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Four Police Constables plead not guilty over bullion van robberies

Courtgavel 1.png The four are facing two charges of attempt to commit a crime

Tue, 5 Apr 2022 Source:

The four Police Constable who was arraigned for their role in the Bullion Van robberies has pleaded not guilty to charges.

The four are facing two charges of attempt to commit a crime to wit; robbery and Abetment, together with a civilian said to be a scrap dealer.

They are Constable Yaro Afisu Ibrahim, (A2), Constable Albert Ofosu, (A2), Constable Richard Boadu, (A3), and Constable Rabiu Jambedu, (A4).

Three others James, Omor Ninja, and Philip all said to be at large were mentioned in the amended Charge Sheet.

One other, Razak Alhassan alias Zak,(A5), who is said to be a scrap dealer was discharged after the prosecution claims there was no evidence to link him to the crime.

In court on Tuesday, 2022, while making their third appearance, the prosecution withdrew the old Charge sheet and replaced it with an amended one.

They were subsequently remanded into police custody by the court presided over by Her Honour Mrs. Patricia Amponsah.

This was after lawyers of all the four accused persons have prayed for their clients to be admitted to bail but the prosecution led by DSP Sylvester Asare opposed the bail.

Amended Charge Sheet

The brief facts of the case as presented to the court by DSP Asare were that the first to fourth Accused persons are Police officers.

Whilst the fifth accused person is a scrap dealer.

According to him, sometime in the year 2021, the Ghana Police Service Administration recorded a series of street robberies as well as attacks on bullion vans.

DSP Asare told the court that, the Service mounted surveillance on the suspected robbers undertaking these unlawful activities within the capital.

He said on February 22, 2022, the Police received a report that some armed had attacked a bullion van with Registration number GN 424-14 at North Kaneshie, a suburb of Accra.

The prosecutor said, upon receipt of the complaint Police commenced an investigation into the alleged robbery and the Police investigations led to the arrest of Constable Reindolph Gyimah Ansah alias Pablo and Lance Corporal Stephen Nyame [both deceased.

He said further investigation led to the arrest of the accused persons herein. During interrogation, deceased officers admitted taking part in the failed robbery attack on the Bullion Van and mentioned the accused persons herein and others at large as their accomplices.

According to him, a preliminary investigation has disclosed that the accused persons herein were friends and recruits mates at the Police Training School.

Coincidentally, he said, the accused persons including the deceased officers after their basic training were posted to the National SWAT Unit, Police Headquarters.


DSP Asare said the accused persons when posted to the National SWAT Unit underwent various tactical and specialized weapon training to equip them for the function of the SWAT Unit which includes escort and protection of Bullion Vans.


He further told the court that, the further investigation had it that sometime in February 2022, accused persons including their deceased colleagues and those at large agreed to attack and rob Bullion Van with Registration number GN 424-14.

He said, that pursuant to their agreement, the accused persons on 22nd February 2021, unsuccessfully attacked Bullion Van with registration number GN 424-14 at North Kaneshie Industrial Area.

DSP Asare said, the accused persons armed with AK 47 assault rifles and in their quest to rob the occupants of the Van, fired several shots in the pullet proof bullion van belonging to the Mon-Tran Ghana Ltd.

“Further investigations also had it that accused persons used two Royal motorbikes during the attack.

“It has been established that A4 and one other at large were those who ride the two Royal motorbikes on that faithful day.

However, the strikers who sat behind the riders and did the firing during the robbery attack were A2 and A1 and a preliminary investigation has revealed thatA3 role during the operation used another motorbike perambulated around the scene to monitor/ or spy to ensure the way and scene is cleared for his accomplices to strike.

“Although the accused persons had admitted some and denied some of the robberies that occurred during the period of February 2021 to February 2022, there enough evidence on record to the effect that accused persons herein together with their accomplices agreed to attack rob Bullion Vans.

“Police investigation continues, as strenuous efforts are being made to apprehend the other accomplices.”

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