tsi Mashinini
>>> *(Signed for release): "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng "Kwame Mayor"
>>> Telephone (+ 562) 428-3727--- (USA)
>>> * Fax (+ 562) 984-5240 --- (USA)
>>> * Email: [email protected]
>>> * [Website] : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate --- turned 2010 Candidate for Governor of California to succeeed the "Terminator", Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who publicly threatened on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com that he would quit the Governor's race if Ghana's Black Stars lost to Nigeria's Green Eagles, has speculated that President John Evans Atta Mills' Pastor, T.B. Joshua might have predicted Nigeria's defeat in Angola in the hands of Ghana's "Mighty" Black Stars --- describing Mills' claim that the Pastor predicted his Presidential victory in 2008 as a "Presidential 419 Scam".
" Now that "Mighty" Black Stars have defeated Nigeria's Green Eagles, I will not quit the race for Governor of California", said the Ghanaian-American who worked for President Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign.
The 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency had said before the Ghana Vs. Nigerian Soccer Match that he was 100% sure of Black Stars victory as evidenced by his Press Release to Ghana's News Media.
The Politician sarcastically asked President John Evans Atta Mills whom he described as ("Rawlings un-ashamed Poodle") not to prosecute or persecute Black Stars Strikers and "Goal Diggers", Asamoah Gyan and Kwadwo Asamoah for engineering the Golden Goals for Ghana regardless of their Tribe or Ethnicity --- reminding Ghanaians that two Asantes or Akans who discovered Oil for Ghana by forming "EO Group" are now being lynched by avowed Tribalists and Potential Ethnic Cleansers.
" In Today's Ghana, President John Evans Atta Mills is discriminating even against his own People - Fantes and has allowed himself to be used to divide Mother Ghana, instead of building a Pan-Africanist agenda", said the Great Politician who says it is time for Ghanaians to elect a Ga, Ewe, Fante, Dagomba, Frafra, Akuapem, Akyem, Hausa, Sisala, Mamprusi and an Asante or (any) Ghanaian, regardless of their Tribe or Ethnicity to become President of Ghana.
" Asantes have not had any elected President since former President John Agyekum Kufuor is half Asante or 50% Asante, and our brothers and sisters, Ewes have not had an elected President either - arguing that Rawlings, who is half Scottish and half Ghanaian, seized power by force to become Head of State and that does not qualify him as a President, (regardless of the bogus elections he later conducted and stole the People's Will).
Reminded that President John Evans Atta Mills is a Fante, the Politician said it is time for Ghanaians to trace the actual roots of Mills, since Mills is discriminating against Fantes and he is the only President in the history of Ghana to allow himself to be used as a "Rawlings Poodle" and the only President in Ghana to allow himself to be used to divide his Tribe, Ethnicity, Ghana and Mother Africa as a whole.
" Yesterday, the cunning Mills exploited our brothers and sisters who are Ewes to become President".
"Today, he is discriminating against Fantes in terms of Political appointments and thinking only for his selfish interest".
" I thought Kufuor was the only Satan until Mills came to power after threating Ghanaians with Kenya's style of mayhem".
" I thought Kufuor was the only selfish man until Mills took over power", said Kwame Mayor
"Folks, at least, former President Kufuor, the "Great Satan" allowed Free Speech and my criticisms were constantly published in Ghana's News Media and News Websites. In Mills administration, his "Adolf Hitler Security Mafias" are suspected of trying to gag me, the Great Politician alleged.
[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] --- the Politician told Ghanaians around the World that Saddam Hussein's cousin, the so-called "Chemical Ali-Kojo Tsikata" has been hanged in Bagdad, Iraq, for Crimes Against Humanity --- as he pointed to similar Crimes of Humanity perpetuated in Ghana by Major (Retired) Boakye "Devil" Djan, --- alias "D.D"; Flight Lieutenant Jerry John "Re-Incarnation of Devil" Rawlings, Captain (Retired) Chemical Ali - Kojo "Satanic" Tsikata and former PNDC Secretary for Local Government --- former President John "Evil" Agyekum Kufuor.
