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Where is Wanlov The Kubolor?

Sat, 27 Oct 2007 Source: ghanamusic.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">ghanamusic.com

WanlovFor the past three weeks a kubolor known as Wanlov from Ghana has been on the East Coast of America trying to get back home to Accra, Ghana.

In case you haven’t heard of this famous kubolor let us give you a brief rundown. Wanlov The Kubolor came to the states in January 2000 after finishing Adisco in 1997. Wanlov lived in Texas from 2000-2003 then bounced between Mississippi & New York doing shows & recording till he was ready to move back to Ghana for good in December 2005.

That was when he got a call from his wife, then just a friend at the time, saying she was pregnant by him. So Wanlov decided to go & stay with her in Los Angeles till the child was born, then move to Ghana.

In the last 2 years he has made quiet a name for himself with songs such as “Human Being” & “Never Die” which have won international awards. Wanlov has also won the hearts of his fellow Ghanaians with his song about Ghana called “In Ghana” that is all over youtube and was used on German radio and hiphop shows during the 2006 World Cup. One of his greatest dreams came to pass when he met and recorded with the great Gyedu-Blay Ambolley.

Now that Wanlov’s son is almost 2 yrs old, his album “Green Card” is ready, and his name is the talk of the African diaspora as well as the entertainment community in Ghana, the time is ripe for the kubolor to head back home.

However it seems some forces are trying to keep him in the US. The day after Wanlov’s “GREEN CARD” release & going away party in New York supported by M.anifest (he had one the day before in Los Angeles supported by Mensa) Wanlov was to fly out to Ghana from JFK but upon re-checking his Ghanaian passport he noticed it had just expired so he couldn’t travel until it was renewed. This set Wanlov back at least a week to the dismay of his family, friends, fans, & bosses @ Pidgen Music.

After the passport was taken care of, Wanlov set several arrival dates which were all missed because he had to take care of some paperwork for his wife to get his son a passport so they can come to Ghana. Once Wanlov leaves the U.S he might not be able to return for a long time since he has decided to not do his green card.

But Wanlov does not want to wait 2 more years in the states for the application to go through.

Wanlov The Kubolor will be touring the whole of Ghana this December with Scooby Selah of TH4KWAGES (Am Aware) who is also promoting his first solo album, Wanlov is also working on a full length Hiplife movie musical with Mensa that will be shot in Ghana this late this year and early next year. It will be featuring other artistes, actors, and personalities. Wanlov will also be performing at the Bavubuka Hiphop Festival in Kampala, Uganda this December.

So Ghana ‘manfuor Wanlov The Kubolor is coming soon with “GREEN CARD” for everybody so get your susu ready! There will be a big release party in Ghana around New Years Eve, but if you can’t wait till then, then get yor copy from www.Wanlov.com, cdbaby.com or iTunes.

Source: ghanamusic.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">ghanamusic.com