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Twens give up girl

Mon, 7 Apr 2008 Source: ghanamusic.com

Luck has not yet shown on Twens as they are yet to be swamped away by a production company. Twens consist of two good childhood friends who see themselves as brothers, Henry and Manual. They have been able to recruit Kwabena Kwabena on the album so far and hope to get VIP, Styl Plus and P Square on board to name a few.

Currently, Twens are in the studio working on their maiden “Asem Ben Nia” which will be released soon. Twens are focusing on dropping two ‘ill’ albums at time which will definitely take over the Ghanaian music industry if it becomes successful.

The tale of Twens is a funny one but in the end it showed what true friendship was. Manuel and Henry were all in love with one girl, what would you reading have done? One had to throw in the white towel for the friendships exist. Read on and grab a copy of the album when it comes out.

“It was something out of the ordinary but due to our strong commitments to our friendship we survived the test and the right one had the chance to go out with the girl”, Manuel said.

Twens who are also graphic designers decided to try their hand as MC’s and entertainers and where back in junior which gave them the green light as they stood tall in a HIV/AIDS rap competition.

Several record labels have showed interest but it’s not still late to grab Twens who are a goldmine if you have them in your camp.

Ghana Music.com:  And how did you guys first come together, how long have you been doing this for?

Twens: We can’t really remember, but we have been best of friends’ way back in basic school. We later discovered each other’s ability of creativity and composition of music. We discovered our abilities not so long after we became friends. Because individually we both had the passion for music from infancy, our friendship only helped us to find confidence in ourselves and also encourage each other in our creativity.

Ghana Music.com: Have you guys been doing demos for a while?

Twens: Talking about demos it goes way back to junior high, when our first demo we recorded won us an award for the best lyrics and composition, it was actually a competition held in our school concerning HIV aids and out of seven different groups from different schools competing we came out the first. This competition actually was what triggered us to look deeper into our musical career.

Ghana Music.com: So what’s up with the album?

Twens: Hmm, concerning our album, we actually describe our album us an artwork ready to be sold out. This we call the Twen album, because we plan to come out with two albums at a time which has never been done in our industry yet.

The name Twens surely speaks and describes two individuals with same values and interest, but ironically our album doesn’t foretell our showbiz name. The twen album consists of twenty tracks, ten on each album. One album defines our values, sense of humor and interest in our native tongue (hip life) and the other album has to do with more of the western culture(R&B/hiphop).

Ghana Music.com: Do you have any groups in mind that you’d like to work with?

Twens: Yeah, it has been our dream to work with some groups that we really admire a lot. We have so much interest in foreign groups such as P Square and Style Plus from Nigeria and also some of our local group like V.I.P but all the same it’s been nice working with Kwabena Kwabena. 

Ghana Music.com: How did you come up with the concept for the song you sent me in my mail?

Twens:  Music is set to teach, advice, educate and also entertain. Twens we believe music is supposed to have an impact on someone’s life or something we personally have experiences. “Asem Ben Nia”,  the title of our first single is a true story which Henry and Manuel (Twens) experienced once upon a time ago. The track speaks about an abnormal passion for a girl we both had a crush on and vice versa. It was something out of the ordinary but due to our strong commitments to our friendship we survived the test and the right one had the chance to go out with the girl.

Ghana Music.com: And are you working on a full- length album as well?

Twens: Talking about working on our album we are already prepared to whatever  challenge. All our music had been already written and composed for an album. Currently we can boast of over eighty tracks which in other words can last for eight albums. We just keep on written because you’ll never know when the ink gets finished.

Ghana Music.com: Do you have a title for it yet?

Twens: No.

Ghana Music.com: When you were recording your album, I mean when putting everything together, do you think you have hits on your hands?

Twens: Why not, we are always sure of writing a hit because we believe that if you are talented you always bring out its best.

Ghana Music.com:  Is it hard to balance getting your career popping off, promoting the music and still going to school full time or working too?

Twens:  To us music is our career. Any other thing is part-time. We are certified graphic designers but plan to do that on a part-time. We love music so we can’t make music a part-time thing.

Ghana Music.com: I have heard your song, which is dope, but that’s all I’ve heard off it. What’s going on with it or the whole album in general?

Twens: What you listened to was just a shadow of our image. We are just a group of surprising youngsters. We enjoy to thrill our fans with something they least expect or yet still dream of.

Ghana Music.com:  Do you feel like hiplife in general is in a good place, or do you feel like its more problematic now than it used to be, or a little bit of both or what?

Twens:  We love hip life and in our own very eyes, we think hip life has got to a  point where creativity and innovation are of high demand. The problem with hip life, we will say is the payola and the bootleggers. Apart from that we think hip life is doing just fine.

Ghana Music.com:  So where would you like to see yourself, let’s say, one year from now?

Twens: We hope to see ourselves where God wants us to be. And we know his thoughts for us are of good and not evil, so we think by a year’s time, Twens should be standing in the live stage of (BET) being awarded the best international artist.

Ghana Music.com:  So, what would you like to say to all the people out there that isn’t up on you yet or maybe they just heard your song like you sent to my mail but that’s all they know about you?

Twens: To anyone interested in Twens music we just want to say you have to be patient to know what we’re about. We always compose with you (fans) in mind. So whatever we do is something they can snap their fingers and shake your goodies to.

Ghana Music.com:  So is there anything that you want to say to all the fans out there that’s going to be checking this article out?

Twens:  They should watch out. 

Source: ghanamusic.com