It should be noted that former Ghana's President, John Agyekum Kufuor served in the brutal PNDC Military regime that killed Ghanaians from all walks of life - whether they were innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Fantes, innocent Gas, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akyems, innocent Dagombas, innocent Sisalas, innocent Dagartis, innocent Sisalas, etc, etc, said a Ghanaian-American running for Governor of California - "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians all over the World as "Kwame Mayor", on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.
"Now the souls of the victims of Major (Retired) Boakye Djan and Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry John Rawlings in Ghana will rest in peace, like the victims of Iraq's Saddam Hussein," a Ghanaian born Politician publicly told American People, the White House, United Nation's Tribunal and the Peace-Loving People of Ghana.
[ IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], Ghana's Three Star General turns "Three Star Terrorist" on American Suspected Terrorist List ?
And "Minister of Terror", Kofi Poku Manu, Ashanti Regional Minister to face United Nation's Tribunal ?
By Tsitsi Mashinini, UHURU
Ghana's Defence Minister, a three-star General J. H. Smith (Rtd) who "terrorized" Daily Searchlight Reporter, Prince Prah, could end up as a "Three Star Terrorist" on America's Suspected Terrorist List, according to Ghana-USA Watch, a Human Rights and Anti-Terror Organization which has publicly brought the attention of the Defence Minister's actions to President Barack Obama; U.S. Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton, White House Officials, the United States Military Command, United States' Congress, and the brave American People as well as the equally brave People of Ghana.
"The United States reserves the right to defend itself by striking at all Terrorist Organizations and Terrorist Governments", said Ghana-USA Press Release published by WWW.KwameforPresident.Com
"The complicity (if any) of the three Star General Smith in Human Rights abuses during the administrations of "Rawlings the Funeral Home Man" must be investigated, said Ghana-USA Representatives.
Ghana-USA Watch also announced that Ghana's Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr. Kofi Poku Manu, may have found himself on White House list of "Suspected State Sponsored Terrorists" and on United Nation's list as an "Agent and Accomplice of Potential Ethnic Cleansers", who are against residents of Ashanti Region --- (whether they are innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Fantes, innocent Dagombas, innocent Hausas, innocent Gas, innocent Akyems, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akuapems, innocent Mamprusis and innocent Sisalas, to mention but a few).
According to a Ghanaian born running for Governor of California, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", unless Ghana's President, His Excellency, John Evans Atta Mills takes immediate actions to end State-Sponsored Terror in the Country, United States Congress, the White House and the United Nations should hold him 100% accountable for presiding over a Terrorist Government.
Regarding Mr. Kofi Poku Manu, the Ashanti Regional Minister allegedly called upon supporters of the ruling President John Evans Atta Mill's government to beat their Political Opponents which is tantamount to inciting Terrorism and inciting Genocide against (all) innocent residents of Kumasi, especially, Asantes.
The United Nation's (U.N.) may also prosecute "Ghana's Minister of Terror" on War Crimes, cautions "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng ("Kwame Mayor"), a Ghanaian born who worked for President Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Meanwhile, the Populist Politician who recently announced on his Campaign Website: WWW. KwameforPresident.Com that he had "taken over NPP" to wrestle power from Rawlings' faction of NDC, and (whose secret NPP's Party Membership dates as far back as 1986 or 1993), wants former President John Agyekum Kufuor to be arrested immediately by the United Nation's Tribunal for working for PNDC's Terrorizing Military government and urging the NPP to be bold enough to expel Kufuor ---(for acting like the "Biblical Judas" and collecting money and a position from Rawlings' PNDC, after the cruel public executions of the brave Okatakyie General Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and others, as well as the brutal murder of the brave General Odartey Wellington).
The Politician pleaded with United States' Joint Congress to place former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings on "Sponsors of Political Terrorism" List if Obama's White House is relunctly dragging its feet, and asked the Pentagon not to rule out military strikes against suspected Terrorist Organizations and targets in Ghana --- citing the example of a Terrorist unit in Ghana whereby a (few) Police Officers, out of many brave and decent Police Officers in Ghana --- allegedly beat a suspect to death or may have allowed a suspect to be beaten by inmates to death.
Under former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government, a (few) Police Men at the Patasi Police Depot held the Great Politician and one time President Barack Obama's Campaign Precinct Captain Hostage, blocked his path with battons and tortured him psychologically, and although the Politician presented pictures of the Terrorist Officers to the then Ashanti Regional Police Commander, Mr. Ayensu and he tried his best to summon his subordinates to appear before him, the (few) Terrorizing Police Officers never appeared and up to now, the (few) Terrorist Police Officers have not faced Justice.
" I want Kufuor, the "Great Judas"; Mpiani - "Kufuor's Frontman in Money Laundering", and Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe"), a notorious Political Terrorist who terrorized my life --to be immediately expelled from (NPP), since NPP is opposed to both corruption and terrorism, said the Great Politician, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah ("Kwame Mayor"), whose Celebrated Uncle, Mr. Joe Appiah was once, a leading member of United Party (U.P.) ---- publicly pleading with Mr. John Ndebugri, a former PNC member who has joined the NPP and Major (Retired) Quashigah as well as former President, Alhaji Mahama; Dan Botwe, Nana Akufo-Addo and Allan Kyeremateng to run for President and democratically challenge him in 2012 on NPP's ticket, and once again, describing some NPP Folks who always fear Rawlings as "Un-Circumcised Cowards" and telling Ghanaians : "You are either on the Democratic side of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Mayor or on the Terrorist side of Jerry John Rawlings".
The "People's Mayor" publicly cautioned Rawlings that if he continues to bully or terrorize the "Old Man, President John Evans Atta Mills", he would be left with no other choice than to ask the entire United States Congress and Senate members, the White House as well as "Democratic Allied Forces", NATO, U.N. and AU/ OAU to rebuke him.
" Rawlings wants the Old Man, President Atta Mills to suffer Heart attack in office by deliberately stressing him out. We will not allow that", said the former Precinct Captain or Campaign Worker for President Barack Obama in 2008 who says the United States is capable of fighting Terrorists anywhere, including Political Terrorists like Rawlings and Kufuor who terrorized him during his Presidency.
Although he helped to free his one time High School Mate at Great Koss --- Stephen Asamoah-Boateng "Asaabe" from BNI hands after he ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) threatened a "People's March" to free him, the Politician described "Asaabe" as a brutal and wicked "Son of Satan" who tried to put him in trouble, and when he served as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Information --- the Ministry and Kufuor's BNI wrote to the U.S. Embassy to inquire whether he was a member of Al-Queda and failed to inform him that the accusation was absolutely false, malicious, politically-motivated and barbaric.
"My own former Classmate, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe") wanted to put me in trouble, yet, ironically, when my other classmate at "Krasec", Yaw Donkoh, current head of the BNI arrested him, I fought hard to free "Asaabe".
"Folks, between Yaw Donkor, head of the BNI who is my Freshman Classmate at "Krasec" in Kete Krachie and former Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe"), my Classmate at "Great Koss", in Konongo, near Kumasi, Ashanti Region, it is ("Asaabe") who did me evil, and so far, I don't have any evidence against Yaw Donkor.
"United States could place Stephen Asamoah-Boateng, a.k.a. ("Asaabe") on a "No Fly List" and "Terrorist List" since he is a notorious Political Terrorist, said the pro-American Politician and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral candidate as well as a former Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.
" And if any Organization or Agency is used for terrorism, the United States will not need anybody's permission to strike at Terrorist strongholds, "America's Mandela" cautioned former President Jerry John Rawlings and former President John Agyekum Kufuor, a hypocrite who terrorized "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor.
In his New Year Message to Ghanaians captioned : "You are either with me or with Rawlings", "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate - turned Candidate for Governor of California who ran on the ticket of CPP in 2004 and 2008 at Nhyiaeso Constituency, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, said that he had "taken over the New Patriotic Party, NPP" in order to wrestle power from Rawlings' faction of the NDC --- describing some members of the NPP as "Chicken and Cowards" for always allowing Rawlings to terrorize them "as if there are no brave men with balls within the NPP, like former President John Agyekum Kufuor, the "Great Judas who collected his Money after the gruelsome executions of the Brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and others".
Cautioning that the White House could classify Jerry John Rawlings' faction of the National Democratic Congress, NDC as a Terrorist Political Organization in Ghana) --- (It should be noted that the NDC faction led by His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills is Democratic than Rawlings' Terrorizing faction) --- after the Capture of Nigerian Terrorist who allegedly purchased his ticket in Accra and U.S. concerns over all forms of Terrorism, including Political and Narcotic Terrorism, the Great Politician, who had earlier, contemplated joining the NDC (to ease Political tension in Ghana and more importantly, to prevent Civil War in the Country), announced that he would pay the Presidential filing fee to run for President of Ghana on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Ghana's 2012 elections --- again, reminding Ghanaians : "You are either on the Democratic side of Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, or on the Terrorist side of Jerry John Rawlings".
Saying that the NPP needs intelligent and brave people like Obetsibey Lamptey, Major (Retired) Quashigah, Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Dr. Nyahoe Tamakloe, John Ndebugri, "Lawyer Sir John", Dan Botwe, Nana Addo Danquah, Alan Kyeremateng, etc, --- (instead of callous, selfish and greedy people like former President Kufuor who acted exactly like Judas and collected his money after the cowardly executions of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, Rear Admiral Joy Amedume, Felli, Odartey Wellington to mention but a few --- and instead of other malicious and greedy people like Stephen Asamoah-Boateng "Asaabe" and Kwadwo Mpiani who pose obstacles to NPP) --- the 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, said that he has set up Exploratory Committee to seek the 2012 Flagbearership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) --- blasting the current NPP Political Leadership of "Political Cowardice" in the face of NDC's provocative harassments, beatings, and intimidations against Civilians which, in the words of the first indigenous African to (symbolically) run for a higher Public office in the history of America, (a one time Precinct Captain / Non-Paid Volunteer for President Barack Obama's 2008 Campaign) --- NDC's actions, if left un-checked, could be tantamount to "State-Sponsored Terrorism".
The "People's Mayor" accused His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills' administration of political vendatta against him, "just because I still continue to condemn Rawlings and Boakye Djan's Human Rights abuses".
"Mills' government obviously does not want me to serve Mother Ghana just as the wicked and malicious former President John Agyekum Kufuor did to me out of Intellectual Cowardice and fear of Genuine Democracy and fear of American style of Freedom of Expression", charged the Ghanaian born U.S. educated, dubbed "America's Mandela" --- the Intellectual Architect of several ideas implemented by former President John Agyekum Kufuor.
"They, NDC Folks don't want me to talk about Human Rights issues and a (few) of the NDC's Security Mafias have allegedly asked some of their insiders not to entertain me and their conspiracy to censor my Political Writings and Democratic as well as Human Rights activism have been exposed internationally", said the Great Politician.
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Royals and War Generals from Bamang, near the famous Kente weaving Town of Bonwire, whose very biological ancestors gallantly led Asante wars against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated on African soil by "Our White British Brothers and Sisters", has assured former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and former President John Agyekum Kufuor who was a one time PNDC Member who callously, selfishly and greedily accepted a position from Rawlings - (suspiciously after Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwah Afrifa and Rear Joy Amedume and others had been unfairly and cowardly executed during Boakye Djan-Rawlings' AFRC days) --- that they have nothing to fear because he, ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) has no plans today, tomorrow or in the near future to put Kufuor and Rawlings on trial, "since vengeance is in the hands of God Almighty, and not in the hands of Man", repeating his usual public admonition that "An Eye for an Eye would make all of us blind and a Tooth for a Tooth would make all of us Toothless".
Returning to his intent to contest for the 2012 NPP Presidential race, the American-trained Ph.D. Student in Political Science at the prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and Alumnus of the equally Prestigious University of Southern California (USC), noted that Politics in Ghana today is shaped not by ideology, but Pro-Rawlings on one side and Anti-Rawlings on the other side.
" I bring into the NPP, Pan-Africanist Flavour " which is missing in the Party, to complement the Party's excellent credentials on the noble ideas and ideals of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty and the protection of Human Rights as well as Civil Rights which are very dear to me !!!, said the first Ghanaian born to (symbolically) run for Mayor of Los Angeles who once upon a time, fearlessly and courageously stood up against a [few] Political Terrorists in the United States of America who put him on un-conscionable and un-American "Political Trial of the Century", but they, (the Political Terrorists) were morally and ethically defeated --- (sincere thanks to the Civilized Democratic government of the United States of America and President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of politically-motivated torture and persecution against the first indigenous African to (symbolically) make a political statement to run for a higher Political office in the history of America - since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776.
Asked why a CPP Activist wants to become NPP's Presidential Candidate, the Politician who marketed himself as the "Intellectual Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah remarked :
"Ghanaians should never forget that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Dr.. J.B. Danquah once worked together within the UGCC".
" I obtained my first NPP Card on or around 1993, " Osagyefo Dr ". Kwame Mayor, who was a young Student Lieutenant of Mr. William Ofori Atta (Paa Willie) during the days of United National Convention (UNC) and who also, was a former Student Member of the People's Movement for Freedom and Justice, revealed to Ghanaians.
" Moreover, Ghanaians should [never] forget that Kufuor's government systematically stole my ideas", said the talented Politician.
" Intellectually, I am the un-disputable architect of several published ideas implemented by former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government, powerful ideas which have tremendously benefited Ghana, (for example : My Platform that called for the "Importation of South Africa's Model of "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" to Ghana --- (which I personally gave to President Kufuor in 2000, in Los Angeles, California in the presence of several Eye-Witnesses), before he (Mr.. Kufuor) became President of Ghana); Erection of Statutes for the Martyred Judges; My registered mail to the office of President John Agyekum Kufuor and published news that called for Voting Rights for Ghanaians living abroad; my public call and published news in for example, Ghana's Daily Graphic that called for Cash Transfer to the Poor to ensure Equity, my public call; registered letter to the office of President John Agyekum Kufuor, as well as published news to revive Dr. Nkrumah's original idea of a Continental African Union Government and to establish a United African States (UAS); my public call and published news to build "State of the Art Presidential Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism like the White House", my public call and published news that urged Ghana to enter into the age of "Civilian Nuclear Power", my public call and published news that called for Annual Yaa Asantewaa Festival to remind Ghanaians of the African struggle against Colonialism and Imperialism, my public call and published news that urged Ghana to recognise her Heroes and Heroines - (which logically prompted Kufuor's administration to institute awards for the "Nation's Heroes and Heroines"), said the "People's Mayor
"NPP may choose to go to the extent of inviting Samia Nkrumah, since her brother is trying to convince CPP members to join NDC", said the Politician who reminded Ghanaians that Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah once worked with the "Big Six", including Dr. J.B. Danquah.
"Folks, as long as Rawlings remains in Ghanaian Politics, the Nation would be divided into two (2) Camps : Anti-Rawlings and Pro-Rawlings or Pro-Democracy vrs. Anti-Democracy or Pro-Human Rights vs. Anti-Human Rights.
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor is a Centrist and die-hard Human Rights Activist and Champion of Democracy as well as Champion of Freedom".
"As a Centrist, Kufuor and Rawlings would have a big role in my future government --- on condition that they behave themselves as Elder Statesmen, and eschew selfishness, greediness, arrogance as well as mischief and "Boom-Boom Speeches", said the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People".
"Once again Folks : You are either on the side of "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor or on the side of Jerry Rawlings", the Politician said.
"Ghana and especially, NPP Folks need brave people like "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, Obetsibey Lamptey, Mr. John Ndebugri, Major (Retired) Quashigah, Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Dr. Nyahoe Tamakloe, "Lawyer Sir John", Mr. Dan Botwe, Nana Addo Danquah and Mr. Alan Kyeremateng, etc to lead NPP
" If you are a member of NPP and you are still afraid of Rawlings, then you are Un-Circumcised", said the Politician who insists, "I have taken over NPP" to challenge the terrorist acts of Rawlings".
Ghanaians have a choice : "You are either on my side or the side of Rawlings", said "Osagyefo Dr" (Ahunabobrem) Kwame Appiah, alias "Kwame Mayor".
Source : Uhuru Times
[EMAIL]: [email protected]
Tsi-Tsi Mashinini
>>> *(Signed for release): "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng "Kwame Mayor"
>>> Telephone (+ 562) 428-3727--- (USA)
>>> * Fax (+ 562) 984-5240 --- (USA)
>>> * Email: [email protected]
>>> * [Website] : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com